- 中文名:捷克伯斯卡若樂斯霍斯曼斯
- 國籍:比利時
- 出生地:1776年12月14日
- 職業:畫家
The artist was born on Dec.14, 1776 in the city of Breda in Belgium.

His first lessons in painting he received from the artist Jan Frederiks, who
mainly focused onflower-painting.In1789 he visited a private drawing-school for talented artists
and became memeber of the artist academy in Antwerp, Belgium. In 1825 he focused
mainly on landscape painting on farmland with animals and daily people life.
He very successfully sold his paintings outside neighbour countries.
In 1837 he had to quite painting because of complete blindness of his eyes.
22 years laster he died near his hometown of Breda.
Literature: Thieme-Becker,1999, Volume 17/18, page 204
畫家姓名: Jacobus Carolus Huysmans
捷克伯斯 卡若樂斯 霍斯曼斯
畫家國籍: Belgium 比利時
畫家年代: 1776-1859
畫作名稱: Landscape with Farmhouse and a cow
畫作規格:oil on panel. 32 x 42 cm
木版畫 32x42厘米