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2003.09-2009.07 獲工學博士學位(工程力學,碩博連讀),哈爾濱工業大學,學位論文:結構流固耦合振動與流動控制的數值模擬
1999.09-2003.07 獲工學學士學位(土木工程),哈爾濱工業大學,學位論文:高層旅館設計


2018-至今 副教授,哈工大深圳研究生院,土木與環境工程學院
2013-2017 助理教授,哈工大深圳研究生院,土木與環境工程學院
2010-2012 博士後,哈工大深圳研究生院,土木與環境工程學院





2018-2021 國家自然科學基金面上項目:圓柱才槳愚淚體風致振動的行波壁流局甩夜動控制方法與機理,主持
2011-2013 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目煉微甩:高建築風致振動耦合效應的數值模擬與實驗研究,主持
2017-2020 廣東省自然科學基金項目:抑制圓柱體風致振動的動波壁流動控制方法,主持
2015-2017 深圳市科技計畫項目:抑制風致振動的行波壁仿生流動控制方法,主持
2014-2015 哈工大校創新基金:低矮建築龍捲風荷載的大渦模擬研究,主持
2013-2015 哈工大深圳研究生院新教師科研啟動項目:龍捲風風場特性及其槳才符對建築物風荷載的影響研究,主持
2017-2019 結構風工程與城市風環境北京市重點實驗室課題:大跨橋樑斜拉索渦激振動的被動流動控制方法研究,主持
2016-2020 國家重點研發計畫:高性能結構風致與環境振動全壽命性能監測、評定與設計理論,參加
2018-2021 國家自然科學基金聯合重點項目:大型跨海橋樑的船籃放撞風險評估、智慧型監控與安全防護研究,參加
2014-2017 國家自然科學基金面上項目:大跨懸索橋橋塔複雜繞流場影響區吊索大幅風致振動的機理與控制,參加
2012-2015 國家自然科學基金面上項目:大跨度橋樑非線性軟顫振理論、實驗與數值模擬研究,參加
2015-2016 深圳市南山區項目:無損檢測物聯網套用技術中心,參加
2012-2013 哈爾濱市牆體材料改革辦:外牆外保溫系統火災仿真分析與被動控制,參加
2017 企業課題:廣州(潭州)會展中心二期項目CFD數值模擬,主持。
2017 企業課題:海花島童話世界主題樂園龍山多維過山車活塞風CFD數值模擬,主持。
2018 企業課題:南沙國際郵輪碼頭綜合體項目風洞試驗,主持




1) W. Xu, F. Xu. Numerical study on wind-induced noise of high-rise building curtain wall with outside shading devices. Shock and Vibration, 2018. (SCI, IF=1.281)
2) F. Xu, W.L. Chen, W.F. Bai, Y.Q. Xiao, J.P. Ou. Flow control of the wake vortex street of a circular cylinder by using a traveling wave wall. Computers & Fluids, 2016, 145: 52-67. (JCR一區,SCI, IF:2.313)
3) F. Xu, W.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, H. Li, J.P. Ou. Numerical study on the suppression of the vortex-induced vibration of an elastically mounted cylinder by a travelling wave wall. Journal Fluids and Structures, 2014, 44: 145-165. (JCR二區,SCI, IF:2.021)
4) F. Xu, W.F. Bai, W.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, J.P. Ou. Flow control on the vortex-Induced vibration of a circular cylinder using a traveling wave wall method. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2018, 21: 1-12. (JCR三區,SCI, IF: 0.829)
5) W.L. Chen, F. Xu. Investigation of a hybrid approach combining experimental tests and numerical simulations to study vortex-induced vibration in a circular cylinder. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012, 331: 1164-1182. (JCR一區,SCI, IF:2.593)
6) H. Li, W.L. Chen, F. Xu, F.C. Li, J.P. Ou. A hybrid approach of test combining with CFD for investigation of aerodynamic forces on stay cables suffering from rain-wind induced vibration. Journal Fluids and Structures, 2010, 26(7-8): 1195-1215. (JCR二區,SCI, IF:2.021)
7) W.L. Chen, D.B. Xin, F. Xu, Li Hui, J.P. Ou, Hu Hui. Suppression of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder using suction-based flow control. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2013, 42: 25-39. (JCR二區,SCI, IF:2.021)
8) W.L. Chen, X. Wang, F. Xu, H. Li, H. Hu. A passive jet flow control method for suppressing unsteady vortex shedding from a circular cylinder. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 30(1): 04016063, 1-19. (JCR二區,SCI, IF: 1.107)
9) G.F. Qiao, B. Guo, J.P. Ou, F. Xu, Z. Li. Numerical optimization of an impressed current cathodic protection system for reinforced concrete structures. Construction and Building Materials. 2016,119:260-267. (JCR一區,SCI, IF: 3.169)
