S. Yang, D. Wang, M. Xu, and J. Wu. Scalable Forwarding Tables for Supporting Flexible Policies in Enterprise Networks. In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM'14, accepted to appear, 2014.
M. Xu, S. Yang, D. Wang, and J. Wu. Efficient Two Dimensional-IP Routing: An Incremental Deployment Design. In Computer Networks, accepted.
M. Xu, S. Yang, D. Wang, F. Li, and J. Wu. Source Address Filtering for Large Scale Networks. In Computer Communications, accepted to appear, 2014.
Q. Li, M. Xu, Y. Yang, L. Gao, Y. Cui, J. Wu, Safe and Practical Energy-Efficient Detour Routing in IP Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (Accepted)
Changlin Jiang, Dan Li, Mingwei Xu. LTTP: An LT-code Based Transport Protocol for Many-to-One Communication in Data Centers, accepted by IEEE JSAC Switching and Routing for Scalable and Energy-efficient Datacenter Networks 2014
Yu Cao, Mingwei Xu, Xiaoming Fu and Enhuan Dong. Explicit Multipath Congestion Control for Data Center Networks, CoNEXT, 2013.
Yuan Yang, Dan Wang, Mingwei Xu, Suogang Li, “Hop-by-hop Computing for Green Internet Routing”, IEEE ICNP, Göttingen, Germany, Oct. 2013.
Qing Li, Mingwei Xu and Meng Chen. NSFIB Construction & Aggregation with Next Hop of Strict Partial Order, Infocom 2013 mini conference, April 14-19, 2013, Turin, Italy.
Mingwei Xu, Shu Yang, Dan Wang and Jianping Wu. Two Dimensional-IP Routing, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications. (ICNC 2013). San Diego, USA. January 28-31, 2013
Zhen Feng, Mingwei Xu, Yu Wang, Qing Li. An Architecture for Cache Consistency Support in Information Centric networking, Globecom 2013, December 9 – 13, 2013, Atlanta, USA
Yu Wang, Mingwei Xu, Zhen Feng. Hop-based Probabilistic Caching for Information-Centric Networks, Globecom 2013, December 9 – 13, 2013, Atlanta, USA
Mingwei Xu, Meijia Hou, Dan Wang, and Jiahai Yang. An Efficient Critical Protection Scheme for Intra-Domain Routing using Link Characteristics. Computer Networks, 2013, 57(1): 117-133.
Mingwei Xu, Yunfei Shang, Dan Li, Xin Wang, Greening data center networks with throughput-guaranteed power-aware routing, Computer Networks, Volume 57, Issue 15, 2013, Pages 2880–2899.
Yu Cao, Mingwei Xu, Xiaoming Fu. Delay-based Congestion Control for Multipath TCP, ICNP 2012, Oct.30 – Nov.2, 2012, Austin, US.
Shu Yang, Mingwei Xu, Dan Wang, and Jianping Wu, Source Address Filtering For Large Scale Network: A Cooperative Software Mechanism Design, in Proc. IEEE ICCCN'12, Munich, Germany, 2012.
Qing Li, Mingwei Xu, Meng Chen. Next Hop of Strict Partial Order for NSFIB Construction & Aggregation, IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2012, poster, 4-5 June, 2012, Coimbra, Portugal.
Zhongxing Ming, Mingwei Xu, Dan Li, Dan Wang, Chunmei Xia, SIONA: A Service and Information Oriented Network Architecture, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2012.
Zhongxing Ming, Mingwei Xu, Dan Wang, Age-based Cooperative Caching in ICN Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 1st Workshop on Emerging Design Choices in Name-Oriented Networking (NOMEN), 2012.
Mingwei Xu, Yuan Yang and Qi Li. Selecting Shorter Alternate Paths for Tunnel-based IP Fast Reroute in Linear Time, Computer Networks, Volume 56, Issue 2, 2 February 2012, Pages 845–857.
Mingwei Xu, Qi Li, Patrick P. C. Lee, Yanhai Peng, Jianping Wu. VegaNet: A Virtualized Experimentation Platform for Production Networks with Connectivity Consistency, IEEE Network Magazine, 26(5), pp. 15-21, September/October 2012.
Mingwei Xu, Qing Li, Lingtao Pan, Qi Li and Dan Wang. Minimum Protection Cost Tree: A Tunnel-Based IP Fast Reroute Scheme, Computer Communications, Volume 35, Issue 17, October 2012, Pages 2082–2092.
Qi Li, Mingwei Xu, Jianping Wu, Xinwen Zhang, Patrick P. C. Lee and Ke Xu. Enhancing the Trust of Internet Routing with Lightweight Route Attestation, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2012, Pages 691-703.
