- 書名:情牽虹口
- 作者:馮金生
- 出版社:上海交通大學出版社
- 出版時間:2015年9月
- 頁數:237 頁
- 定價:48 元
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9787313136749
“自由戰士”傅萊 深深眷戀中國
Soldier of Freedom ― Frey's Deep Connection with China
猶太難民羅生特 新四軍中白求恩
Jacob Rosenfeld, a Jewish Refugee and “Bethune” of the New Fourth Army
猶太姑娘朱迪絲 抗日情報女戰士
Judith, a Jewish Girl and Intelligencer of the Anti-Japanese War
日軍手榴彈 為何炸不響
Why the Japanese Army's Grenades Didn't Explode
猶太難民新生命 “上海寶貝”五百餘
New Lives Welcomed―the Number of “Shanghai Babies” Exceeded
我們生於戰亂 都是“上海寶貝
Born in the Upheavals, We were All “Shanghai Babies
四位當年”上海寶貝“ 再聚洛克菲勒中心
Four “Shanghai Babies” of those Years Reunited at the Rockefeller Center
中猶愛侶天各一方 小愛曲折大愛圓滿
Happy Ending of a Sino-Jewish Couple through Twists and Turns
猶太畫家牽手上海姑娘 聾啞情侶演繹相愛終生
Lifelong Love Story of a Deaf-mute Jewish Painter and His Shanghai Lover
猶太藝術大師 青睞上海畫家
Young Shanghai Painter Rated by a Jewish Art Master
著名猶太畫家 尋找上海阿媽
A Renowned Jewish Painter Looks for his “Shanghai Aunty
猶太”女孩“薇拉 找到上海”爺叔
Vera―A Jewish Girl who Found Her Shanghai “Uncle
猶太美女婚紗 回到上海娘家
The Wedding Dress of a Fair Jewish Lady Came Back to its Original Place Shanghai
猶太難民結婚 家父擔任主婚
My Father Presided over a Wedding between a Jewish Couple
上海猶太母親 特別熱愛上海
The Intense Affection of the “Jewish Mother of Shanghai” towards the City
一把剃頭刀 珍藏七十年
A Razor Treasured for 70 Years
為了一句承諾 三代護書千冊
Three Generations Preserved 1,000 Books in Fulfi lment of a Promise
老上海人一碗茶 暖人心頭七十年
One Bowl of Tea from a Shanghainese Keeps Alive 70 Years of Heart-Warming Memories
銅牌紀念何鳳山 上海放在中心點
Shanghai was Placed at the Center of the He Fengshan Monumental Bronze Medal
我家六位猶太房客 個個都是手巧藝精
The Six Families of Jewish Lodgers in My House were All Dexterous and Skillful
你給我白麵包 我給你六穀餅
I Shall Repay You with My Six-grain Cakes for Your White Bread
譚冰若難忘猶太老友 黃魚車接送音樂大師
Tan Bingruo's Unforgettable Old Jewish Friend ― a Great Musician Picked up by
Jinrikisha EveryDay to Work
一張逃亡舊船票 兩代猶太參觀人
An Old Ship Ticket of Exiles Attracted Interest of Two Generations of Jewish Visitors
九旬猶太老人 訪滬就像回家
A 90-Year Old Jewish Senior Visited the Homelike Shanghai
弗雷德寫自傳 再現顛沛歷史
Fred Wrote a Biography to Recur the Vagrant Past
收藏一塊墓碑 留下一段史痕
Keeping a Gravestone to Preserve a Trace of History
八旬猶太人 一顆中國心
The Connection with China of an 80-Year Old Jew
尋根女大使 驚喜海門路
A Homesick Woman Ambassador Got Surprises on Haimen Road
鄰居再憶抗戰勝利日 猶見外國弄堂歡呼時
Neighbors Recalled the V-J Day and Cheering in Foreign Lanes
庫爾特寫信致上海市長 猶太難民碑立霍山公園
Kurt Wrote to Shanghai Mayor to Have a Jewish Refugees Monument Built in Huo Shan Park