- 軟體名稱:心臟毆打
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:8.68MB
I 準備好你的心臟被毆打 完善反情人... 無盡的愛的故事,愛失去通往無限的心臟跳動。 創建全球2013遊戲果醬,原來的遊戲開發剛剛超過24小時。然後更深入和波蘭由於加入的遊戲,而現在這裡是您享受! 觸控螢幕完美的自來水控制 8位史詩配樂專門為心毆打 無休止的重複可玩性高得分的攻擊 一個遊戲,所有這些人已被銷毀,或一種情感的訊息是準備消滅,通過患難與共的承諾。 全球遊戲果醬月25日 - 2013年1月27日發生。想法是,一大群人圍在一起做遊戲的基礎上由活動主辦方選擇一個主題在世界各地的不同地點。今年的主題是心跳的聲音。我只能讓那裡的第一天,並爭取通過從周五晚上到周六晚上,沒有任何睡眠。你在玩什麼,從該版本的遊戲在很大程度上是不變的,除了現在的“打孔”心臟有一點點更多的變化。 彈簧的重點有趣的創新技術職稱。給我們的其他遊戲一試。 s your heart ready to be beaten Perfect for the Anti-Valentine... The endless tale of love, and love lost…leading to an unlimited heart beating. Created for the Global Game Jam 2013, the original game was developed in just over 24 hours. Since then more depth and polish was added to the gameplay, and now here it is for you to enjoy! Touchscreen perfect tap control Epic 8-bit soundtrack exclusively made for Heart Beaten High-score attack for endless replayability A game with an emotional message for all those who have been destroyed, or are ready to decimate through the promise of togetherness. The Global Game Jam took place on the 25th – 27th of January 2013. The idea is that a large group of people get together in separate locations across the world to make games based on a theme chosen by the event organisers. This year, the theme was the sound of a heartbeat. I could only make it there for the first day, and fought through from Friday night to Saturday night without any sleep. What you are playing is largely unchanged from that version of the game, except that now “punching” the heart has a little more variation. Springloaded focus on interesting innovative titles. Give our other games a try.