- 中文名:徐道臨
- 畢業院校:倫敦大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:機械
- 任職院校:湖南大學
1993-1996 倫敦大學(UCL) 博士
1984-1987 大連理工大學力學系碩士
1978-1982 青海大學機械系 學士
1987-1992 大連理工大學力學系 講師
1996-1999 新加坡高性能計算研究院高級研究員及研究部經理
1999-2009 新加坡南洋理工大學 副教授
2005-2008 大連理工大學“海天學者” 特聘教授
2005-2008 湖南大學 特聘教授
2009-至今 湖南大學深海裝備技術研究中心 主任
2015-至今 湖南大學機械與運載工程學院學術委員會 主任
2002-2009 國際計算力學學會新加坡分會副會長
2002-至今 香港城市大學混沌控制與同步研究中心 海外特邀會員
2012-2013 中國自然科學基金委數理科學部 會評專家
2013-至今 艦船維修技術國家專業隊 專家組成員
2014-至今 深海礦產資源開發利用國家重點實驗室 學術委員會委員
2014-至今 中國海洋鋼結構協會 常務理事
徐道臨教授長期以來從事非線性動力學研究,研究領域涉及車輛振動,大型海洋平台結構振動分析,艦船機械系統減振降噪等。共發表論文100多篇,其中SCI論文80餘篇;論文被引用2200餘次,有5篇論文的單篇引用次數超過100,國際學術影響因子Hirsch Index為24。在非線性動力學研究方向的主要貢獻是開創了映射同步化這一新的研究領域。首次從理論上證明映射同步化的縮放比是不可預測的,隨後推論了產生映射同步化這一物理現象的數學條件,並建立三維連續系統、無窮維連續系統和無窮維離散系統的映射同步化準則,為映射同步化的控制策略提供了理論依據;並進一步提出控制方法,將映射同步化控制策略套用在保密通訊領域。這一研究工作獲國際同行高度讚譽,在2004年IEEE大會獲得最佳論文獎,是該領域論文被引用最高的學者。大部分研究成果發表在國際著名專業期刊,如非線性動力學領域的美國物理學會Physical Review E,Chaos,Nonlinear Dynamics, Physics Letters A,Chaos Solitons & Fractals;力學振動領域的Proceedings of the Rotal Society A - Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences,Journal of Applied Mechanics,Journal of Sound and Vibration; 海洋工程領域的Journal of Fluid and Structures,Ocean Engineering,Energy等。
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[7] <!--[endif]-->D. L. Xu, Q. P. Yu, J. X. Zhou and S. R. Bishop, “Theoretical and experimental analyses of a nonlinear magnetic vibration isolator with quasi-zero-stiffness characteristic,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 332, no. 14, pp. 3377–3389, 2013.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[8] <!--[endif]-->D. L. Xu, Y. Y. Zhang, J. X. Zhou and J. J. Lou, “On the analytical and experimental assessment of the performance of a quasi-zero-stiffness isolator,” Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 20, no. 15, pp. 2314–2325, 2014.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[9] <!--[endif]-->J. X. Zhou, X. L. Wang, D. L. Xu, and S. Bishop, “Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of a quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolator with cam-roller-spring mechanisms,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 346, pp. 53–69, 2015.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[10] <!--[endif]-->J. X. Zhou, D. L. Xu and S. Bishop, “A torsion quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolator,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 338, pp. 121–133, 2015.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[11] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,趙智,周加喜,氣動可調式準零剛度隔振器設計及特性分析,湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 06期, pp. 47-52, 2013.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[12] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨, 張月英, 周加喜, 張敬, 一種準零剛度隔振器的特性分析與實驗研究, 振動與衝擊, 11期, pp. 208-213, 2014.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[13] <!--[endif]-->王心龍, 周加喜, 徐道臨, 一類準零剛度隔振器的分段非線性動力學特性研究, 套用數學和力學, 01期, pp. 50-62, 2014.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[14] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨, 余奇平, 周加喜, 張敬, 準零剛度隔振系統跳躍頻率區間隔振研究, 中國機械工程, 02期, pp. 230-235, 2014.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[15] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨, 成傳望, 周加喜, 屈曲板型準零剛度隔振器的設計和特性分析, 湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 42卷08期, pp. 17-21, 2015.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[16] <!--[endif]-->周加喜, 徐道臨, 單層準零剛度浮筏隔振特性分析及混沌化, 中國科技論文, 08期, pp. 911-915, 2014.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[17] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,周杰,周加喜,張敬,碟形橡膠準零剛度隔振器的設計與特性分析,湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 42卷 08期, pp. 22-28, 2015
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[18] <!--[endif]-->王毅,徐道臨,周加喜,滾球型準零剛度隔振器的特性分析,振動與衝擊,4卷,pp. 142-147,2015
