徐國盛迄今已在國際頂級物理雜誌PRL(Physical Review Letters)上發表論文5篇,各類學術論文近60篇。是國家大科學工程裝置EAST超導托卡馬克邊界電漿物理實驗負責人,長期從事托卡馬克電漿邊界湍流輸運及約束模式轉換物理研究。
1)G.S.Xu et al., “New Edge Coherent Mode Prociding Continuous Transport in Long-Pulse H-mode Plasmas”, Physical Review Letters 112,185004(2014).( Corresponding author)
2)G.S.Xu et al., “Study of the L-I-H transition with a new dual gas puff imaging system in the EAST superconducting tokamak”, Nuclear Fusion 54, 013007(2014).(first author)
3)G.S.Xu et al., ”Dynamics of L-H transition and I-phase in EAST”, Nuclear Fusion 54, 013007(2014). (first author)
4)J.Li, H.Y.Guo, B.N.Wan, X.Z.Gong, Y.F.Liang, G.S.Xu,…et al., “A long-pulse high-confinement plasma regime in the Experimental Adwanced Superconducting Tokamak”, Nature Physics 9, 817-821(2013).(all authous contributed to all aspects of this work)
5)G.S. Xu et al., “First Evidence of the Role of Zonal Flows for the L-H Transition at Marginal Input Power in the EAST Tokamak”, Physical Review Letters 107,125001 (2011).(first author)
6)G.S. Xu et al., “Study on H-mode access at low density with lower hybrid current drive and lithium-wall coatings on the EAST superconducting tokamak”, Nuclear Fusion 51,072001 (2011).(first author)