


  • 中文名:孫媛媛 
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境化學
  • 任職院校:南京大學



1992.09-1996.07 華東師範大學環境科學與技術系 環境科學(學士)
1996.09-1999.07 華東師範大學環境科學與技術系 分析化學(碩士)
2002.09-2006.06 南京大學環境學院環境科學系 環境化學(博士)


1999.08-2007.02 南京師範大學化學與環境科學學院 講師
2007.03-2009.11 南京大學地球科學與工程學院水科學系 講師
2009.12-2015.12 南京大學地球科學與工程學院水科學系 副教授
2013.04-2014.04 美國佛羅里達大學 訪問學者
2016.01- 至今 南京大學地球科學與工程學院水科學系 教授



“典型污染物毒性效應機制與早期預警方法研究”2010 年度教育部自然科學獎一等獎(6/10 )。




本科生課程: 水環境化學




1 、國家自然科學基金- 新疆聯合基金重點項目“乾旱區地下水系統中典型有機污染運移機理及其污染風險評價研究U1503282 ”,2016/1-2019/12 (主要負責)
2 、國家自然科學基金“非均質性條件下納米顆粒物在地下含水介質的運移和分布的研究41372234 ”,2014.1-2017.12 (主持)
3 、污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室自助團隊課題“地下水有機污染物運移與修復研究”,2015.7-2019.6 (主要負責)
4 、國家自然科學基金“典型地區包氣帶中多環芳烴的膠體促使下運移研究40902067 ”,2010.1-2012.1 (主持)
5 、江蘇省自然科學基金重點項目“有機物污染場地土壤和地下水同時修復關鍵技術套用研究BK2010055 ”,2010.9-2012.12 (主要負責)
6 、江蘇省環保廳下項目“地下水有機物污染的風險評估技術與控制裝備研發201027 ”,2010.6-2012.12 (主要負責)
7 、污染控制與資源化研究國家重點實驗室開放課題“污染土壤綠色淋洗技術研究PCRRF07014 ”,2007.1-2008.12 (主持)
8 、江蘇省基金青年科技創新人才項目 有“機污染物、重金屬複合污染土壤生態化學修復研究BK2007523 ”,2008.1-2008.12 (主要負責)


1. Li XH, Xu HX, Gao B, Sun YY, Shi XQ,Wu JC. Retention and Transport of PAH-Degrading Bacterium Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum FA1 in Saturated Porous Media Under Various Physicochemical Conditions. Water Air & Soil Pollution 2017, 228(7).
2. Yi SZ, Sun YY, Hu X*, Xu HX, Gao B, Wu JC. Porous nano-cerium oxide wood chip biochar composites for aqueous levofloxacin removal and sorption mechanism insights. Environmental science and pollution research international 2017, DOI:10.1007/s11356-016-8342-1
3. Dong SN, Sun YY, Gao B, Shi XQ*, Xu HX, Wu JF, Wu JC*. Retention and transport of graphene oxide in water-saturated limestone media. Chemosphere 2017, 180, 506-512.
4. Deng YP, Shi XQ, Xu HX, Sun YY, Wu JC, Revil A. Quantitative assessment of electrical resistivity tomography for monitoring DNAPLs migration- Comparison with high-resolution light transmission visualization in laboratory sandbox. Journal of Hydrology 2017, 544, 254-266.
5. Dong SN, Gao B, Sun YY * , Shi XQ, Xu HX, Wu JF, Wu JC*. Transport of sulfacetamide and levofloxacin in granular porous media under various conditions: Experimental observations and model simulations. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 573, 1630-1637.
6. Dong SN, Shi XQ, Gao B, Wu JF, Sun YY*, Guo HY, Xu HX, Wu JC*. Retention and release of graphene oxide in structured heterogeneous porous media under saturated and unsaturated conditions. Environmental Science and Technology 2016, 50 (19), 10397–10405.
7. Cheng Z, Gao B, Xu HX*, Sun YY, Shi XQ, Wu JC*. Effects of surface active agents on DNAPL migration and distribution in saturated porous media. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 571, 1147-1154.