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[19] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨, 周加喜, 扭轉準零剛度隔振器, 中國, CN201410558315.8. 2015
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[20] <!--[endif]-->周加喜, 王心龍, 徐道臨, 一種準零剛度隔振器, 中國, CN201420008107.6. 2014
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[21] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,朱石堅,王毅,周加喜,樓京俊,楊慶超,滾球型準零剛度隔振器,中國,CN201310330359.0. 2013
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[22] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,朱石堅,周杰,周加喜,樓京俊,張敬,蝶形橡膠準零剛度隔振器,中國,CN201310330360.3. 2013
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[23] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,朱石堅,成傳旺,周加喜,樓京俊,張敬,屈曲板型準零剛度隔振器,中國,CN201310330357.1. 2013
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[24] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,張敬,周加喜,張月英,承重可調準零剛度電磁隔振器及其控制方法,中國,CN201210081938.1. 2012
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[25] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,張月英,周加喜,張敬,一種針對基礎激勵的低頻隔振器,中國,CN201220116837.9. 2012
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[26] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,余奇平,呂永健,周加喜,具有準零剛度的非線性磁力隔振器,中國, CN201120223834.0. 2011
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[27] <!--[endif]-->劉春嶸,冀建飛,徐道臨,可調式流體浮筏隔振器,中國, CN201120001710.8. 2011
3. 基於最優時延反饋混沌化的線譜重構技術研究
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[28] <!--[endif]-->Y. L. Li., D. L. Xu, Y. M. Fu and J. X. Zhou, “Stability and chaotification of vibration isolation floating raft systems with time-delayed feedback control,” Choas, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 033115, 2011
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[29] <!--[endif]-->Y. L. Li, D. L. Xu, Y. M. Fu and J. X. Zhou, “Chaotification and optimization design of a nonlinear vibration isolation system,” Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 18, no. 14, pp. 2129–2139, 2012.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[30] <!--[endif]-->C. R. Liu, D. L. Xu and J. F. Ji, “Theoretical design and experimental verification of a tunable floating vibration isolation system,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 331, no. 21, pp. 4691–4703, 2012.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[31] <!--[endif]-->Y. L. Li., D. L. Xu, Y. M. Fu and J. X. Zhou, “Nonlinear dynamic analysis of 2-DOF nonlinear vibration isolation floating raft systems with feedback control,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 45, no. 9–10, pp. 1092–1099, 2012.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[32] <!--[endif]-->J. X. Zhou, D. L. Xu, J. Zhang and C. R. Liu, “Spectrum optimization-based chaotification using time-delay feedback control,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 815–824, 2012.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[33] <!--[endif]-->Jing Zhang, Daolin Xu, Jiaxi Zhou,Yingli Li, “Chaotification of vibration isolation floating raft system via nonlinear time-delay feedback control,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol.45, pp.1255-1265, 2012.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[34] <!--[endif]-->Y. L. Li, D. L. Xu, Y. L. Fu and J. X. Zhou, “Chaotification of a Nonlinear Vibration Isolation System By Dual Time Delayed Feedback Control,” International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 23, no. 6, p. 1350096, 2013.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[35] <!--[endif]-->Y. L. Li, D. L. Xu, Y. M. Fu and J. Zhang, “Dynamic effects of delayed feedback control on nonlinear vibration isolation floating raft systems,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 333, no. 13, pp. 2665–2676, 2014.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[36] <!--[endif]-->J. Zhang, D. L. Xu, Y. L. Li and J. X. Zhou, “Line spectrum chaotification of a double-layer vibration isolation floating raft system under multi-source excitation,” Acta Physica Sinica, vol. 63, no. 18, 2014.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[37] <!--[endif]-->C. R. Liu, D. L. Xu, J. X. Zhou and S. Bishop, “On theoretical and experimental study of a two-degree-of-freedom anti-resonance floating vibration isolation system,” Journal of Vibration and Control, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 1886–1901, 2015.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[38] <!--[endif]-->周加喜,徐道臨,李盈利,基於最優時延反饋控制的主-被非線性隔振方法研究,振動工程學報,24(6),pp. 639-645,2011
