



  • 書名:文化透視英語教程3
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 頁數:412頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 作者:何其莘 童明
  • 出版日期:2006年5月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787560053325, 7560053327
  • 外文名:English through Culture





何其莘,1986年獲美國肯特州立大學英美文學博士,現任北京外國語大學副校長、教授、博士生導師;全國高校外語專業教學指導委員會副主任、兼英語組組長,全國英國文學學會會長。著有《英國文藝復興時期文學史》(與王佐良合著)、《英國戲劇史》,編著《英國文學選集》、《英國戲劇選讀》、《新概念英語》(新版,與亞歷山大合作)和大學英語專業教材Listen to This等。


Unit 1 Being Ethnic in the U.S.
Colsw Reading None of This Is Fair
Further Reading I.Growing Up Asian in America
II.Cultural Baggage
Listening How It Feels to Be Colored Me
Writing Why Blacks Need Affirmative Action
Unit 2 Language and Society
Colse Reading If Black English Isn't Language,Then Tell Me,What Is?
Further Reading I.Softening the Stories for Chidren
II.To the Victor Belongs the Language
Listening English a Crazy Laguage
Writhing Fairy Tales and Modern Stories
Unit 3 Gun Control in Debate
Unit 4 Television and Violence
Unit 5 Gender and Sexuality
Unit 6 Imaging Beauty
Unit 7 Cyber-space: The New Frontier
Unit 8 Sex Education
Unit 9 The Entertainment Business
Unit 10 The Divorce Debate
Unit 11 Leisure and Pastime
Unit 12 How Free Should Media Be
Unit 13 Racial Discrimination and Its Manifestations
Unit 14 Man in Nature
Unit 15 Family Values
Unit 16 Trashing the Planet




I had had no idea what it meant to buy this kind of land and make it grow green. or how, when the war came, there was no space at all for the subtlety of being who we were-Japanese-Americans. Either/or was the way.I hadn‘t understood that people were literally afraid for their lives then, that their money had been frozen in banks; that there was a five-mile travel limit; that when the early evening curfew came and they were inside their houses, some of them watched helplessly as people they knew went into their barns to steal their belongings. The police were patrolling the road, interested only in violators of curfew. There was no help for them in the face of thievery. I had not been able to imagine before what it must have felt like to be an American-to know absolutely that one is an American-and yet to have almost everyone else deny it. Not only deny it, but challenge that identity with machine guns and troops of white American soldiers. In those circumstances it was difficult to say, “ I’m a Japanese-American.” “American” had to do.
But now I can say that. I am a Japanese-American. It means I have a place here in this country, too. I have a place here on the East Coast, where our neighbor is so much a part of our family that my mother never passes her house at night without glancing at the lights to see if she is home and safe; where my parents have hauled hundreds of pounds of rocks from fields and arduously planted Christmas trees and blueberries, lilacs, asparagus, and crab apples;where my father still dreams of angling a stream to a new bed so that he can dig a pond in the field and fill it with water and fish. “The neighbors already came for their Christmas tree?” he asks inDecember. “Did they like it? Did they like it?”
I have a place on the West Coast where my relatives still farm, where I heard the stories of feuds and backbiting, and where I saw that people survived and flourished because fundamentally they trusted and relied upon one another. A death in the family is not just a death in a family; it is a death in the community. I saw people help each other with money, materials, labor, attention, and time. I saw men gather once a year, without fail, to clean the grounds of a ninety-year-old woman who had helped the community before, during, and after the war. I saw her remembering them with birthday cards sent to each of their children.


Unit 1 Being Ethnic in the U.S.
Close Reading None of This Is Fair
Further Reading I. Growing Up Asian in America
II. Cultural Baggage
Listening How It Feels to Be Colored Me
Writing Why Blacks Need Affirmative Action

Unit 2 Language and Society
Close Reading If Black English Isn't a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?
Further Reading I. Softening the Stories for Children
II. To the Victor Belongs the Language
Listening English Is a Crazy Language
Writing Fairy. Tales and Modern Stories

Unit 3 Gun Control in Debate
Close Reading Just Take Away Their Guns
Further Reading I. Why Handguns Must Be Outlawed
II. The Case for Firearms
Listening More Guns, Less Crime?
Writing Guns in the Courtroom

Unit 4 Television and Violence
Close Reading TV Violence. Does It Cause Real-life Mayhem?
Further Reading I. When Television Is a School for Criminals
II. The Effects of Television on Family Life
Listening Dating
Writing Crack and the Box

Unit 5 Gender and Sexuality
Close Reading Between the Sexes, a Great Divide
Further Reading I. Why Are Women This Miserable?
II. I'd Rather Be Black than Female
Listening Thank Heaven for Little Boys
Writing Sex in the Movies

Unit 6 imaging Beauty
Close Reading Clothing as a Sign System (Part I)
Further Reading I. Clothing as a Sign System (Part II)
II. The Ugly Truth About Beauty
Listening Body Imperfect
Writing Venus Envy

Unit 7 Cyber-space. The New Frontier
Close Reading The Tales They Tell in Cyber-space
Further Reading
I. Men, Women, and Computers
II. Don't Look Back
Listening California Report Cautious on "E-voting"
Writing Rising Internet Use

Unit 8 Sex Education
Close Reading Condoms:The New Diploma
Further Reading
I. The War on embarrassment
II. A Pyrrhic victory
Listening The Secret Struggle Toward Womanhood
Writing Third Base:Identity

Unit 9 The Entertainment Business
Close Reading Hollywood Poison Factory
Further Reading
I. Tough Talk on Entertainment
II. Today's Pop Stars Hurt by Too Much Publicity?
Listening Rock and Roll Music and Political and Social Changes
Writing Mickey Mouse

Unit 10 The Divorce Debate
Close Reading The Perfect Family
Further Reading I. Splitting Up
II. Why Marriages Fail
Listening The Good Marriage
Writing The Divorce Debate in the New York Times

Unit 11 Leisure and Pastime
Close Reading Dostoyevsky and a Decaf
Further Reading I. A Diarist on Diarists
II. Living with My VCR
Listening What to Listen for in Music
Writing Night Life on the Reef: Looking at Nighttime Fish Habits

Unit 12 How Free Should Media Be
Close Reading Let's Put Pornography Back in the Closet
Further Reading I. Hate Radio
II. TV, Freedom, and the Loss of Community
Listening The End of Admiration: The Media and the Loss of Heroes
Writing Soaps, Cynicism, and Mind Control

Unit 13 Racial Discrimination and Its Manifestations
Close Reading The Recoloring of Campus Life
Further Reading I. Blacks Cannot Escape Segregation
II. Watching the Miss America Pageant
Listening The Lesson
Writing Colorblind

Unit 14 Man in Nature
Close Reading Learning to See
Further Reading I. Listening to the Air
II. The Last of the Wild Salmon
Listening The Survival of the City in Our Time
Writing The Death of a Moth

Unit 15 Family Values
Close Reading Myths of Family Past
Further Reading I. The Coming White Underclass
II. Family Album
Listening The Family Legacy
Writing Sex in a Marriage

Unit 16 Trashing the Planet
Close Reading The Greenhouse Blues
Further Reading I. Trashing the Planet?
II. DDT,Science ,and Public Policy
Listening Out,Damn Naturalists
Writing A Review of Trashing the Planet(I)


本書《文化透視英語教程》(English Through Culture)為中美專家合作編寫,是一套縝密切入英美文化各個層面、培養英語運用能力的有機教程,不僅適用於高校英語專業學生,也適用於已通過大學英語四級考試的非英語專業學生和有一定英語基礎、準備出國深造的英語學習者。


