2006 - 2012 耶魯大學(Yale University),機械工程及材料科學,博士,導師:Eric R. Dufresne
2003 - 2006 上海交通大學,材料學,碩士,導師:蔡珣、李劉合
1999 - 2003 上海交通大學,材料科學與工程/自動控制(雙學位),學士
2016至今: 北京航空航天大學 機械工程及自動化學院 教授、博士生導師
2012-2015: 美國賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania) 物質結構研究中心 博士後研究員
2009及2010年夏: 聯合利華(北美)公司 材料及工藝科學實驗室 實習研究員
發表論文17篇,其中SCI索引14篇。科研成果發表在包括《美國科學院院刊(PNAS)》、《軟物質(Soft Matter)》、《物理評論快報(Physical Review Letters)》等國際一流期刊上,總引用數超過250次。
1. Y. Xu, W. C. Engl, E. R. Jerison, K. J. Wallenstein, C. Hyland, L. A. Wilen, and E. R. Dufresne; Imaging in-plane and normal stresses near an interface crack using traction force microscopy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 107, 14964-14967 (2010).
- 該論文被Yale News、Physics Today、Yale Scientific Magazine等媒體報導
2. E. R. Jerison, Y. Xu, L. A. Wilen, and E. R. Dufresne; Deformation of an Elastic Substrate by a Three-Phase Contact Line, Physical Review Letters 106, 186103 (2011).
3. Y. Xu, G. K. German, A. F. Mertz, and E. R. Dufresne; Imaging Stress and Strain in the Fracture of Drying Colloidal Films, Soft Matter 9, 3735-3740 (2013).
- 被選為Soft Matter2013年5月“HOT paper”
4. A. Basu, Y. Xu*, T. Still, P. E. Arratia, Z. Zhang, K. N. Nordstrom, J. P. Gollub, D. J. Durian, and A. G. Yodh; Rheology of Soft Colloids Near Rigidity Onset: Critical Scaling, Thermal, and Non-thermal Responses, Soft Matter 10, 3027-3035(2014).
* co-first-author and corresponding author
5. Y. Xu, L. H. Li, X. Cai, and P. K. Chu; Hard Nanocomposite Ti-Si-N Films Prepared by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Using Ti-Si Mosaic Target. Surface and Coating Technology 201, 6824-6827 (2007).
6. L. Wu, C. Ortiz, Y. Xu, J. Willenbring, and D. Jerolmack; in situ liquid-cell observations of asbestos fiber diffusion in water, Environmental Science and Technology 49, 13340-13349 (2015)
7. R. Dreyfus, Y. Xu, T. Still, L. A. Hough, A. G. Yodh, and S. Torquato; Diagnosing Hyperuniformity in Two-dimentional Disordered Jammed-packings of Soft Spheres, Physical Review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 91, 012302 (2015)
8. Y. Xu, X. Huang, and A. G. Ramirez; Crystallization of Amorphous NiTiCu Thin Films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 480, L13-L16 (2009).
擔任《Physical Review Letters》、《Soft Matter》、《Smart Materials and Structures》、《Physical Review E》《Measurement Science and Technology》等國際期刊的審稿人;
美國物理學會(APS)、美國化學學會(ACS)、流變學會(Society of Rheology)會員;