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[39] <!--[endif]-->劉春嶸,冀建飛,徐道臨,反共振流體浮筏的隔振特性研究,力學與實踐, 02期, pp. 49-53, 2012.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[40] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨,呂永建,周加喜,張敬,非線性隔振系統動力學特性分析的FFT多諧波平衡法,振動與衝擊, 31(22), pp. 39-44, 2012.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[41] <!--[endif]-->徐道臨, 劉懷遠, 劉春嶸, 流體隔振浮筏反共振特性的試驗研究, 振動工程學報, 26(5), pp 641-646, 2013.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[42] <!--[endif]-->周加喜,徐道臨,張月英,劉春嶸,一種針對未知參數系統的實時混沌化方法,振動與衝擊, 04期, pp. 71-74, 2013.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[43] <!--[endif]-->劉春嶸,肖衛明,徐道臨,雙層流體浮筏的隔振特性研究,湖南大學學報(自然科學版), 01期, pp 43-48, 2013.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[44] <!--[endif]-->朱石堅;徐道臨,《艦船機械隔振系統線譜混沌化控制》,國防工業出版社,2014
1. 混沌控制研究領域
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[45] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and S.R. Bishop, "Steering dynamical trajectories to target a designed state," Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 4, No. 10, (1994), pp. 1931-1942.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[46] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and S.R. Bishop, "A contraction-mapping-based control approach to stabilize chaotic systems," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 5, No.6, (1995), pp. 1741-1748.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[47] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and S.R. Bishop, “Switching between orbits in a periodic window”, Physical Review E 54 No.6 (1996), pp. 6940-6943.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[48] <!--[endif]-->S.R. Bishop, D. Xu and M. J. Clifford, "Controlling tumbling chaos in parametrically excited pendulum", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 452 (1996), pp.1789-1806.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[49] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and S.R. Bishop, "Self-locating control of chaotic systems using Newton algorithm," Physics Letters A, 210, (1996), pp. 273-278.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[50] <!--[endif]-->S.R. Bishop and D. Xu, “Control of chaos in noisy flows”, Physical Review E 54 No.4 (1996), pp.3204-3210.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[51] <!--[endif]-->S.R. Bishop and D. Xu, "Stabilizing the parametrically excited pendulum onto high order periodic orbits", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 194 (1996), pp. 287-293.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[52] <!--[endif]-->S.R. Bishop and D. Xu, “The use of control to eliminate sub-harmonic and chaotic impacting motions of a driven beam”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 205 (1997), pp. 223-234.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[53] <!--[endif]-->S.R. Bishop, D. Wagg and D. Xu, “Use of control to maintain period-1 motions during wind-up or wind-down operations of an impacting driven beam”, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol.9 (1998), pp. 261-269.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[54] <!--[endif]-->S.R. Bishop, D. Xu, C.Y. Liaw and E.S. Chan, “Applying chaos control in periodic windows”, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol.9, No.8 (1998) pp. 1297-1305.