8. Lv XY, Gao B, Sun YY*, Dong SN, Wu JC, Jiang BL, Shi XQ*. Effects of grain size and structural heterogeneity on the transport and retention of nano-TiO2 in saturated porous media. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 563, 987-995.
9. Yi SZ, Gao B, Sun YY*, Wu JC, Shi XQ, Wu BJ, Hu X*. Removal of levofloxacin from aqueous solution using rice-husk and wood-chip biochars. Chemosphere 2016, 150, 694-701.
10. Dong SN, Sun YY*, Wu JC, Wu BJ, Creamer AE, Gao B*. Graphene oxide as filter media to remove levofloxacin and lead from aqueous solution. Chemosphere 2016, 150, 759-764.
11. Xu HX, Li XH, Sun YY, Shi XQ*, Wu JC*. Biodegradation of Pyrene by Free and Immobilized Cells of Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum Strain FA1. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2016, 227(4), 120.
12. Zheng F, Gao B, Sun YY, Shi XQ*, Xu HX, Wu JC*, Gao YW. Removal of tetrachloroethylene from homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media: Combined effects of surfactant solubilization and oxidant degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 283, 595-603.
13. Sun YY, Xu HX*, Li JH, Shi XQ, Wu JC, Ji R, Guo HY. Phytoremediation of soils contaminated with phenanthrene and cadmium by growing Willow (Salix x aureo-pendula CL 'J1011'). International Journal of Phytoremediation 2016, 18(2), 150-156.
14. Zheng F, Gao YW, Sun YY, Shi XQ*, Xu HX, Wu JC*. Influence of flow velocity and spatial heterogeneity on DNAPL migration in porous media: insights from laboratory experiments and numerical modelling. Hydrogeology Journal 2015, 23(8), 1703-1718.
15. Liu L, Gao B*, Wu L, Sun YY, Zhou ZH. Effects of surfactant type and concentration on graphene retention and transport in saturated porous media. Chemical Engineering Journal 2015, 262, 1187-1191.
16. Sun YY, Gao B*, Bradford SA, Wu L, Chen H, Shi XQ, Wu JC*. Transport, retention, and size perturbation of graphene oxide in saturated porous media: effects of input concentration and grain size. Water Research, 2015, 68, 24-33
17. Lv XY, Gao B, Sun YY*, Shi XQ, Xu HX, Wu JC*. Effects of humic acid and solution chemistry on the retention and transport of cerium dioxide nanoparticles in saturated porous media. Water, Air, & Soil pollution 2014, 225 (10), 2167.
18. Sun YY, Hu X*, Wu JC, Lian HZ, Chen YJ. Fractionation and health risks of atmospheric particle-bound As and heavy metals in summer and winter. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 493, 487-494.
19. Hu X*, Sun YY, Ding ZH, Zhang Y, Wu JC, Lian HZ, Wang TJ. Lead contamination and transfer in urban environmental compartments analyzed by lead levels and isotopic compositions. Environmental Pollution 2014, 187, 42-48.
20. Hu X*, Ding ZH, Zhang Y, Sun YY, Wu JC, Chen YJ, Lian HZ. Size distribution and source apportionment of airborne metallic elements in Nanjing, China. Aerosol and air quality research 2013, 13 (6), 1796.
21. Du WC, Ji R, Sun YY*, Zhu JG, Wu JC, Guo HY. Fate and Ecological Effects of Decabromodiphenyl Ether in a Field Lysimeter. Environment Science & Technology 2013, 47(16), 9167−9174.
22. Sun YY, Ren LJ, Li JH, Yin Y, Wu JC, Ji R, Shi XQ, and Guo HY*. The co-application of willow and earthworms/horseradish for removal of pentachlorophenol from contaminated soils. Soil & Sediment Contamination 2013, 22(5), 498–509.
23. Hu X*, Zhang Y, Ding ZH, Wang TJ, Lian HZ, Sun YY, Wu JC. Bioaccessibility and health risk of arsenic and heavy metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Mn) in TSP and PM2.5 in Nanjing, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2012, 57, 146-152.
