

《心聲與價值觀:大學英語讀寫訓練》是上海外語教育出版社出版的圖書,ISBN是: 9787810951708


  • 書名:大學英語課外自學系列
  • 頁數:579頁
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社 
  • 裝幀:平裝


出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第1版 (2005年1月1日)
外文書名: Voices and Values a Reader for Writers
叢書名: 大學英語課外自學系列
平裝: 579頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787810951708
條形碼: 9787810951708
尺寸: 23 x 17.8 x 2.4 cm
重量: 839 g


作者:(美國)戈德斯坦(Janet M.Goldstein) (美國)詹森(Betb Johnson)




Alternate Table of Contents
Preface: To the Instructor
Becoming a Better Reader
Becoming a Better Writer
Unit One: Overcoming Obsacles
1 Bird Girl Clark Deleon
2 The Scholarship Jacket Marta Salinas
3 Life Over Death Bill Broderick
4 A Small Victory Steve Lopez
5 Joe Davis: A Coll Man Beth Johnson
6 Migrant Child to College a Woman Maria Cardenas
7 He Was First John Kellmayer
Unit Two: Understanding Ourselves
8 Night Watch Roy popkin
9 Thank you Alex Haley
10 Winners, Losers, or Just Kids? Dan Wightman
11 Responsibility M.Scott Peck
12 Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name James Lincoln Collier
13 The Bystander Effect Dorothy Barkin
14 Don't Let Stereotypes Warp your judgments Robert L.Heilbroner
15 Dealing with feelings Rudolph F.Verderber
Unit Theree :Relating to Others
16 All the Good Things Sister Helen Mrosla
17 The Yellow Ribbon Pete Hamill
18 What Do Children Owe Their Parents? Ann Landers
19 Shame Dick Gregory
20 Rowing the Bus Paul Logan
21 Bullies in School Katheen Berger
22 Seveb Ways to Keep the Peace at Home Daniel Sugarman
Unit Four: Educating Oureslves
23 Dare to Think Big Dr.Ben Carson
24 A Change of Attitude Grant Betty
25 From Nonreading to Reading Stacy Kelly Abbott
26 Reading to Survive Paul Langan
27 Flour Children Lexine Alpert
28 In Praise of the F word Mary sherry
29 The Professor Is a Dropout Beth Johnson
30 Learning Survival Skills Jean Coleman
Unit Five: Examining Social Issues
31 Tickets to Nowhere Andy Rooney
32 An Electronic Fog Has Settled Over America Pete Hamill
33 The Quiet Hour Robert Mayer
34 Rudeness at the Movies Bill Wine
35 My Daughter Smokes Alice Walker
36 Here's to Your Health Joan Dunayer
37 A Drunken Ride, A Tragic Aftermath Theresa Conroy and Christine M. Johnson
38 Living the Madison Avenue Lie Joyce Garity
39 Staying Power Jennifer Lin
Additional Writing Assignments
Appendix 1 Answers and Guide to Becoming a Better Reader
Appendix 2 Answers and Guide to Becoming a Better Writer
Appendix 3 Answers and Guide to the Exercises
Appendix 4 Reading Performance Chart
Appendix 5 Acknowledgments


