



  • 中文名:徐紅霞 
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:水文學及水資源
  • 任職院校:南京大學


2015年8月-2016年8月University of Florida 訪問學者 合作者:Bin Gao (Prof.)
2005年9月-2010年9月 南京大學地球科學與工程學院 水文學及水資源專業,獲工學博士學位
2001年9月—2005年6月 南京大學地球科學系 水文與水資源工程專業,獲理學學士學位


n 水環境化學
n 地下水資源勘查與評價
n 水文地質工程地敬棕道質概論
n 水環境監測
n 區域地質測量實習


1. 土壤-地下水的重金屬污染
2. DNAPL有機污染物在地下環境中的運移和修復
3. 土壤-地下水中企屑歸多環芳烴污染和新型污染物
4. 微生物修復





1. 國家自然科學面上基金,功能微生物作用下重金屬-多環芳烴樂漏歸朽複合污染物在地下水中的共遷移機制, 2019-2022,主持
2. 國家自然科學重點基金,平探笑府原區典設盛譽型關鍵帶中DNAPL運移過程及其模擬,2018-2022,主要負責
3. 江蘇省自然科學基金面上項目,重金屬對包氣帶中高分子量多鑽煮主霸環芳烴生物修復及降解菌運移的影響,2015-2018,主持
4. 國家自然科學地區重點基金-新疆聯合基金, 乾旱區地下水系統中典型有機物運移機理及其污染風險評價研究,2016-2019,
5. 國家自然科學青年基金,地下水中高分子量多環芳烴混合物的微生物降解動力學研究,2012-2014,主持
6. 國家自然科學面上基金,綜合地球物理和多相流數值模擬方法研究重非水相有機污染物(DNAPLs)在地下介質中的運移
7. 國家自然科學重點基金,非均質條件下土壤—地下水系統中重非水相液體(DNAPLs)運移行為及其數值模擬研究,2011-
8. 環境保護部公益項目子課題,地下水污染監控與環境風險管理技術集成與對策研究,2011-2014,第二負責
9. 教育部高等學校博士點基套多金,高分子量多環芳烴在地下水中的生物降解動力學研究,2012-2014,主持