10) F. Xu, J. Ma, W.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, Z.D. Duan. Analysis of load characteristics and responses of low-rise building under tornado. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 210: 165-172. (EI)
11) F. Xu, J.P. Ou, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical simulation of flow interference between four cylinders in an in-line square arrangement. Journal of Harbin Institute Technology, 2011, 18 (1): 113-120. (EI)
12) G. Yan, F. Xu, J.P. Ou. Vortex-induced vibration analysis of the tendon considering the effect of Hull’s motion. The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June21-26, 2009:1337-1342, Osaka, Japan. (EI)
13) F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao, H. Liu, J.P. Ou. Numerical study on vortex induced vibration of three cylinders in equilateral-triangular arrangements. Fluid-Structure-Sound Interaction and Control (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 391-398, 2013.
14) W.L. Chen, X. Wang, F. Xu, H. Li, H.Hu. Numerical simulation study on a passive jet flow control method to suppress unsteady vortex shedding from a circular cylinder. Fluid-Structure-Sound Interaction and Control (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 441-446, 2015.
15) 徐楓, 周高照, 肖儀清, 歐進萍. 建築屋蓋表面及其周圍積雪分布研究. 振動與衝擊, 2017, 70050. (EI)
16) 徐楓, 陳文禮, 肖儀清, 歐進萍. 行波壁抑制圓柱渦激振動的數值模擬研究. 工程力學, 2014,31(9): 104-111. (EI)
17) 徐楓, 肖儀清, 李波, 歐進萍. 龍捲風風場特性的CFD數值模擬. 空氣動力學學報, 2013, 31(3): 350-356.
18) 徐楓, 陳文禮,肖儀清, 段忠東, 歐進萍. 超高層建築風致振動的現場實測與數值模擬. 防災減災工程學報, 2013, 34(1): 51-57.
19) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 正三角形排列三圓柱繞流與渦致振動數值模擬. 空氣動力學學報, 2010, 28(5): 582-590. (EI)
20) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 低雷諾數下彈性圓柱體渦激振動及影響參數分析. 計算力學學報, 2009, 26(5): 613-619. (EI)
21) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 不同截面形狀柱體流致振動的CFD數值模擬. 工程力學, 2009, 26(4): 7-15. (EI)
22) 徐楓, 歐進萍, 肖儀清. 方柱流致橫風向振動的CFD數值模擬. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2008, 40(12): 1849-1854. (EI)
23) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 方柱非定常繞流與渦激振動的數值模擬. 東南大學學報(自然科學版), 2005, 35(增刊Ⅰ): 35-39. (EI)


1) F. Xu, L. Zhang, Y.Q. Xiao, Z.D. Duan, J.P. Ou. Numerical study on suppressing oscillating wake of a rectangular cylinder by traveling wave wall. International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2018.
2) F. Xu, L. Zhang, Y.Q. Xiao, Z.D. Duan, J.P. Ou. Study on flow control for suppressing oscillating wake of a square cylinder by traveling wave wall. The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Qingdao, China, 2018
3) F. Xu, Z. Ye, W.L. Chen, J. Ma, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical Simulation of the Evolution Law of Tornado Wind Field Based on Radar Measured Data. The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM16), Jeju, Korea, 2016.08.
4) F. Xu, W.F. Bai, Y.Q. Xiao, J.P. Ou. Effectiveness of different control parameters of traveling wave wall in flow around a circular cylinder at high Reynolds number. The 11th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD11), Dalian, China, 2016.09.
