- 中文名:徐天樂
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:中科院神經科學研究所研究員,兼任蘇州大學醫學部主任
- 畢業院校:第四軍醫大學
- 主要成就:2010年9月榮獲第三屆“談家楨生命科學獎”
徐天樂,1987年本科畢業於第四軍醫大學,1996年獲得第四軍醫大學與日本九州大學聯合培養博士學位,1997-1999年日本九州大學生理系博士後。1998年入選中科院“百人計畫”。1999年起任中國科技大學生命科學學院教授和神經生物和生物物理學系副主任,2000年起任神經生物和生物物理學系主任;2003年加入中科院神經科學研究所,2004年起任中科院神經生物學重點實驗室副主任。2000年獲教育部跨世紀優秀人才計畫,2001年獲國家傑出青年基金。2004年入選國家新世紀百千萬人才工程。中科院優秀博士生導師和中科院青年科學家獎獲得者。國家級學會任職:中國生物物理學會常務理事,中國生理學會理事,中國神經科學會理事。任國際學術刊物《Molecular Pain》編委。2010年9月榮獲第三屆“談家楨生命科學獎”。
離子通道是神經信號發生和中樞信息處理的基礎,對神經元興奮性、突觸功能以及細胞存活至關重要。我們課題組的研究興趣在於了解神經細胞膜離子通道調節突觸和神經環路生理功能的細胞和分子機制。由於離子通道的異常以及由此導致的突觸和神經環路的紊亂是許多神經和精神性疾病(如腦中風和慢性痛等)的直接原因,因此我們還致力於研究離子通道與疾病狀態下腦功能的病理性改變的關係,希望我們的研究工作能夠為探索新的臨床治療對策提供科學依據。據此,我們以細胞與腦片電生理技術為主,結合計算生物學,化學生物學,基因轉染和整體動物行為學研究等方法,研究:1) 離子通道(酸敏感離子通道,GABAA以及甘氨酸受體氯離子通道)化學調控; 2) 抑制性神經系統可塑性與功能; 3) 腦中風和慢性痛機理。
(1) 國家重點基礎研究規劃項目<<腦功能的動態平衡調控>>。實際經費260萬(2006-2010),課題名稱“抑制性突觸及其可塑性”(No.2006CB500803)。
(2) 國家自然科學基金優秀創新群體科學基金<<神經元可塑性研究>>(No. 30621062),實際經費120萬,(2007-2009),課題名稱“抑制性突觸可塑性”。
(3) 中科院知識創新工程重要方向項目<<抑制性神經系統發育和可塑性研究>>(KSCX2-YW-R-35),實際經費:60萬元(2006-2010年),課題名稱“抑制性神經系統可塑性的細胞分子機理以及生理病理意義”。
1、 Zhang Z, Gong N, Wang W, Xu L, Xu TL (2008) Bell-shaped D-serine actions on hippocampal long-term depression and spatial memory retrieval. Cerebral Cortex, in press.
2、 Zhang XB, Sun GC, Liu LY, Yu F, Xu TL (2008) Alpha 2 subunit specificity of cyclothiazide inhibition on glycine receptors. Molecular Pharmacology, in press.
3、 Zhang W, Liu LY, Xu TL (2008) Reduced potassium-chloride co-transporter expression in spinal cord dorsal horn neurons contributes to inflammatory pain hypersensitivity in rats. Neuroscience, in press.
4、 Shen B, Zhou K, Yang S, Xu TL, Wang YZ (2008) The Kv4.2 mediates excitatory activity-dependent regulation of neuronal excitability in rat cortical neurons. Journal of Neurochemistry, in press.
5、 Zhang M, Gong N, Lu YG, Jia NL, Xu TL, Chen L (2008) Functional characterization of acid-sensing ion channels in cultured neurons of rat inferior colliculus. Neuroscience, in press.
6、 Gong N, Zhang M, Zhang XB, Chen L, Sun GC, Xu TL (2008) The aspirin metabolite salicylate enhances neuronal excitation in rat hippocampal CA1 area through reducing GABAergic inhibition. Neuropharmacology, 54:454-463
7、 Zhao N, Zhong CJ, Wang Y, Zhao Y, Gong N, Zhou G, Xu TL, Hong Z (2008) Impaired hippocampal neurogenesis is involved in cognitive dysfunction induced by thiamine deficiency at early pre-pathological lesion stage. Neurobiology of Disease, 29(2):176-85
8、 Zhang LH, Gong N, Fei D, Xu L, Xu TL (2008) Glycine uptake regulates hippocampal network activity via glycine receptor-mediated tonic inhibition. Neuropsychopharmacology, 33:701-711.
9、 Duan B, Wu LJ, Yu YQ, Ding Y, Jing L, Xu L, Chen J, Xu TL (2007) Upregulation of acid-sensing ion channel ASIC1a in spinal dorsal horn neurons contributes to inflammatory pain hypersensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience, 27:11139-11148.