Li X.H., Xu H.X.*, Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C*. Transport of a PAH-degrading bacterium in saturated limestone media under various physicochemical conditions: Common and unexpected retention and remobilization behaviors. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.120858.
Sun K.X., Sun Y.Y., Gao B., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Effect of cation type in mixed Ca-Na systems on transport of sulfonamide antibiotics in saturated limestone porous media. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 1-9.
Li X.H., Xu H.X.*, Gao B., Shi X.Q., Sun Y.Y., Wu J.C. Efficient biosorption of Pb (II) from aqueous solutions by a PAH-degrading strain Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum FA1. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 2018, 57: 64-71.
Kang X.Y., Shi X.Q.*, Deng Y. P., Revil A., Xu H.X., Wu J.C.*, Coupled hydrogeophysical inversion of DNAPL source zone architecture and permeability field in a 3D heterogeneous sandbox by assimilation time-lapse cross-borehole electrical resistivity data via ensemble Kalman filtering. Journal of Hydrology. 2018, 567: 149-164.
Sun K.X., Dong S.N., Sun Y.Y., Gao B., Du W.C., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Graphene oxide-facilitated transport of levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in saturated and unsaturated porous media. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 348: 92-99.
Zhao X.Q., Yi S.Z., Dong S.N., Xu H.X., Sun Y.Y., Hu X., Removal of Levofloxacin from aqueous solution by Magnesium-impregnated Biochar: batch and column experiments. Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability, 2018, 30 (1): 68-75.
Yi S.Z., Sun Y.Y., Hu X., Xu H.X., Gao B., Wu J.C., Porous nano-cerium oxide wood chip biochar composites for aqueous levofloxacin removal and sorption mechanism insights. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(26): 25629-25637.
Li X.H., Xu H.X.*, Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C. Retention and Transport of PAH-Degrading Bacterium Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum FA1 in Saturated Porous Media Under Various Physicochemical Conditions. Water Air Soil Pollution,217, 228:259.
Dong S.N., Sun Y.Y., Gao B., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.F. Wu J.C. Retention and transport of graphene oxide in water-saturated limestone media. Chemosphere, 2017, 180: 506-512.
Deng Y.P., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Sun Y.Y., Wu J.C., Revil A. Quantitative assessment of electrical resistivity tomography for monitoring DNAPLs migration – Comparison with high-resolution light transmission visualization in laboratory sandbox. Journal of Hydrology 544: 254-266 (2017)
Xu H.X.*, Li X.H., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C. Biodegradation of pyrene by free and immobilized cells of Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum strain FA1. Water, Air, Soil Pollution 227: 120. doi:10.1007/s11270-016-2824-0 (2016)
Cheng Z, Gao B, Xu H.X.* , Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C. Effects of dissolved surface active agents on DNAPL migration and distribution in saturated porous media under environmentally relevant conditions. Science of the Total Environment 571: 1147-1154 (2016)
Zheng F., Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Gao Y.W.. Removal of tetrachloroethylene from homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media Combined effects of surfactant solubilization and oxidant degradation, Chemical Engineering Journal 283: 595-603 (2016)
Dong S.N., Shi X.Q., Gao B., Wu J.F., Sun Y.Y., Guo H.Y., Xu H.X., Wu J.C.. Retention and Release of Graphene Oxide in Structured Heterogeneous Porous Media under Saturated and Unsaturated Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 50(19): 10397-10405 (2016)
Shi X.Q., Jiang S.M., Xu H.X.*, Jiang F., He Z.F., Wu J.C., The effects of artificial recharge of groundwater on controlling land subsidence and its influence on groundwater quality and aquifer energy storage in Shanghai, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(195):1-18 (2016)
Sun Y.Y., Xu H.X.* , Li J.H., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C., Ji R., Guo H.Y., Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Phenanthrene and Cadmium by Growing Willow (Salix × aureo-pendula CL 'J1011'), International Journal of Phytoremediation 18(2):150-156 (2016)
Dong S.N., Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.F. Wu J.C., Transport of sulfacetamide and levofloxacin in granular porous media under various conditions: Experimental observations and model simulations. Science of the Total Environment 573: 1630-1637. (2016)
Zheng F., Gao Y.W., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Influence of flow velocity and spatial heterogeneity on DNAPL migration in porous media: insights from laboratory experiments and numerical modelling, Hydrogeology Journal 23(8):1703-1718 ( 2015)
Shi X.Q., Jiang F., Feng Z.X., Yao B.K., Xu H.X.*, Wu J.C., Characterization of the regional groundwater quality evolution in the North Plain of Jiangsu Province, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 74(7): 5587-5604 (2015)
Lv X.Y., Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Effects of Humic Acid and Solution Chemistry on the Retention and Transport of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Saturated Porous Media, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225:2167 (2014)
Zhang Y., Xu H.X., Lv X.Y., Wu J.C., Diffusion in Relatively Homogeneous Sand Columns: A Scale-Dependent or Scale-Independent Process? Entropy 15(10): 4376-4391 (2013)
Shi X.Q., Fang R., Wu J.C., Xu H.X., Sun Y.Y., Yu J., Sustainable development and utilization of groundwater resources considering land subsidence in Suzhou, China, Engineering Geology, 124:77-89 (2012)
Xu H.X., Wu H.Y., Qiu Y.P., Shi X.Q., He G.H., Zhang J.F., Wu J.C., Degradation of Fluoranthene by a Newly Isolated Strain of Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum from Activated Sludge. Biodegradation 22(2): 335-345 (2011)
Wu H.Y., Xu H.X., Hong Y.B., Zhang J.F., Wu J.C., The use of biomarkers in the antioxidant responses of Daphnia magna to the acute and chronic exposure to no. 20 diesel oil and 2,4-dichlorophenol, Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 23(2):80-87 (2011)
程洲, 徐紅霞*, 吳吉春*, 吳鳴. 地下水中Tween80 對DNAPL運移和分布的影響. 中國環境科學, 2019, 39(3): 1068-1077.
郭瓊澤, 張燁, 姜蓓蕾, 鄭菲, 施小清*, 徐紅霞, 吳吉春. 表面活性劑增強修復地下水中四氯乙烯的砂箱實驗和模擬. 中國環境科學. 2018, 38(9): 3398-3405.
程洲, 徐紅霞, 孫媛媛, 施小清, 廖鵬輝, 吳吉春*. 鹽度對多孔介質中DNAPL運移和分布的影響. 水文地質工程地質, 2017, 44(4): 142-150.
鄧亞平, 鄭菲, 施小清, 徐紅霞, 孫媛媛, 吳吉春. 多孔介質中DNAPLs運移行為研究進展. 南京大學學報(自然科學), 2016, 52(3), 409-420.
鄭菲, 高燕維, 孫媛媛, 徐紅霞, 施小清, 吳吉春. 污染源區結構特徵對Tween 80去除DNAPL效果的影響. 中國環境科學, 2016, 36(7), 2035-2042.
徐紅霞*, 李宵慧, 孫媛媛, 施小清, 吳吉春. 一株熒蒽降解菌Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum strain FA1的固定化及其最佳化. 農業環境科學學報, 2015, 4: 11-17.
高燕維, 鄭菲, 施小清, 孫媛媛, 徐紅霞*, 吳吉春. 基於透射光法探討水流流速對DNAPL運移分布的影響. 環境科學, 2015, 36(7): 209-216.
程洲, 吳吉春, 徐紅霞, 王嘉誠, 高燕維, 李京, 董姝楠. DNAPL在透鏡體及表面活性劑作用下的運移研究. 中國環境科學, 2014, 34(11), 2888-2896.
高燕維, 鄭菲, 徐紅霞, 施小清, 孫媛媛, 吳吉春. 基於改進反射光法分析DNAPL的運移與分布特性. 地球科學-中國地質大學學報, 2013, 38(2), 8-12.