5) F. Xu, W.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, H. Li, J.P. Ou. Flow control for vortex induced vibration of a circular cylinder based on a travelling wave wall. International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS-2013), Harbin, China, 2013.07.
6) W.L. Chen, X. Wang, F. Xu, H. Li, H.Hu. Numerical simulation study on a passive jet flow control method to suppress unsteady vortex shedding from a circular cylinder. FSSIC2015-3rd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Perth, Western Australia, 2015.07.
7) W.L. Chen, Y. Liu, F. Xu, S. Lama, H. Li, H. Hu. Suppression of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder by using traveling transverse waves. 2nd International Retreat on Vortex Dynamics and Vorticity Aerodynamics, Shanghai, China, 2013.08.
8) W.L. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Hu, F. Xu, H. Li. Suppression of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder by using a traveling wave wall, 2014 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2014), 2014.01: AIAA-2014-0399. (EI)
9) J.P. Ou, F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical simulation of wind-induced vibration of an elastic cylinder in uniform flow. 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairs, Australia, 2007: 2647-2652.
10) F. Xu, J.P. Ou, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical study on vortex induced vibrations of four cylinders in an in-line square configuration. International Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (CSE 09), Shanghai, China, 2009: 553-567.
11) J.P. Ou, F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of three cylinders in regular triangle arrangement. The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE-VII), Taipei, Taiwan, China, 2009.
12) F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao, J.P. Ou, H. Liu. Numerical study on vortex induced vibration of three cylinders in equilateral-triangular arrangements. 2nd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, HongKong & Macau , May, 2013.
13) G. Yan, F. Xu, J.P. Ou. Dynamic response analysis of TLP’s tendon in current loads. International Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (CSE 09), Shanghai, China, 2009: 569-575.
14) 徐楓, 周高照, 肖儀清, 歐進萍. 考慮建築間干擾效應的雙坡屋蓋積雪分布模擬. 第18屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 長沙, 中國, 2017.08.
15) 任曉鵬, 徐楓. 2.5D圓柱振盪尾流控制的大渦模擬. 第18屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 長沙, 中國, 2017.08.
16) 馬傑, 徐楓. 實尺龍捲風風場結構數值模擬與驗證. 第18屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 長沙, 中國, 2017.08.
17) 竇然, 徐楓. 橋樑主梁節段模型軟顫振CFD數值模擬. 第十七屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 武漢, 湖北, 2015, 08.
18) 徐楓, 陳文禮, 肖儀清, 李惠, 歐進萍. 圓柱風致振動的行波壁流動控制方法研究. 第十六屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 成都, 中國, 2013, 07.
19) 徐楓, 歐進萍, 肖儀清. 正方形順排排列四圓柱渦激振動數值模擬. 第十四屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 北京, 中國, 2009, 08: 878-884.
20) 唐興, 徐楓, 歐進萍. 基於中尺度模式CFD耦合的多尺度颱風風場初步研究. 第十四屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 北京, 中國, 2009, 08: 158-162.
21) 徐楓, 歐進萍, 肖儀清. 不同截面形狀柱體風致振動的CFD數值模擬.第十三屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 大連, 中國, 2007, 09: 800-805.
22) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 角動量輸入對鈍體尾跡控制的數值研究. 2009年全國工業空氣動力學學術會議, 長沙, 中國, 2009, 11: 345-350.
23) 陳文禮, 徐楓, 李惠. 斜拉索風雨激振CFD數值模擬子結構方法研究. 2009年全國工業空氣動力學學術會議, 長沙, 中國, 2009, 11: 194-200.


