- 中文名:徐民良
- 外文名:未知
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生日期:1950年10月
- 性別:男
- 號:臥虎山人
現為中國國際書畫藝術研究院,終身書法家,中國國際書畫藝術協會理事會,副主席,中國書法家協會骨幹會員,北京書畫藝術研究院特聘高級書法師、副主編,中國黃河文化藝術研究院研究員。他,從事書法藝術40多年,專攻書法真、草、 隸、篆,尤其擅長隸書和篆書。軍人生涯22年。一生酷愛書法,從商周金文.秦篆,漢隸,魏碑,唐楷,宋形及名人小楷等名家精品中吸取營養,在三千多年的書法大洋中尋找樂趣。為提高藝術,深造自己,曾自學了中國書法函授大學全部教材,並取得了良好的學業成績,對書法藝術有了總觀,全面,深刻的了解。 曾兩次舉辦個人書法展,並出版了《徐民良書法墨跡一.二卷》個人專著。
在全國書畫大賽中,一次獲得特別金獎,四次榮獲金獎,三次榮獲銀獎,兩次榮獲銅獎。書法作品被中國國際書畫藝術協會《翰墨名家精品大觀》.《中國書畫藝術》.《中國書法家作品選集》等21種書籍所選編,並被中國國際書畫藝術協會授予“傑出書畫家”榮譽勳章。全國書畫大賽組委會授予“中國著名書法家”,“中國書法優秀藝術家” “人民書畫藝術家”等榮譽稱號。其書法作品,藝術事跡多次在報刊雜誌上發表刊登, 並被編入《世界專家人才名錄》。作品流傳於日本.新加坡.美國.台灣.香港等國家和地區,並被收藏。
Xu Min-liang, No. Crouching Tiger, Hermit, male, Han nationality, was born in October 1950, a college graduate, Luonan, the ancient city of people. Now for the International Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, lifelong calligrapher, the Council of the China International Painting and Calligraphy Association, vice chairman of the backbone member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Beijing Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute Distinguished Senior book Master, deputy editor of China's Yellow River culture and art School of researchers. He engaged in the art of calligraphy 40 years, specializing in calligraphy true, grass, scribe, Fragrance, specializing in the official script and seal character. 22-year military career. Lover of calligraphy, businessman Zhou Dynasty. Qin Zhuan, Han Li, Weibei, Tang Kai, Song-shaped and celebrities in lower case and other famous boutique absorb nutrition, looking for fun in the 3,000 years of calligraphy Ocean. To improve the art, post-graduate, who taught himself Chinese calligraphy correspondence university textbook, and achieved good academic results, a total concept of the art of calligraphy, a comprehensive and profound understanding. Has twice organized the a personal calligraphy exhibition and published Xu Min-liang calligraphy ink. Vols Personal monograph.