



  • 中文名:文化人類學概論:跨文化交流教程
  • 作者:雷靜,李淑靜,饒玉芳
  • 出版時間:2020年12月
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302569084
  • 類別:公共課教材
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂




Chapter 1 Introduction: What Is Anthropology?1
2 Physical/Biological Anthropology3
4 Linguistic Anthropology5
5 Cultural Anthropology6
6Conclusion7 Chapter 2 What Is Culture?11
2 Main Features of Culture13
3 Cultural Transmission (Enculturation)14
4 Cultural Changes15
5 Cultural Universals vs Cultural Differences 16
Chapter 3 Understanding and Explaining Culture23
2 Nineteenth-Century Evolutionism25
3 Boasian Anthropology26
4 French Sociology & British Functionalism27
5 Materialist Approaches28
6 Structuralism & Cognitive Anthropology29
7 Recent Theories30
8 Conclusion31 Chapter 4 Methods of Cultural Anthropology37
1 Introduction38
2 Ethnography in a Historical Perspective 39
3 Stages of Field Research40
4 Data Collection Techniques41
5 Conclusion43 Chapter 5 Language and Communication49
1 Introduction50
2 Uniqueness of Human Language50
3 Origin and History of Language51
4 Language and Cognition53
5 Major Fields of Structural Linguistics54
6 Other Branches of Linguistics55
7 Sociolinguistics56
8 Non-Verbal Communication58
9 Conclusion59 Chapter 6 Subsistence Strategies63
1 Introduction64
2 Foraging65
3 Horticulture67
4 Pastoralism68
5 Intensive Agriculture70
6 Industrialized Agriculture71
7 Conclusion73 Chapter 7 Economic Systems 77
1 Introduction78
2 Modes of Production79
3 Modes of Distribution81
4 Modes of Consumption85
5 Conclusion87 Chapter 8 Marriage and the Family91
1 Introduction92
2 Marriage: An Overview93
3 Marriage Rules94
4 Marriage and Economic Exchange98
5 Forms of the Family99
6 Residence Patterns99
7 Conclusion100 Chapter 9 Kinship System105
1 Introduction106
2 Descent Groups107
3 Unilineal Descent Groups107
4 Cognatic (Non-Unilineal) Descent Groups112
5 Kinship Classification113
6 Conclusion115
Chapter 10 Sex and Gender121
1 Introduction122
2 Alternative Sex/Gender123
3 Human Sexuality124
4 Rites of Passage127
5 Gender Roles128
6 Is Male Dominance Universal?129
7 Consequences of Gender Stratification129
8 Conclusion130 Chapter 11 Social Stratification135
1 Introduction136
2 Types of Societies137
3 Stratified Societies137
4 Race, Racism & Ethnicity142
5 Patterns of Ethnic Relations143
6 Conclusion145
Chapter 12 Political Life149
1 Introduction150
2 Uncentralized Political Organizations151
3 Centralized Political Organizations151
4 Social Control153
5 Conclusion159
Chapter 13 Religion and Magic163
1 Introduction164
2 Functions of Religion165
3 Development of Religion166
4 Magic166
5 Other Practices167
6 Types of Religious Organizations168
7 Conclusion171
Chapter 14 The Arts177
1 Introduction178
2 Visual Arts179
3 Verbal Arts180
4 Performing Arts181
5 Popular Culture182
6 Conclusion184
Chapter 15 Health and Illness189
1 Introduction190
2 Defining Health Problems191
3 A Health System192
4 Three Theoretical Approaches198
5 Global Health Issues199
6 Conclusion200
Chapter 16 Applied Anthropology205
1 Introduction206
2 Traditional Applied Anthropology207
3 Applied Cultural Anthropology209
4 Three Theoretical Approaches to Globalization and International Development211
5 Challenges of Globalization213
6 Conclusion214


現任紐約州立大學 Oswego 分校 (State University of New York – Oswego) 人類學系系副教授。在美國長期從事人類語言學和文化人類學的研究工作,在國際雜誌及刊物上發表多篇論文; 現擔任《考古學及人類學雜誌》主編;擔任《語言人類學》及《跨文化語用學》等國際權威雜誌審稿人;擔任紐約州華人專家學者聯合會副秘書長;是美國人類學協會、美國語言學協會、亞州研究協會會員。