1. 國家發明專利,一種石油降解菌P-6及其套用,201510093326.8
2. 國家發明專利,多環芳烴降解菌FA1在吸附重金屬Pb離子中的套用,201610245173.9
Sun K.X., Sun Y.Y., Gao B., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Effect of cation type in mixed Ca-Na systems on transport of sulfonamide antibiotics in saturated limestone porous media. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 1-9.
Li X.H., Xu H.X.*, Gao B., Shi X.Q., Sun Y.Y., Wu J.C. Efficient biosorption of Pb (II) from aqueous solutions by a PAH-degrading strain Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum FA1. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 2018, 57: 64-71.
Kang X.Y., Shi X.Q.*, Deng Y. P., Revil A., Xu H.X., Wu J.C.*, Coupled hydrogeophysical inversion of DNAPL source zone architecture and permeability field in a 3D heterogeneous sandbox by assimilation time-lapse cross-borehole electrical resistivity data via ensemble Kalman filtering. Journal of Hydrology. 2018, 567: 149-164.
Sun K.X., Dong S.N., Sun Y.Y., Gao B., Du W.C., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Graphene oxide-facilitated transport of levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in saturated and unsaturated porous media. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 348: 92-99.
Zhao X.Q., Yi S.Z., Dong S.N., Xu H.X., Sun Y.Y., Hu X., Removal of Levofloxacin from aqueous solution by Magnesium-impregnated Biochar: batch and column experiments. Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability, 2018, 30 (1): 68-75.
Yi S.Z., Sun Y.Y., Hu X., Xu H.X., Gao B., Wu J.C., Porous nano-cerium oxide wood chip biochar composites for aqueous levofloxacin removal and sorption mechanism insights. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(26): 25629-25637.
Li X.H., Xu H.X.*, Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C. Retention and Transport of PAH-Degrading Bacterium Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum FA1 in Saturated Porous Media Under Various Physicochemical Conditions. Water Air Soil Pollution,217, 228:259.
Dong S.N., Sun Y.Y., Gao B., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.F. Wu J.C. Retention and transport of graphene oxide in water-saturated limestone media. Chemosphere, 2017, 180: 506-512.
Deng Y.P., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Sun Y.Y., Wu J.C., Revil A. Quantitative assessment of electrical resistivity tomography for monitoring DNAPLs migration – Comparison with high-resolution light transmission visualization in laboratory sandbox. Journal of Hydrology 544: 254-266 (2017)
Xu H.X.*, Li X.H., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C. Biodegradation of pyrene by free and immobilized cells of Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum strain FA1. Water, Air, Soil Pollution 227: 120. doi:10.1007/s11270-016-2824-0 (2016)
Cheng Z, Gao B, Xu H.X.* , Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C. Effects of dissolved surface active agents on DNAPL migration and distribution in saturated porous media under environmentally relevant conditions. Science of the Total Environment 571: 1147-1154 (2016)
Zheng F., Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Gao Y.W.. Removal of tetrachloroethylene from homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media Combined effects of surfactant solubilization and oxidant degradation, Chemical Engineering Journal 283: 595-603 (2016)
Dong S.N., Shi X.Q., Gao B., Wu J.F., Sun Y.Y., Guo H.Y., Xu H.X., Wu J.C.. Retention and Release of Graphene Oxide in Structured Heterogeneous Porous Media under Saturated and Unsaturated Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 50(19): 10397-10405 (2016)
