徐首紅, 女,博士,副教授,1969年生。2001年獲名古屋市立大學博士學位,2002年至2004年為日本科學技術振興會外國人特別研究員。後進入華東理工大學化學系任教,碩士生導師。
- 中文名:徐首紅
- 出生日期:1969年
- 性別:女
- 職稱:副教授
1. S.H. Xu, S. Sato, I. Miyata, J. Yamanaka and M. Yonese: Two dimentional auto-organized nanostructure formation of hyaluronate on bovine serum albumin monolayer and its surface properties. Molecular Simulation, 29, 711-716 (2003)
2. S.H. Xu, J. Yamanaka, S. Sato, I. Miyata and M. Yonese: Two-dimentional auto-organized nanostructure of hyaluronate by layer-by-layer method and its frictional properties. Colloid & Polymer Science, 282, 440-445 (2004)
3. S.H. Xu, Y. Song, S. Sato, I. Miyata, J. Yamanaka and M. Yonese: Surface structures of adsorption layers of sodium hyaluronate and bovine serum albumin on poly (γ-methyl-L-glutamate) film and their surface properties. Colloid & Polymer Science, 283, 383-392 (2005)
4.S.H. Xu, J. Yamanaka, S. Sato, I. Miyata and M. Yonese: Effects of denaturation and association of collagen on adsorption behavior, two-dimensional nanostructure and its property. Colloid Polymer Science in print(2007).
5. S.H. Xu and M. Yonese: Two dimensional and three dimensional interactions between bovine serum albumin and chondroitin sulfate, Polymer Journal, 39(4). in print(2007).