Qi Li, Mingwei Xu, Jianping Wu, Patrick P. C. Lee, Xingang Shi, Dah Ming Chiu and Yuan Yang. A Unified Approach to Routing Protection in IP Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol 9, No.3, September 2012, pages 306 – 319.
Yong Cui, Peng Wu, Mingwei Xu, Jianping Wu, Yiu L. Lee, Alain Durand, and Chris Metz. 4over6: Network Layer Virtualization for IPv4-IPv6 Coexistence, IEEE Network Magazine - Special Issue on Wired and Wireless Network Virtualization, 26(5), pp. 44-48, September/October 2012.
Dan Li, Mingwei Xu, Hongze Zhao, Xiaoming Fu. Building Mega Data Centers From Heterogeneous Containers, ICNP 2011.
Shu Yang, Mingwei Xu. Source Address Filtering in Large Scale Network: A Cooperative Software Mechanism Design, CoNEXT 2011, poster, Kyoto, December 6-9 2011.
Qi Li, Mingwei Xu, Jianping Wu, Patrick P.C. Lee, Ke Xu. An Algebraic Approach to Computing the Reliability of Internet Routing, ICCCN 2011, Maui, Hawaii, July 31 - August 4, 2011.
Qi Li, Mingwei Xu, Jianping Wu, Patrick P. C. Lee, and Ke Xu. An Algebraic Approach to Computing the Reliability of Internet Routing. In the Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Maui, Hawaii, July 2011.
Mingwei Xu, Qing Li, Lingtao Pan and Qi Li. MPCT: Minimum Protection Cost Tree for IP Fast Reroute using Tunnel, IWQoS 2011, poster, San Jose, US, June 2011.
Qing Li, Dan Wang, Mingwei Xu, and Jiahai Yang, “On the Scalability of Router Forwarding Tables: Nexthop-Selectable FIB Aggregation,” in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM (Mini), Shanghai, P.R. China, April 2011.
Dan Li, Mingwei Xu, Ming-Chen Zhao, Chuanxiong Guo, Yongguang Zhang, and Min-You Wu, "RDCM: Reliable data center multicast," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM (Mini), Shanghai, P.R. China, April 2011.
Mingwei Xu, Qing Li, Lingtao Pan, and Qi Li, “MPCT: minimum protection cost tree for IP fast reroute using tunnel,” in Proc. IWQoS (Poster), San Jose, California,July 2011.paper.
Zhongxing Ming, Javier Ubillos, Mingwei Xu, Name-based Shim6: A name-based approach to host mobility, ACM MobiCom (Poster), 2011. “paper”.
Qi Li, Mingwei Xu, Jianping Wu, Xinwen Zhang, Patrick P. C. Lee, Ke Xu. Enhancing the Trust of Internet Routing with Lightweight Route Attestation, AsiaCCS 2011, March, 2011, Hong Kong.
Qi Li; Mingwei Xu; Jianping Wu; Patrick P.C. Lee; Dah Ming Chiu. Towards a Practical Approach for BGP Stability with Root Cause Check, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 71 (2011), Jun 2011, 1098-1110.
XU Mingwei, LI Qi, PAN Lingtao, YANG Yuan, HOU Meijia. Self-healing Routing: Failure, Modeling and Analysis, Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, Vol.54, No.3, 2011. 609-622.
Qing Li, Mingwei Xu, Qi Li, Dan Wang, and Yong Cui, “IP Fast Reroute: NotVia with Early Decapsulation,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Miami, Florida, USA, 2010.
Peng Wu, Yong Cui, Mingwei Xu, Jianping Wu, Xing Li, Chris Metz and Shengling Wang. PET: Prefixing, Encapsulation and Translation for IPv4-IPv6 Coexistence, IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, USA, November 2010.
Qi Li, Mingwei Xu, Jianping Wu, Xingang Shi, Dah-Ming Chiu, Patrick P. C. Lee. Achieving Unified Protection for IP Routing, The 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2010), Zurich, Swizerland, August 2010.
Yunfei Shang, Dan Li, and Mingwei Xu. Energy-aware Routing in Data Center Network, First ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Green Networking, New Delhi, India, August 30, 2010.
Lingtao Pan, Mingwei Xu, Qing Li, and Dan Jen. Lightweight IP Fast Reroute with Tunnel-AT: Algorithm and Implementation, 18th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2010), poster, Beijing, China, June 2010.
Yuan Yang, Mingwei Xu, Qi Li. A Light-weight IP Fast Reroute Algorithm with Tunneling, ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.
Meijia Hou, Mingwei Xu, Dan Wang, and Qi Li. Make Best-Effort Forwarding upon Network Abnormality, Infocom 2010 student workshop, San Diego, USA, March 2010.