Shi X.Q., Jiang S.M., Xu H.X.*, Jiang F., He Z.F., Wu J.C., The effects of artificial recharge of groundwater on controlling land subsidence and its influence on groundwater quality and aquifer energy storage in Shanghai, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(195):1-18 (2016)
Sun Y.Y., Xu H.X.* , Li J.H., Shi X.Q., Wu J.C., Ji R., Guo H.Y., Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Phenanthrene and Cadmium by Growing Willow (Salix × aureo-pendula CL 'J1011'), International Journal of Phytoremediation 18(2):150-156 (2016)
Dong S.N., Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.F. Wu J.C., Transport of sulfacetamide and levofloxacin in granular porous media under various conditions: Experimental observations and model simulations. Science of the Total Environment 573: 1630-1637. (2016)
Zheng F., Gao Y.W., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Influence of flow velocity and spatial heterogeneity on DNAPL migration in porous media: insights from laboratory experiments and numerical modelling, Hydrogeology Journal 23(8):1703-1718 ( 2015)
Shi X.Q., Jiang F., Feng Z.X., Yao B.K., Xu H.X.*, Wu J.C., Characterization of the regional groundwater quality evolution in the North Plain of Jiangsu Province, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 74(7): 5587-5604 (2015)
Lv X.Y., Gao B., Sun Y.Y., Shi X.Q., Xu H.X., Wu J.C., Effects of Humic Acid and Solution Chemistry on the Retention and Transport of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Saturated Porous Media, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225:2167 (2014)
Zhang Y., Xu H.X., Lv X.Y., Wu J.C., Diffusion in Relatively Homogeneous Sand Columns: A Scale-Dependent or Scale-Independent Process? Entropy 15(10): 4376-4391 (2013)
Shi X.Q., Fang R., Wu J.C., Xu H.X., Sun Y.Y., Yu J., Sustainable development and utilization of groundwater resources considering land subsidence in Suzhou, China, Engineering Geology, 124:77-89 (2012)
Xu H.X., Wu H.Y., Qiu Y.P., Shi X.Q., He G.H., Zhang J.F., Wu J.C., Degradation of Fluoranthene by a Newly Isolated Strain of Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum from Activated Sludge. Biodegradation 22(2): 335-345 (2011)
Wu H.Y., Xu H.X., Hong Y.B., Zhang J.F., Wu J.C., The use of biomarkers in the antioxidant responses of Daphnia magna to the acute and chronic exposure to no. 20 diesel oil and 2,4-dichlorophenol, Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 23(2):80-87 (2011)
程洲, 徐紅霞*, 吳吉春*, 吳鳴. 地下水中Tween80 對DNAPL運移和分布的影響. 中國環境科學, 2019, 39(3): 1068-1077.
郭瓊澤, 張燁, 姜蓓蕾, 鄭菲, 施小清*, 徐紅霞, 吳吉春. 表面活性劑增強修復地下水中四氯乙烯的砂箱實驗和模擬. 中國環境科學. 2018, 38(9): 3398-3405.
程洲, 徐紅霞, 孫媛媛, 施小清, 廖鵬輝, 吳吉春*. 鹽度對多孔介質中DNAPL運移和分布的影響. 水文地質工程地質, 2017, 44(4): 142-150.
鄧亞平, 鄭菲, 施小清, 徐紅霞, 孫媛媛, 吳吉春. 多孔介質中DNAPLs運移行為研究進展. 南京大學學報(自然科學), 2016, 52(3), 409-420.
鄭菲, 高燕維, 孫媛媛, 徐紅霞, 施小清, 吳吉春. 污染源區結構特徵對Tween 80去除DNAPL效果的影響. 中國環境科學, 2016, 36(7), 2035-2042.
徐紅霞*, 李宵慧, 孫媛媛, 施小清, 吳吉春. 一株熒蒽降解菌Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum strain FA1的固定化及其最佳化. 農業環境科學學報, 2015, 4: 11-17.
高燕維, 鄭菲, 施小清, 孫媛媛, 徐紅霞*, 吳吉春. 基於透射光法探討水流流速對DNAPL運移分布的影響. 環境科學, 2015, 36(7): 209-216.
程洲, 吳吉春, 徐紅霞, 王嘉誠, 高燕維, 李京, 董姝楠. DNAPL在透鏡體及表面活性劑作用下的運移研究. 中國環境科學, 2014, 34(11), 2888-2896.
高燕維, 鄭菲, 徐紅霞, 施小清, 孫媛媛, 吳吉春. 基於改進反射光法分析DNAPL的運移與分布特性. 地球科學-中國地質大學學報, 2013, 38(2), 8-12.


1. 國家發明專利,一種石油降解菌P-6及其套用,201510093326.8
2. 國家發明專利,多環芳烴降解菌FA1在吸附重金屬Pb離子中的套用,201610245173.9