24. Shi XQ*, Fang R, Wu JC, Xu HX, Sun YY, Yu J. Sustainable development and utilization of groundwater resources considering land subsidence in Suzhou, China. Engineering Geology 2012, 124, 77-89.
25. Shan J , Jiang BQ , Yu B , Li CL , Sun YY, Guo HY , Wu JC , Klumpp E, Schaffer A, Ji R. Isomer-specific degradation of branched and linear 4-nonylphenol isomers in an oxic soil. Environment Science & Technology 2011, 45(19), 8283-8289
26. Guo HY, Zhu JG, Zhou H, Sun YY, Yin Y, Pei DP, Ji R, Wu JC, Wang XR. Elevated CO2 Levels Affects the Concentrations of Copper and Cadmium in Crops Grown in Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metals under Fully Open-Air Field Conditions . Environment Science & Technology 2011, 45 (16), 6997–7003
27. Li JH, Zhang BG, Sun YY, Guo HY. Simultaneous and repetitious removal of 2,4-Dichlorophenol and copper from soils using an aqueous solution of ethyl-lactate-amended EDDS. Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal 2011, 20, 605-616.
28. Du WC, Sun YY*, Cao L, Ji R, Wang XR, Wu JC, Zhu JG, Guo HY, 2011. Environmental Fate of Phenanthrene in Lysimeter Planted with Wheat and Rice in Rotation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011, 188(1-3), 408-413
29. Du WC, Sun YY, Ji R, Zhu JG, Wu JC, Guo HY, 2011. TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles negatively affect wheat growth and soil enzyme activities in agricultural soil. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2011, 13(4), 822-828
30. Li JH, Sun YY, Yin Y, Ji R, Wu JC, Wang XR, Guo HY. Ethyl lactate-EDTA composite system enhances the remediation of the cadmium-contaminated soil by Autochthonous Willow (Salix×aureo-pendula CL ‘J1011’ ) in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2010, 181(1-3), 673-678
31. Shi XQ , Wu JC , Zhu XB , Jiang YH , Sun YY . Characterization and monitoring transport of DNAPLs at a contaminated site using geophysical methods and numerical simulation . GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA 2010, 74(12), A950-A950
32. Guo HY, Wang W, Sun YY*, Li X, Ai FX, Xie L, Wang XR. Ethyl lactate enhances ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid solution removal of copper from contaminated soils . Journal of hazardous material 2010, 174(1-3), 59-63.
33. Yin Y , Wang XR , Yang LY , Sun YY , Guo HY . Bioaccumulation and ROS generation in Coontail Ceratophyllum demersum L. exposed to phenanthrene. Ecotoxicology 2010, 19(6), 1102-1110
34. Sun YY, Ji, LL, Wang W, Wang XR, Wu JC, Li H, and Guo HY. Simultaneous removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Copper from Soils using ethyl lactate-amended EDDS solution. Journal of Environmental Quality 2009, 38(4) 1591-1597.
35. Sun YY, Yin Y, Zhang JF, Yu HX., Wang XR, Wu JC, and Xue YQ. Hydroxyl radical generation and oxidative stress in Carassius auratus liver, exposed to pyrene. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2008, 71(2), 446-453
36. Sun YY, Guo HY, Yu HX, Wang XR, Wu JC, and Xue YQ. Bioaccumulation and physiological effects of TBBPA in Coontail Ceratophyllum demersum L. Chemosphere 2008, 70, 1787-1795.
37. Yin Y, Wang XR, Sun YY, Guo HY, Yin DQ. Bioaccumulation and Oxidative Stress in Submerged Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum L. Upon Exposure to Pyrene. Environmental Toxicology 2008, 23(3), 328-336.
38. Sun YY, Yin Y, Zhang JF, Yu HX, and Wang XR. Bioaccumulation and ROS generation in liver of Carassius auratus under HC Orange No.1 exposure. Environmental Toxicology 2007, 22, 256-263.
