情人節(linkin park演唱歌曲)

情人節(linkin park演唱歌曲)

全球樂迷屏息以待,倒數著“林肯公園”新專輯《Minutes to Midnight》的問世之下,這個讓所有樂迷望眼欲穿的全新錄音室大碟《Minutes to Midnight》,終於決定在5月中旬隆重問市。

幾年沒發片,許多死忠歌迷成立的“林肯公園”家族成員,都一直默默關心著“林肯公園”何時要發片,最近隨著發片訊息的確認,“林肯公園”家族成員又再度活躍,爭相告知“林肯公園”要回來了的發片計畫。唱片公司有感於“林肯公園”的龐大歌迷力量,這次決定要邀請所有歌迷一起來發想中文的專輯名稱。這次的《Minutes to Midnight》專輯名,跟以往“林肯公園”所觸及的創作主題比起來顯得特別深沉、格外引人深思。


  • 中文名稱:情人節
  • 外文名稱:Valentine's Day
  • 所屬專輯:Minutes to Midnight
  • 歌曲時長:3:17
  • 發行時間:2007年
  • 歌曲原唱:Linkin Park
  • 音樂風格:流行音樂
  • 歌曲語言:英語


外文名稱:Valentine's Day
所屬專輯:Minutes to Midnight


Valentine's Day
My insides all turn to ash, 我的心瞬間化為灰燼
So slow. 慢慢的
And blow away as I collapse, 隨著我倒下而隨風飄散
So cold. 刺骨的寒冷
A black winter been away, 我看見
From sight. 黑色的冬季已經離去
Another darkness over day, 黑暗隨即降臨
That night. 那個夜晚
And the clouds above move closer, 天空的雲朵離我如此之近
Looking so dissatisfied. 那么陰鬱
But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 狂風一個勁不斷的刮
I used to be my own protection, 我總是會保護好自己
But not now. 但這次不會
'Cause my path has lost direction, 因為我已經失去方向
Somehow. 不知何故
A black winter cue away, 我看見
From sight. 黑色的冬季遠遠暗示
Another darkness over day, 黑暗隨即降臨
That night. 那個夜晚
And the clouds above move closer,天空的雲朵離我如此之近
Looking so dissatisfied. 那么陰鬱
And the ground below grew colder, 地下越來越冰冷
As they put you down inside. 當他們把你埋葬之後
But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 狂風一個勁不斷的刮
So now you're gone, 你走之後
And I was wrong. 我完全崩潰
I never knew what it was like, 我永遠不知道那意味著什麼
To be alone on a Valentine's Day, 孤單的情人節
To be alone on a Valentine's Day. 孤單的情人節
I used to be my own protection, 我總是會保護好自己
But not now. 但這次不會
'Cause my path has lost direction, 因為我已經失去方向
Somehow. 不知何故
My insides all turn to ash, 我的心瞬間化為灰燼
So slow. 慢慢的
And blow away as I collapse, 隨著我倒下而隨風飄散
So cold. 刺骨的寒冷
A black winter been away, 我看見
From sight. 黑色的冬季已經離去
Another darkness over day, 黑暗隨即降臨
That night. 那個夜晚
And the clouds above move closer, 天空的雲朵離我如此之近
Looking so dissatisfied. 那么陰鬱
But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 狂風一個勁不斷的刮
I used to be my own protection, 我總是會保護好自己
But not now. 但這次不會
'Cause my path has lost direction, 因為我已經失去方向
Somehow. 不知何故
A black winter cue away, 我看見
From sight. 黑色的冬季遠遠暗示
Another darkness over day, 黑暗隨即降臨
That night. 那個夜晚
And the clouds above move closer,天空的雲朵離我如此之近
Looking so dissatisfied. 那么陰鬱
And the ground below grew colder, 地下越來越冰冷
As they put you down inside. 當他們把你埋葬之後
But the harvest wind kept blowing, blowing. 狂風一個勁不斷的刮
So now you're gone, 你走之後
And I was wrong. 我完全崩潰
I never knew what it was like, 我永遠不知道那意味著什麼
To be alone on a Valentine's Day, 孤單的情人節
To be alone on a Valentine's Day, 孤單的情人節
To be alone on a Valentine's Day, 孤單的情人節
I used to be my own protection, 我總是會保護好自己
But not now. 但這次不會
'Cause my path has lost direction, 因為我已經失去方向
Somehow. 不知何故


