


09/1999–06/2003 南開大學社會學系,學士

09/2003–06/2006 北京師範大學心理學院發展心理研究所,碩士

09/2006–08/2010 香港中文大學教育心理學系,博士

09/2010–06/2011 香港中文大學教育心理學系,研究助理

09/2011–03/2014 武漢大學哲學學院心理學系,博士後、講師

04/2014–今 武漢大學哲學學院心理學系,講師


  • 中文名:徐華女
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:遼寧大連
  • 學位/學歷:博士




徐華女,鐘年. (2020).青年志願者幫助HIV感染兒童的初始動機.中國社會心理學評論, 17, 145-170.
徐華女,洪慧芳. (2020).外來工子女學習動機的提升路徑:感知教師正義視角.全球教育展望, 49(5), 147-159.
徐華女. (2018).幫助HIV感染兒童的青年志願者壓力與應對的定性研究.中國心理衛生雜誌, 32(10), 862-868.
Zhang, Q.,Xu, H., & Fu, Y.(2018). How to get happiness within work-family conflict? An integrative model of subjective well-being among young faculty members in universities of mainland China.Illness, Crisis & Loss (first published online).
徐華女,黃蘊智. (2016).從“隱性-顯性”角度理解兒童分配正義概念的發展.教汗趨促刪育心理學報(台), 48(1), 37-56.
楊蕾,徐華女(通訊). (2016).客體化媒體信息對自我客體化和身體羞恥感的影響.中國臨床心理學雜誌, 24(5), 788-794.
Wong, W. C.,Xu, H., Li, Y., & He, W. J. (2014). What can we know about the creative potentials of teachers and students? What can we hope for in terms of the cultivation of creativity?The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving, 24(2), 23-42.
徐華女, 黃蘊智, 陳菁, 李強. (2014). 受HIV/AIDS影響的青少年群體之創造力潛能. 心理學進展, 4(4), 552-560.
Wong, W. C., Li, Y., Sun, X., & Xu, H. (2014). The control processes and subjective well-being of Chinese teachers: Evidence of convergence with and divergence from the key propositions of the motivational theory of life-span development. Frontiers in Psychology (section Personality and Social Psychology), 5, article 467. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00467.
Xu, H.(2014). A qualitative analysis of forgiveness and retribution in one-trial sequential Prisoner’s Dilemma.Proceedings of The International Conference on Public Human Resource Management and Innovation, 206-212.
徐華女,黃蘊智. (2014).團體分配中兒童對程式正義與分配正義概念的掌握.心理學進挨捉陵展, 4(2), 239-251.
Xu, H., &謎禁希 Wong, W. C. (2013). Rawls’s principles of justice: From a thought experiment to an empirical study.Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Public Human Resource Management, 98-104.
Xu, H., Kou, Y., & Zhong, N. (2012). The effect of empathy on cooperation, forgiveness, and “returning good for evil” in the Prisoner's Dilemma.Public Personnel Management, 41(5), 105-115.
Xu, H.(2014). A qualitative analysis of forgiveness and retribution in one-trial sequential Prisoner’s Dilemma.Proceedings of The International Conference on Public Human Resource Management and Innovation, 206-212.
徐華女,黃蘊智. (2014).團體分配中兒童對程式正義與分配正義概念的掌握.心理學進展, 4(2), 239-251.
Xu, H., & Wong, W. C. (2013). Rawls’s principles of justice: From a thought experiment to an empirical study.Proceedings of The Second International Symposium on Public Human Resource Management, 98-104.
Xu, H., Kou, Y., & Zhong, N. (2012). The effect of empathy on cooperation, forgiveness, and “returning good for evil” in the Prisoner's Dilemma.Public Personnel Management, 41(5), 105-115.