2. 混沌同步化控制及套用研究領域
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[55] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu, "Control of Projective Synchronization in Chaotic Systems " Physical Review E 63, (2001), pp. 27201-27204.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[56] <!--[endif]-->Z. Li and D. Xu, "Stability Criterion for Projective Synchronization in Three Dimensional Systems", Physics Letters A 282 (2001), pp. 175-179.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[57] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu, Z. Li and S.R. Bishop, "Manipulating the Scaling Factor of Projective Synchronization in Three-dimensional Chaotic Systems", Chaos, Vol.11, No.3 (2001), pp. 439-442.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[58] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and Z. Li, "Controlled Projective Synchronization in Non-Partially-Linear Chaotic Systems", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 12, No. 6 (2002), pp.1395-1402.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[59] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu, Z. Li, S. R. Bishop and U. Galvanetto, "Estimation of Periodic-like Motions of Chaotic Evolutions Using Detected Unstable Periodic Patterns", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 23 (2002), pp. 245-252.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[60] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu, W.L. Ong and Z. Li, "Criteria For The Occurrence Of Projective Synchronization In Chaotic Systems Of Arbitrary Dimension", Physics Letters A 305 (2002) pp. 167-172.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[61] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and C.Y. Chee, "Controlling the ultimate state of projective synchronization in chaotic systems of arbitrary dimension", Physical Review E 66 (2002) pp. 046218
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[62] <!--[endif]-->C.Y. Chee and D. Xu, “Control of the Formation of Projective Synchronisation in Lower-Dimensional Discrete-Time Systems", Physics Letters A 318 (2003) 112-118.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[63] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and C.Y. Chee, "Chaotic encryption with transient dynamics induced by pseudo-random switching keys ", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.14, No.10 (2004) 3625-3631.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[64] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu, C.Y. Chee and C. Li, "A Necessary Condition of Projective Synchronization In Discrete-time Systems of Arbitrary Dimensions ", Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol 22/1 (2004) 175-180.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[65] <!--[endif]-->C.Y. Chee, D. Xu and S.R. Bishop," A zero-crossing approach to uncover the mask by chaotic encryption with periodic modulation", Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 21/5 (2004) 1129-1134.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[66] <!--[endif]-->Z. Li and D. Xu, "A secure communication scheme using projective chaos synchronization", Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol.22 No.2 (2004) 477-481
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[67] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen and D. Xu, "Observer-based control for full-state projective synchronization of a general class of chaotic maps in any dimension ", Physics Letters A Vol.333, No.5-6 (2004) 420-425
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[68] <!--[endif]-->C.Y. Chin and D. Xu, "Secure digital communication using controlled projective synchronisation of chaos," Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol.23 (2005) 1063-1070.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[69] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen and D. Xu, "Nonlinear Observer Control for Full-State Projective Synchronization in Chaotic Continuous-time Systems ", Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 26 (Oct. 2005) 71-77.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[70] <!--[endif]-->C.P. Li, W.G. Sun and D. Xu, "Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with nonlinear inner-coupling functions and time delays", Progress of Theoretical Physics, Vol 11, No.4 (2005) 749-761.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[71] <!--[endif]-->C.P. Li, W.H. Deng and D. Xu, "Chaos synchronization of Chua system with a fractional order", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 360 (2006) 171-185
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[72] <!--[endif]-->C.Y. Chee and D. Xu, "Chaotic encryption using discrete-time synchronous chaos", Physics Letters A 348 (2006) 284-292
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[73] <!--[endif]-->C.Y. Chee and D. Xu, "Transmission of M-ary digital signals using Controlled projective synchronization of chaos," IEE Proceedings. G, Circuit, Devices and System 153 (2006) 357-360
3. 分叉控制研究領域
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[74] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen, D. Xu and X. Han, " On Creation of Hopf bifurcations in discrete-time nonlinear systems", Chaos Vol. 12, No.2 (2002) , 350-355
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[75] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen, D. Xu, and J. Xie, " Control of Degenerate Hopf Bifurcations in Three-dimensional Maps", Chaos 13, No.2, (2003) pp.486-494
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[76] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen and D. Xu, "Designing Hopf bifurcations into nonlinear discrete-time systems via feedback control", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.14, No.7 (2004) 2283-2293.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[77] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen and D. Xu, "Implicit Criteria of Eigenvalue Assignment and Transversality for Bifurcation Control in Four-dimensional Maps", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 14, No.10 (2004) 3489-3503.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[78] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen and D. Xu, "Feedback Control of Hopf-Hopf Interaction Bifurcation with development of Torus Solutions in high-dimensional maps", Physics Letters A 321 (2004) 24-33.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[79] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen, J. Xie and D. Xu, " Onset of Degenerate Hopf Bifurcation in a Vibro-impact Oscillator ", Journal of Applied Mechanics Vol.71 (2004) 579-581
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[80] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen, D. Xu and J. Xie, "Controlling Hopf bifurcations of discrete-time systems in resonance", Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 23 (2005) 1865-1877.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[81] <!--[endif]-->G. Wen and D. Xu, "Control Algorithm for Creation of Hopf Bifurcations in Continuous-Time Systems of Arbitrary Dimension", Physics Letters A, 337 (2005) 93-100.
