



  • 作者:陸化普
  • ISBN:9787113093037
  • 頁數:402
  • 定價:150.00元
  • 出版時間:1970-1
《快速城鎮化進程中的城市可持續交通:理論與中國實踐(英文版)》主要內容:This book reports the research findings of Tsinghua Sustainable Urban Mobility(SUMO)Project.The projectis an indeDendent and interdisciplinary academic study with the aim tO better understand the fundamental u。banmobility problems in a.process of fast urbanization and to provide the theory,methodology and policyrecommendations for realizing sustainable urban mobility.Six disciplines from Tsinghua University,i.e.urbanplanning,transportation,energy,environment,vehicle technology and public policy,as well as researchersfrom other institutions as Fudan University,joined this unprecedented interdisciplinary research act~~mty andensured furthest a halanced,comprehensive and integrated perspective of Chinese urban mobility problems as itis.The Droject lasted for 3 years since June 1st,2005 and fortunately got strong and continuous support trom China National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)and BP.The main contents include:challenges and opportunities facing China's urban transport,metropolitan area and regional transport system,balanced urban planning and urban transport planning,utilization of urban underground space,transport demand management,theory and methodology in sustainable urban mobility planning,realization mechanism and Dolicies for public transport priority,energy development, environment impact evaluation,mpact of automobile technology and performance measures for sustainable urban mobility planning.
This book mav serve as a reference book for students and professors for education purposes in a varmty olfields.It mav also be very helpful for scholars,technologists and governmental officials who are interested intransport and transport related problems.