10、 Xu TL and Xiong ZG (2007) Dynamic regulation of acid-sensing ion channels by extracellular and intracellular modulators. Current Medicinal Chemistry (Review), 14:1753-1763.
11、 Wang W, Duan B, Xu H, Xu L, Xu TL (2006) Calcium-permeable acid-sensing ion channel is a molecular target of neurotoxic metal ion lead. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281: 2497-2505.
12、 Zhang QG, Han D, Xu J, Lu Q, Wang R, Yin XH, Xu TL, Zhang GY (2006) Ischemic preconditioning negatively regulates POSH-MLK3-Rac1 complex and JNK3 Signaling via activation of Akt. Neuroscience, 143(2):431-44.
13、 Zhang QG, Wang XT, Han D, Yin XH, Zhang GY, Xu TL (2006) Akt inhibits MLK3/JNK3 signaling by inactivating Rac1: a protective mechanism against ischemic brain injury. Journal of Neurochemistry, 98(6):1886-98.
14、 Wang W, Yu Y, Xu TL (2007) Modulation of acid-sensing ion channels by Cu2+ in cultured hypothalamic neurons of the rat. Neuroscience, 145(2):631-641.
15、 Jiang P, Yang CX, Wang YT, Xu TL (2006) Mechanisms of modulation of pregnanolone on glycinergic response in cultured spinal dorsal horn neurons of rat. Neuroscience, 141: 2041-2050.
16、 Wang DG, Gong N, Luo B, Xu TL (2006) Absence of GABA type A signaling in adult medial habenular neurons. Neuroscience, 141:133-141.
17、 Pei DS, Wang XT, Liu Y, Sun YF, Guan QH, Wang W, Yan JZ, Zong YY, Xu TL, Zhang GY (2006) Neuroprotection against ischemic brain injury by a GluR6-9c peptide containing the TAT protein transduction sequence. Brain, 129(Pt 2): 465-79.
18、 Guan QH, Pei DS, Zong YY, Xu TL, Zhang GY (2006) Neuroprotection against ischemic brain injury by a small peptide inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) via nuclear and non-nuclear pathways. Neuroscience, 139: 609-627.
19、 Gao J, Duan B, Wang DG, Deng XH, Zhang GY, Xu L, Xu TL (2005) Coupling between NMDA receptor and acid-sensing ion channel contributes to ischemic neuronal death. Neuron, 48: 635-646.
20、 Zhang QG, Wang RM, Yin XH, Pan J, Xu TL, Zhang GY (2005) Knock-down of POSH expression is neuroprotective through down-regulating activation of the MLK3-MKK4-JNK pathway following cerebral ischaemia in the rat hippocampal CA1 subfield. Journal of Neurochemistry, 95(3): 784-95.
21、 Pei DS, Guan QH, Sun YF, Zhang QX, Xu TL, Zhang GY (2005) Neuroprotective effects of GluR6 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides on transient brain ischemia/reperfusion-induced neuronal death in rat hippocampal CA1 region. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 82(5): 642-9.
22、 Xu TX, Gong N, Xu TL (2005) Divalent cation modulation of A-type potassium channels in acutely dissociated central neurons from wide-type and mutant Drosophila. Journal of Neurogenetics, 19(2): 87-107.
23、 Wu LJ, Duan B, Mei YD, Gao J, Chen JG, Zhuo M, Xu L, Wu M, Xu TL (2004) Characterization of acid-sensing ion channels in dorsal horn neurons of rat spinal cord. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279: 43716-43724.
24、 Li Y, Wu LJ, Legendre P, Xu TL (2003) Asymmetric cross-inhibition between GABAA and glycine receptors in rat spinal dorsal horn neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278: 38637–38645.
25、 *Li YF, Wu LJ, Li Y, Xu TL (2003) Mechanisms of H+ modulation of glycinergic response in the rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons. Journal of Physiology (London), 552: 73–87.
26、 Lü H, Xu TL (2002) The general anesthetic pentobarbital slows desensitization and deactivation of the glycine receptor in the spinal dorsal horn neurons. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277:41369-41378.
27、 Wu LJ, Lu Y, Xu TL (2001) A novel mechanical dissociation technique for studying acutely isolated maturing Drosophila central neurons. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 108: 199-206.
28、 Xu TL, Dong XP, Wang DS (2000) N-Methyl-D-aspartate enhancement of the glycine response in the rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons. European Journal of Neuroscience, 12:1647-1653.
29、 Xu TL, Li JS, Jin YH, Akaike N (1999) Modulation of the glycine response by Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors in rat spinal neurons. Journal of Physiology (London), 514:701-711.
30、 Xu TL, Pang ZP, Li JS, Akaike N. (1998) 5-HT potentiation of the GABAA response in the rat sacral dorsal commissural neurones. British Journal of Pharmacology, 124: 779-787.
31、 Xu TL, Nabekura J, Akaike N (1996) Protein kinase C-mediated enhancement of glycine response in rat sacral dorsal commissural neurones by serotonin. Journal of Physiology (London), 496: 491-501