4. 混沌時間序列分析和非線性系統的參數識別
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[82] <!--[endif]-->F. Lu, D. Xu and G. Wen, "Estimation of initial conditions and parameters of a chaotic evolution process from a short time series", Chaos, Vol. 14, No.4, (2004) 1050-1055.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[83] <!--[endif]-->F. Lu, D. Xu and G. Wen, "Tracing initial conditions, historical evolutionary path and parameters of chaotic processes from a short segment of scalar time series", Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 24 (April 2005) 265-271.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[84] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and F. Lu, "An approach of parameter estimation for non- synchronous systems ", Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 25 (July 2005) 361-366.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[85] <!--[endif]-->Xu DL, Khanmohamadi O, "Spatiotemporal system reconstruction using Fourier spectral operators and structure selection techniques", Chaos, Vol.19 page: 043122, 2008
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[86] <!--[endif]-->Khanmohamadi O, Xu DL,“Spatiotemporal System Identification on Non-periodic Domains with Chebyshev Spectral Operators and System Reduction Algorithms”, Chaos, Vol. 19 page:033117, 2009
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[87] <!--[endif]-->Xu D, Yap FF, Han X, et al. “Identification of spring-force factors of suspension systems using progressive neural network on a validated computer model”, Inverse Problems in Engineering, Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Pages: 55-74 Published: FEB 2003
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[88] <!--[endif]-->Han X, Xu D, Liu GR, “A computational inverse technique for material characterization of a functionally graded cylinder using a progressive neural network”, Neurocomputing, Volume: 51 Pages: 341-360 Published: APR 2003
5. 其它
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[89] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu and Zhang Xichang,“Hydroelastic perturbation method for multi-variable parameter platforms”,Ocean Engineering, Volume: 10, Issue: 3 Pages: 65-72 Published: MAR 1992
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[90] <!--[endif]-->Liu Tie-Niu and D. Xu,“Large range analysis for nonlinear dynamic systems -- element mapping method”,Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Volume: 13, Issue: 6 Pages: 577-586 Published: JUN 1992
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[91] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu, C.T. Loy, K.Y. Lam and K.G. Lim, “Chaos theory in stock forecasting”, Journal of Stock Exchange Singapore, Volume: 12 Pages: 30-33 Published: DEC 1998
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[92] <!--[endif]-->C.T. Loy, D. Xu and K.Y. Lam, “An Application of neural networks in stock markets”, Journal of Stock Exchange Singapore, Volume: 10 Pages: 1-6 Published: OCT 1998
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[93] <!--[endif]-->D. Xu, C.T. Loy, K.Y. Lam and K.G. Lim,“Three dominant cycles in Singapore’s stock index”,Journal of Stock Exchange Singapore, Volume: 9 Pages: 25-27 Published: SEP 1999
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[94] <!--[endif]-->C.T. Loy, D. Xu and K.Y. Lam, “A look at warrants”, Journal of Stock Exchange Singapore, Volume: 4 Pages: 17-18 Published: APR 1999
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[95] <!--[endif]-->Galvanetto U, Bishop SR, Xu DL, “Adaptive control of chaotic stick-slip mechanical systems”, Control of Oscillations and Chaos, Vol. 1-3, Proceedings Pages: 225-228, Published: 2000
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[96] <!--[endif]-->Han X, Xu D, Liu GR, “Transient responses in a functionally graded cylindrical shell to a point load”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume: 251 Issue: 5 Pages: 783-805 Published: APR 11 2002
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[97] <!--[endif]-->Daolin Xu, Jiaxi Zhou, “A Computational Method for Highly Stiff Nonlinear Spatiotemporal System”, International Journal of Computational Methods, 7(4), pp.609-625, 2010
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[98] <!--[endif]-->Jiaxi Zhou, Zichen Deng, Daolin Xu, “Dynamic response of prismatic metallic sandwich tubes under combined internal shock pressure and thermal load”, Composite Structures, Volume 94, Issue 1, Page 166-176, 2011.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[99] <!--[endif]-->Chunrong Liu, Daolin Xu, “Bed load transport under complex flow”, Advanced Materials Research, 255-260: 3589-3593, 2011.
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1992年 - 1996年,獲中英友好獎學金公派赴英國留學;
2004年,獲國際IEEE最佳論文獎。4th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing,London