中文名稱:教宗若望·保祿二世前傳 英文名稱:Karol, un uomo diventato Papa (2005) 資源類型:DVDRip 發行時間:2005年 電影導演:Giacomo Battiato 電影演員:Piotr Adamczyk - Karol Wojtyła Małgorzata Bela - Hania Raoul Bova- Priest Tomasz Zaleski Matt Craven - Hans Frank Ken Duken - Adam Zieliński Ennio Fantastichini - Nowak Olgierd Łukaszewicz - Karol's father Lech Mackiewicz - Stefan Wyszyński Radosław Pazura - Paweł Violante Placido - Maria Pomorska Grażyna Szapołowska - Brigitte Frank 地區:法國,義大利,加拿大,德國 語言:波蘭語
片 名:Karol, un uomo diventato Papa 導 演:Giacomo Battiato 作 者:Giacomo Battiato(screenplay),Gianfranco Svidercoschi (book) 攝 影:GIOVANNI MAMMOLOTTI 音 樂:ENNIO MORRICONE 演 員:Piotr Adamczyk - Karol Wojtyła Małgorzata Bela - Hania Raoul Bova - Priest Tomasz Zaleski Matt Craven - Hans Frank Ken Duken - Adam Zieliński Ennio Fantastichini - Nowak Olgierd Łukaszewicz - Karol's father Lech Mackiewicz - Stefan Wyszyński Radosław Pazura - Paweł Violante Placido - Maria Pomorska Grażyna Szapołowska - Brigitte Frank 上 映:2005.08.15(USA) 對 白:波蘭 語 言:波蘭 顏 色:彩色 片 長:186 Min 分 級:阿根廷: Atp /新加坡: PG /巴西: 16 注 備:描寫時代,若望·保祿二世
男主角亞當斯札克主要是參與劇院演出,除了今次飾演教宗之外,他也飾演過十九世紀聞名於世的音樂家蕭邦。他表示相比之下,演繹羅馬教宗時好像有更大的責任感. -STORY- The true story of Karol Wojtyla, cover his life from his youth in Poland during Nazi occupation, than communist Poland, to his assumption of the papacy in 1978 as the first non-Italian Pope since Hadrian VI, nearly five centuries earlier. It is the year 1939. The German troops have invaded Poland. Karol, a student of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, witnesses the arrest of his professors and the brutal breaking of human rights by Germans. He decides not to become a soldier but rather to devote his life to saving the spiritual heritage of his nation. He loses people close to him: his father and his friends. He is trying to prove the existence of human and religious values in the world affected by evil. He becomes a priest…
This film depicts a future pope as a charismatic man sensitive to human suffering.
The shooting started at the end of the life of John Paul II, but the film had its premiere after the pope’s death.