



  • 軟體名稱:我拆卸精簡版
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:5.58MB
  • 運行環境:iOS3.0及以上
這LITE版本的iDemolished來擠滿了35幢和6種炸藥的磨鍊你的拆遷技能!現在您可以下載世界各地的用戶創建和打擊位的建築! 放置炸藥和手錶建築物被毀。建築使用6種不同的炸藥和重力的基礎上如何你把你的iPhone或iPod。 要創建自己的建築嗎?你可以做到這一點!用你的想像力和建築物所包含的編輯器來掌握自己的災難。 使用兩指縮放和觸摸攝像頭控制環顧四周,放大拆遷問題領域。選擇您放置的炸藥和個別設定時間延遲或刪除它們。 產品特點: 建築物下崩潰的物理定律 傾斜你的設備的影響重力的方向! 創建和上傳自己的建築物,或玩建築物其他人創建的。 35樓拆除,更何況世界各地的用戶創造了無數的建築物! 即時回放。 高分記錄的線上建築物中。 6種不同的範圍TNT的強大Octanitrocubane的炸藥。 建築編輯器:創建你自己的混亂,與無限數量的建築! 調整時間延遲,在任何爆炸性您將。 7種不同類型的梁每個都有自己的獨特屬性。 放大和縮小,以精確地放置或選擇您的炸藥。 在拆遷平移和縮放你的看法。 賺取銅/銀/枚金牌的基礎上拆遷獎金。 播放隨機建築物的難度(易,中,硬)。只需3次點擊即可開始遊戲!This LITE version of iDemolished comes packed with 35 buildings and 6 types of explosives for honing your demolition skills! Now you can download buildings users all around the world have created and blow them to bits! Place explosives and watch buildings crumble! Demolish buildings using 6 different explosives and gravity based on how you hold your iPhone or iPod. Want to create your own buildings You can do that too! Use your imagination and the included building editor to master your own disasters. Use pinch-zoom and touch camera controls to look around and zoom-in on problem demolition areas. Select explosives you have placed and individually set a time delay or remove them. Features: Buildings crumble under the laws of physics Tilt your device to influence the direction of gravity! Create and upload your own buildings, or play buildings others have created. 35 building to demolish, not to mention the countless buildings created by users all around the world! Instant replay. High scores logged for online buildings. 6 different explosives ranging from TNT to the powerful Octanitrocubane. Building editor: Create your own chaos, with a limitless number of buildings! Adjust time delays on any explosive you place. 7 different types of beams each with their own unique attributes. Zoom-in and zoom-out to accurately place or select your explosives. Pan and zoom your view during demolition. Earn bronze/silver/gold medals based on demolition bonuses. Play random buildings based on difficulty (easy, medium, hard). Just 3 clicks to start the game!


