1997年9月 - 2001年6月 北京大學,化學與分子工程學院,理學學士
2005年5月 - 9月
2001年9月 - 2006年6月 北京大學,化學與分子工程學院,理學博士
2006年7月 - 2008年3月 日本科學技術振興機構研究員(JST-SORST),
2008年4月 - 2009年9月 日本產業技術綜合研究所(AIST),Balzan基金會項目研究員
2009年10月 – 2012年2月 日本國立物質材料研究所(NIMS),研究助理
1. Xu Jianxun, Shingaya Yoshitaka, Tomimoto Hiroyuki, Kubo Osamu, Nakayama Tomonobu “Irreversible and reversible structural deformation and electromechanical behavior of carbon nanohorns probed by conductive AFM”Small,
2. Xu Jianxun,* Tomimoto Hiroyuki, Nakayama Tomonobu“What is inside carbon nanohorn aggregates?”Carbon
3. Xu Jianxun,* Zhang Minfang, Maki Nakamura, Iijima Sumio, Yudasaka Masako“Double Oxidation with Oxygen and Hydrogen Peroxide for Hole-Forming in Single Wall Carbon Nanohorns”Appl. Phys
4. Xu Jianxun,* Zhang Minfang, Yudasaka Masako, Iijima Sumio“Appropriate PEG compounds for dispersion of single wall carbon nanohorns in salted aqueous solution”Appl. Phys
5. Xu Jianxun, * Yudasa Masako, Zhang Mingfan, Iijima Sumio“Streptavidin Modified Sing Wall Carbon Nanohorn for Effective Delivery of Hydrophobic Drugs”, In preparation.
6. Xu Jianxun,* Yudasaka Masako, Kouraba Sachio, Sekido Mitsuru, Yamamoto Yuhei and Iijima Sumio“Single Wall Carbon Nanohorn as a Drug Carrier for Controlled Release”Chem. Phys. Lett.,
7. Koyanagi Gregory, Xu Jianxun, Bohme Diethard“Packing atomic metal cations with C60: Mass spectrometric observation of M+(C60)n with M = Sr and Mo and n = 0–4”Chem. Phys. Lett.
8. Xu Jianxun, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Hao Ce, Shi Zujin, Takatsugu Wakahara, Mi Weihong, Gu Zhengnan, Takeshi Akasaka“Structure determination of a missing-caged metallofullerene: Yb@C74 (II) and the dynamic motion of the encaged ytterbium ion”Chem. Phys. Lett.
9. Xu Jianxun, Li Meixian, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan “Electrochemical Survey: The Effect of the Cage Size and Structure on the Electronic Structures of a Series of Ytterbium Metallofullerenes”Chemistry-A European Journal
10. Zhang Ya, Xu Jianxun, Hao Ce, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan“Synthesis, isolation, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization of some calcium-containing metallofullerenes”Carbon
11. Xu Jianxun, Wang Zhiyong, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan“Synthesis, isolation and spectroscopic characterization of Yb-containing high metallofullerenes”Chem. Phys. Lett.
12. Xu Jianxun, Lu Xing, Zhou Xihuang, He Xiaoran, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan“Synthesis, Isolation, and Spectroscopic Characterization of Ytterbium-Containing Metallofullerenes”Chem. Mater
13. Lu Xing, Xu Jianxun, He Xiaoran, Shi Zujin, Gu Zhennan “Addition of Benzyne to
14. 盧興, 徐建勛, 施祖進, 孫寶雲, 顧鎮南, 劉洪東, 韓鴻賓
“ 新型核磁成像對比劑──兩種Gd@C82水溶性衍生物的弛豫性能研究”
15. 馮萊, 徐建勛, 施祖進, 賀曉然, 顧鎮南