2014 深圳市高層次專業人才(後備級)
2016 深圳市南山區領航人才(C類)
2016 哈工大第五屆青年教師研究生課程教學競賽(二等獎)
2009 全國工業空氣動力學學術會議“優秀青年論文獎”
2005 全國博士生論壇“優秀研究生論文獎”
2017 企業課題:廣州(潭州)會展中心二期項目CFD數值模擬,主持。
2017 企業課題:海花島童話世界主題樂園龍山多維過山車活塞風CFD數值模擬,主持。
2018 企業課題:南沙國際郵輪碼頭綜合體項目風洞試驗,主持




1) W. Xu, F. Xu. Numerical study on wind-induced noise of high-rise building curtain wall with outside shading devices. Shock and Vibration, 2018. (SCI, IF=1.281)
2) F. Xu, W.L. Chen, W.F. Bai, Y.Q. Xiao, J.P. Ou. Flow control of the wake vortex street of a circular cylinder by using a traveling wave wall. Computers & Fluids, 2016, 145: 52-67. (JCR一區,SCI, IF:2.313)
3) F. Xu, W.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, H. Li, J.P. Ou. Numerical study on the suppression of the vortex-induced vibration of an elastically mounted cylinder by a travelling wave wall. Journal Fluids and Structures, 2014, 44: 145-165. (JCR二區,SCI, IF:2.021)
4) F. Xu, W.F. Bai, W.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, J.P. Ou. Flow control on the vortex-Induced vibration of a circular cylinder using a traveling wave wall method. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2018, 21: 1-12. (JCR三區,SCI, IF: 0.829)
5) W.L. Chen, F. Xu. Investigation of a hybrid approach combining experimental tests and numerical simulations to study vortex-induced vibration in a circular cylinder. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012, 331: 1164-1182. (JCR一區,SCI, IF:2.593)
6) H. Li, W.L. Chen, F. Xu, F.C. Li, J.P. Ou. A hybrid approach of test combining with CFD for investigation of aerodynamic forces on stay cables suffering from rain-wind induced vibration. Journal Fluids and Structures, 2010, 26(7-8): 1195-1215. (JCR二區,SCI, IF:2.021)
7) W.L. Chen, D.B. Xin, F. Xu, Li Hui, J.P. Ou, Hu Hui. Suppression of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder using suction-based flow control. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2013, 42: 25-39. (JCR二區,SCI, IF:2.021)
8) W.L. Chen, X. Wang, F. Xu, H. Li, H. Hu. A passive jet flow control method for suppressing unsteady vortex shedding from a circular cylinder. ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 30(1): 04016063, 1-19. (JCR二區,SCI, IF: 1.107)
9) G.F. Qiao, B. Guo, J.P. Ou, F. Xu, Z. Li. Numerical optimization of an impressed current cathodic protection system for reinforced concrete structures. Construction and Building Materials. 2016,119:260-267. (JCR一區,SCI, IF: 3.169)
10) F. Xu, J. Ma, W.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, Z.D. Duan. Analysis of load characteristics and responses of low-rise building under tornado. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 210: 165-172. (EI)
11) F. Xu, J.P. Ou, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical simulation of flow interference between four cylinders in an in-line square arrangement. Journal of Harbin Institute Technology, 2011, 18 (1): 113-120. (EI)
12) G. Yan, F. Xu, J.P. Ou. Vortex-induced vibration analysis of the tendon considering the effect of Hull’s motion. The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June21-26, 2009:1337-1342, Osaka, Japan. (EI)
13) F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao, H. Liu, J.P. Ou. Numerical study on vortex induced vibration of three cylinders in equilateral-triangular arrangements. Fluid-Structure-Sound Interaction and Control (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 391-398, 2013.
14) W.L. Chen, X. Wang, F. Xu, H. Li, H.Hu. Numerical simulation study on a passive jet flow control method to suppress unsteady vortex shedding from a circular cylinder. Fluid-Structure-Sound Interaction and Control (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), 441-446, 2015.
15) 徐楓, 周高照, 肖儀清, 歐進萍. 建築屋蓋表面及其周圍積雪分布研究. 振動與衝擊, 2017, 70050. (EI)
16) 徐楓, 陳文禮, 肖儀清, 歐進萍. 行波壁抑制圓柱渦激振動的數值模擬研究. 工程力學, 2014,31(9): 104-111. (EI)
17) 徐楓, 肖儀清, 李波, 歐進萍. 龍捲風風場特性的CFD數值模擬. 空氣動力學學報, 2013, 31(3): 350-356.
18) 徐楓, 陳文禮,肖儀清, 段忠東, 歐進萍. 超高層建築風致振動的現場實測與數值模擬. 防災減災工程學報, 2013, 34(1): 51-57.
19) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 正三角形排列三圓柱繞流與渦致振動數值模擬. 空氣動力學學報, 2010, 28(5): 582-590. (EI)
20) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 低雷諾數下彈性圓柱體渦激振動及影響參數分析. 計算力學學報, 2009, 26(5): 613-619. (EI)
21) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 不同截面形狀柱體流致振動的CFD數值模擬. 工程力學, 2009, 26(4): 7-15. (EI)
22) 徐楓, 歐進萍, 肖儀清. 方柱流致橫風向振動的CFD數值模擬. 哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2008, 40(12): 1849-1854. (EI)
23) 徐楓, 歐進萍. 方柱非定常繞流與渦激振動的數值模擬. 東南大學學報(自然科學版), 2005, 35(增刊Ⅰ): 35-39. (EI)


1) F. Xu, L. Zhang, Y.Q. Xiao, Z.D. Duan, J.P. Ou. Numerical study on suppressing oscillating wake of a rectangular cylinder by traveling wave wall. International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2018.
2) F. Xu, L. Zhang, Y.Q. Xiao, Z.D. Duan, J.P. Ou. Study on flow control for suppressing oscillating wake of a square cylinder by traveling wave wall. The 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, Qingdao, China, 2018
3) F. Xu, Z. Ye, W.L. Chen, J. Ma, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical Simulation of the Evolution Law of Tornado Wind Field Based on Radar Measured Data. The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM16), Jeju, Korea, 2016.08.
4) F. Xu, W.F. Bai, Y.Q. Xiao, J.P. Ou. Effectiveness of different control parameters of traveling wave wall in flow around a circular cylinder at high Reynolds number. The 11th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD11), Dalian, China, 2016.09.
5) F. Xu, W.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xiao, H. Li, J.P. Ou. Flow control for vortex induced vibration of a circular cylinder based on a travelling wave wall. International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS-2013), Harbin, China, 2013.07.
6) W.L. Chen, X. Wang, F. Xu, H. Li, H.Hu. Numerical simulation study on a passive jet flow control method to suppress unsteady vortex shedding from a circular cylinder. FSSIC2015-3rd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Perth, Western Australia, 2015.07.
7) W.L. Chen, Y. Liu, F. Xu, S. Lama, H. Li, H. Hu. Suppression of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder by using traveling transverse waves. 2nd International Retreat on Vortex Dynamics and Vorticity Aerodynamics, Shanghai, China, 2013.08.
8) W.L. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Hu, F. Xu, H. Li. Suppression of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder by using a traveling wave wall, 2014 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech2014), 2014.01: AIAA-2014-0399. (EI)
9) J.P. Ou, F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical simulation of wind-induced vibration of an elastic cylinder in uniform flow. 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairs, Australia, 2007: 2647-2652.
10) F. Xu, J.P. Ou, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical study on vortex induced vibrations of four cylinders in an in-line square configuration. International Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (CSE 09), Shanghai, China, 2009: 553-567.
11) J.P. Ou, F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao. Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of three cylinders in regular triangle arrangement. The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE-VII), Taipei, Taiwan, China, 2009.
12) F. Xu, Y.Q. Xiao, J.P. Ou, H. Liu. Numerical study on vortex induced vibration of three cylinders in equilateral-triangular arrangements. 2nd Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, HongKong & Macau , May, 2013.
13) G. Yan, F. Xu, J.P. Ou. Dynamic response analysis of TLP’s tendon in current loads. International Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (CSE 09), Shanghai, China, 2009: 569-575.
14) 徐楓, 周高照, 肖儀清, 歐進萍. 考慮建築間干擾效應的雙坡屋蓋積雪分布模擬. 第18屆全國結構風工程學術會議, 長沙, 中國, 2017.08.
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2014 深圳市高層次專業人才(後備級)
2016 深圳市南山區領航人才(C類)
2016 哈工大第五屆青年教師研究生課程教學競賽(二等獎)
2009 全國工業空氣動力學學術會議“優秀青年論文獎”
2005 全國博士生論壇“優秀研究生論文獎”


