

《愛樂紐約》是Anouck Lepere / Austyn Gillette / Josh Harmony主演的一部微電影,導演是Aaron Rose / André Saraiva。


  • 中文名:愛樂紐約
  • 類型:短片,音樂
  • 製片地區:法國,美國
  • 導演:Aaron Rose/André Saraiva
  • 主演:Anouck Lepere、Austyn Gillette、Josh Harmony
  • 片長:5分20秒
  • 上映時間:2013年9月25日
  • 對白語言:英語
  • imdb編碼:tt3670170
"Paramount Studios is fantastical by nature," says artist and filmmaker Aaron Rose of the faux New York City streets and sun-baked Los Angeles location of today's cinematic fashion short. Sweeping through the vacant lot, Rose and his co-director, L'Officiel Hommes editor André Saraiva shot a dreamlike portrait of professional skateboarders Jerry Hsu, Austyn Gillette, and Josh Harmony, besuited in Dior Homme, Saint Laurent, and Prada. Set to the epic pop of Duran Duran's "The Chauffeur," the slow-motion skaters are confronted by a trio of models in lace lingerie led by Belgian beauty Anouck Lepere, in a touch that echoes the band's 1980s videos. "It is his bicoastal perspective which started the idea for the film," explains Saraiva of Rose's past as founder of downtown New York institution Alleged Gallery, that is juxtaposed with his recent experience as a West Coast-dwelling artist. "We share a similar evolutionary process as creators, so it was natural to work together," says Rose of... Written by Nowness
滑板玩家們在Aaron Rose和André Saraiva聯手打造的短片《New York La La La》中暢遊街頭,極其煽情的歌聲中擦身而過的性感女郎似乎開始勾起了觀眾的好奇心,殊不知一場穿越時間的致敬由此展開……
迷離的音樂在短片的伊始就鑽進耳朵里,女郎與滑板玩家一齊映入眼帘,緩慢的、移動的鏡頭產生迷離的韻律和動感。《The Chauffeur》這首歌來自80年代紅遍大西洋兩岸的超級樂團Duran Duran,團名取自Roger Vadim當年的暢銷科幻小說《Barbarella》,不同於那個年代的其他樂隊,以融合朋克和迪斯科的流行搖滾在當時的樂壇叱吒風雲。
片中的時髦女郎穿著蕾絲性感內衣穿梭於城市中,這讓人驚呼——這一幕在向Duran Duran的《The Chauffeur》音樂錄影帶致敬;而在“紐約街頭”與分別穿著Dior Homme、Saint Laurent與Prada的滑板玩家迎面而來的那一刻,似乎是一場穿越時間的相遇,80年代的摩登與當季的時裝都交匯與此刻。而此刻,正在紐約這座城中成為時尚的律動,聲聲入魂。
對於滑板玩家來說片中三位滑手:Jerry Hsu(徐傑瑞)、Austyn Gillette以及Josh Harmony並不陌生,特別是被亞洲人熟知的美國華裔徐傑瑞8歲起就練習滑板,天賦秉異又擅長攝影,似乎他們的人生注定有一大部分時間要花費在滑板和街頭。