39. Liu HL, Yu HX, Giesy JP, Sun YY, Wang XR. Toxicity of HC Orange No. 1 to Daphnia magna, Zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) embryos, and goldfish (Carassius auratus). Chemosphere 2007 66, 2159-2165
40. Yin Y, Jia HX, Sun YY, Yu HX, Wang XR, Wu JC, and Xue YQ. Bioaccumulation and ROS generation in liver of Carassius auratus, exposed to phenanthrene. Comparative Biochemistry and physiology, part C 2007, 145(2), 288-293.
41. Sun YY, Yu HX, Zhang JF, Yin Y, Shi HH, Wang XR. Bioaccumulation and antioxidant responses in goldfish Carassius auratus under HC Orange No.1 exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2006, 63(3), 430-437.
42. Sun YY, Yu HX, Zhang JF, Yin Y, Shen H, Liu HL, and Wang XR. Bioaccumulation, depuration and oxidative stress in fish Carassius auratus under phenanthrene exposure. Chemosphere 2006, 63, 1319-1327.
43. Zhang JF, Liu H , Sun YY , Wang XR , Wu JC , and Xue YQ . Responses of the antioxidant defenses of the goldfish Carassius auratus, exposed to 2,4-dichlorophenol. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2005, 19, 185-190.
44. Zhang JF, Sun YY, Shen H, Liu H, Wang XR, Wu JC, and Xue YQ. Antioxidant response of Daphnia magna exposed to no. 20 diesel oil. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailablity 2004, 16(4), 139-144.
1. 蘇安琪, 王麗麗, 董姝楠, 施小清, 孫媛媛, 吳吉春. 基於TOUGH2/EOS9nT 模擬飽和雙區介質砂柱中納米顆粒的運移. 環境科學學報 2017, 37(04), 1358-1366.
2. 鄭菲, 高燕維, 徐紅霞, 孫媛媛, 施小清, 吳吉春. 非均質性對DNAPL 污染源區結構特徵影響的實驗研究. 水文地質工程地質 2016, 43(05), 140-148.
3. 鄭菲, 高燕維, 孫媛媛, 徐紅霞, 施小清, 吳吉春. 污染源區結構特徵對Tween 80 去除DNAPL 效果的影響. 中國環境科學 2016, 36(07), 2035-2042.
4. 陳亞妮, 董姝楠, 孫媛媛, 施小清, 徐紅霞, 吳吉春. 氧化石墨烯對鉛在飽和多孔介質中運移的影響. 農業環境科學學報 2016, 35(07), 1392-1397.
5. 鄧亞平, 鄭菲, 施小清, 徐紅霞, 孫媛媛,吳吉春. 多孔介質中DNAPLs 運移行為研究進展. 南京大學學報( 自然科學) 2016, 52(03), 409-420.
6. 呂雪艷, 孫媛媛, 施小清, 徐紅霞, 吳吉春. 環境因子對兩種納米金屬氧化物在水體中穩定性的影響. 農業環境科學學報 2015, 34(01), 144-154.
7. 徐紅霞, 李宵慧, 孫媛媛, 施小清, 吳吉春. 一株熒蒽降解菌Herbaspirillum chlorophenolicum strain FA1 的固定化及其最佳化. 農業環境科學學報 2015, 34(04), 672-678.
8. 高燕維, 鄭菲, 施小清, 孫媛媛, 徐紅霞, 吳吉春. 基於透射光法探討水流流速對DNAPL 運移分布的影響. 環境科學 2015, (07), 2532-2539.
9. 呂雪艷, 姚遙, 孫媛媛, 吳吉春, 郭紅岩. 離子強度及pH 對不同類型土壤中膠體釋放的影響. 農業環境科學學報 2014, (07), 1358-1365.
10. 薛臘梅, 劉志超, 尹穎, 孫媛媛, 郭紅岩. 微波強化EDDS 淋洗修復重金屬污染土壤研究. 農業環境科學學報 2013, 32(08), 1552-1557.
