德雷塞爾大學開設的專業幾乎涵蓋了所有學術領域,以藝術學院、工程學院以及商學院為最優。據《紐約時報大學指南》指出,德雷塞爾大學最好的是工程學,工程學院被國立科學基金會評為國家模範學校,可供各校參考。每年全美有1%工科畢業生來自德雷塞爾。德雷塞爾大學工程學院(College of Engineering)的生物工程專業在全美排名第37,材料工程排名第41,環境衛生工程排名第47,江澤民的長子亦於該校獲得電機工程博士學位。
此外,商學院 (Bennett S. LeBow College of Business)的本科課程被《美國新聞與世界報導》評為全美前80位,MBA課程被《財經時代》評為全美前20位,大學有1/3學生修讀工商管理,還有時裝設計、室內設計和攝影都很受歡迎。學校綜合教育允許本校畢業生在美國工業方面的公司工作六個月。
德雷塞爾大學的傳媒設計學院(Westphal School of Media and Design)服裝設計系在fashionschool網站上的排名達到了全美第八,在時裝買手,陳列,以及時尚管理專業都達到了全美第三。在另一權威時尚雜誌的排名里,德雷塞爾的時尚系列專業的綜合排名則名列前茅地排到了全世界第十。信息科學與技術學院的信息系統課程被專業雜誌評為全美第5名,圖書館信息化專業被評為第6位,圖書館與信息科學專業被評為第11位。
Drexel is a comprehensive national research university ranked among the top 100 in the United States. With 26,312 students, Drexel is one of America’s 15 largest private universities. The University has built its global reputation on core achievements that include: leadership in experiential learning through its cooperative education program; a history of academic technology firsts; and recognition as a model of best practices in translational research initiatives.
Founded in 1891 in Philadelphia, Drexel now engages with students and communities around the world via three Philadelphia campuses and other regional sites, Drexel University Sacramento, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University and international research partnerships in several countries around the globe. Drexel Online is one of the oldest and most successful providers of online degree programs.
Drexel’s interdisciplinary research enterprise attracts more than $110 million in sponsor support annually. The University has been named a Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Translational Research Partner, recognizing leadership in bringing new technologies to market.
Students choose from approximately 200 undergraduate, master's, doctoral and professional degree programs across Drexel's 14 colleges and schools. The Drexel Co-op is one of the nation’s oldest, largest and best-known co-operative education programs, through which most undergraduates alternate classroom study with up to three periods of full-time, paid employment in their field.
Drexel is one of Philadelphia’s top 10 employers, and a major engine for economic development in the Greater Philadelphia region. Drexel is also committed to becoming “the most civically engaged university in the United States,” according to President John A. Fry. That commitment includes research and academic programs that directly benefit communities; public service by students and faculty; and business practices that support local and regional economic growth.
For nearly a decade, Drexel has been ranked in the category of Best National Universities in “America’s Best Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report. Drexel has been on the U.S. News list of the top 10 “Up-and-Comers,” those schools most often cited by university administrators nationwide as making innovative changes in academics, faculty, student life, campus and facilities, for each of the five years the list has been published.
Drexel University有56%學生住宿。
最近的機場:費城Philadelphia 5英里
最近的火車站:學校旁邊就是費城30th station
Drexel University本科錄取條件:
GPA 3.3分或以上
托福iBT 79分或以上(ESL)
開學時間:Quater Programs: 每年1月、4月、6月、9月
Semester Programs: 每年1月、5月、8月
*TOEFL單科要求:口語26分( for Nursing ACE and BSN Co-op applicants only)
Portfolio(for design&merchandising and fashion design major applicant)