托尼卡蒂教授(Prof. Anthony Carty, 又譯為安東尼卡蒂)是著名的國際法學者,目前供職於香港大學 (The University of Hong Kong)法學院,擔任包玉剛爵士公法講座教授 (Sir Y K Pao Chair of Public Law),同時擔任英國艾伯丁(The University of Aberdeen)大學法學院國際公法教授。
托尼卡蒂教授出生於愛爾蘭,後主要求學於英國,曾就讀於英國女皇貝爾法斯特大學(Queen's University Belfast),倫敦大學學院(University College London,簡稱UCL)和英國劍橋大學(Cambrige University),1973年於英國劍橋大學獲得博士學位。
2003-2005年,授執教於英國威斯敏斯特大學 (The University of Westminster);
1994-2003年,執教於英國德比大學 (The University of Derby)
此外,還曾在馬克斯普朗克歐洲法律史研究所 ( Max Planck Institute for European Legal History),日本東京大學 (The University of Tokyo), 馬德里自治大學 (The Autonomous University of Madrid)等大學擔任訪問教授。
除擔任教職外,托尼卡蒂教授受邀擔任很多學術職務。包括擔任Oxford Bibliography of International Law總主編;擔任Journal of the History of International Law主編;the Academy of Finland’s Panel for Centres of International Excellence成員等。
學術方面,托尼卡蒂教授的興趣主要集中於國際法理論、國際法哲學和國際法史等。自2009年開始,托尼卡蒂教授的學術興趣轉向中國,其“中國與國際法”項目獲得香港研究資助局(Hong Kong Research Grant Council)200萬港幣的研究資助,主要研究晚清中國對於西方國際法的認識演變以及對現在的影響。與此同時,托尼卡蒂教授成功從荷蘭皇家學院 (Netherland's Royal Academy) 獲得申請舉辦名為“Morality and Responsibility of Rulers, Early Modern European and Chinese Origins of a Rule of Law for World Order”的會議,目前牛津大學出版社 (Oxford University Press) 已同意出版此次會議文章。
著作及文章 (部分):
Carty Philosophy of International Law, pp. xi, 255, E.U.P, 2007;
Carty The Evolution of International Legal Scholarship in Germany 1871-1933, pp. 29-90, German Yearbook of International Law Vol. 50 2007.
Carty The Play of Medieval Ghosts and Renaissance Demons in European International Law, in Universality and Continuity in International Law , Marauhn, Steiger (editors) Eleven Publishing, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2011, pp.61-85;
Carty, The Practice of International Law in Handbook of International Law, editor Armstrong, Routledge, (2009) pp. 81- 100;
Carty and F Lone Some New Haven International law Reflections on China, India and Their Various Territorial Disputes, Asian Pacific Law Review,vol.19 2011, pp.93-111.
評論文章 (部分):
Carty, Visions of the past of international society: law, history or politics?, Modern Law Review, 69(4), pp.644-660, 2006.
Carty, The Corfu Channel Case and the Missing Admiralty Orders, The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, Vol 3 (2004) pp 1-35
Carty, "The Japanese Seizure of Korea from the Perspective of the United Kingdom National Archive, 1904-1910", Asian Yearbook of International Law, Vol.10, No.1, 2002/2003
Carty and Smith, Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and the World Crisis: A Legal Adviser in the Foreign Office 1932-1945, Kluwer (2000)
Carty, State and Nation in the International Tradition, in M. Stolleis and M. Yanagihara, East Asian and European Perspectives in the History of International Law, Nomos Verlag, 2004 pp 215-242