11. 田然, 周輝, 黃娟, 朱建國, 尹穎, 孫媛媛, 王曉蓉, 郭紅岩. 大氣CO2 濃度升高條件下土壤鎘污染對土壤酶及微生物群落多樣性的影響. 南京大學學報( 自然科學版) 2011, 47(06), 712-717.
12. 施小清, 吳吉春, 劉德朋, 江思泯, 孫媛媛, 徐紅霞. 飽和介質中重非水相液體運移的數值模擬及敏感性分析. 南京大學學報( 自然科學版) 2011, 47(03), 299-307.
13. 劉慧, 朱方偉, 尹穎, 郭紅岩, 孫媛媛, 王曉蓉. 納米ZnO 對鯽魚肝臟的毒性. 生態毒理學報 2010, 5(05), 698-703.
14. 李佳華, 林仁漳, 王世和, 孫媛媛, 郭紅岩, 王曉蓉. 改良劑對土壤- 蘆蒿系統中鎘行為的影響. 環境化學 2009, 28(03), 350-354.
15. 杜文超, 孫媛媛, 曹璐, 朱建國, 季榮, 王曉蓉, 郭紅岩. 野外Lysimeter 試驗~(14)C 同位素示蹤研究土壤- 小麥系統多環芳烴萘的環境歸趨. 農業環境科學學報 2009, 28(08), 1557-1561.
16. 周輝, 朱建國, 孫媛媛, 尹穎, 王曉蓉, 郭紅岩. 大氣O3 濃度升高對麥田土壤重金屬銅生物有效性和生理毒性的影響. 農業環境科學學報 2009b, 28(01), 21-25.
17. 曹璐, 孫媛媛, 王曉蓉, 吳吉春. 腐植酸對四溴雙酚A 在金魚藻體內的富集及氧化脅迫的影響. 農業環境科學學報 2009, 28(03), 476-480.
18. 施小清, 吳吉春, 姜蓓蕾, 方瑞, 孫媛媛. 基於LHS 方法的地下水流模型不確定性分析. 水文地質工程地質 2009, (02), 1-6.
19. 尹穎, 孫媛媛, 郭紅岩, 王曉蓉. 芘對苦草的生物毒性效應. 套用生態學報 2007, 18(07), 1528-1533.
20. 尹穎, 孫媛媛, 賈海霞, 郭紅岩, 王曉蓉. 菲在苦草中的富集及氧化脅迫效應. 套用與環境生物學報 2007,13 (05), 652-656.
21. 孫媛媛, 於紅霞, 沈驊, 張景飛, 劉紅玲, 王曉蓉. 2- 硝基-4'- 羥基二苯胺(HC Orange No.1) 在鯽魚肝臟中的富集及其對肝臟抗氧化指標的影響. 農業環境科學學報 2005, 24(01), 26-30.
22. 沈驊, 孫媛媛, 張景飛, 王曉蓉. 以應激蛋白為生物標誌物研究低濃度2- 硝基-4’- 羥基二苯胺對鯽魚肝臟和腦組織的動態暴露的影響. 湖泊科學 2005, 17(02), 188-192.
23. 沈驊, 孫媛媛, 張景飛, 王曉蓉. 低質量濃度2- 硝基-4′- 羥基二苯胺暴露對鯽魚鰓組織HSP70 誘導的影響. 環境科學研究 2005, 18(04), 87-90.
24. 孫媛媛, 尹穎, 張景飛, 劉紅玲, 王曉蓉, 於紅霞. 2- 硝基-4’- 羥基二苯胺(HC Orange No.1) 在鯽魚體內富集行為研究. 南京大學學報( 自然科學版) 2004, 40(06), 734-739.
25. 劉紅玲, 孫媛媛, 於紅霞, 王曉蓉. 4- 羥基-2'- 硝基二苯胺對水生生物急性毒性效應的研究. 農業環境科學學報 2004,23 (03), 467-470.
26. 王炳祥, 孫媛媛, 李國棟, 王曉蓉, 胡宏紋. 一步法合成2- 芳基咪唑並[2,1-a] 異喹啉等雜環化合物. 化學學報 2002,60 (10), 1883-1886+1736.


