徐向榮,女,中國科學院南海海洋研究所研究員,博士生導師。研究方向為海洋環境地球化學,探索自然變化和人類活動影響下的污染物(氮磷、重金屬和持久性有機物)在典型熱帶河口及海灣等近海生態系統中的環境過程。2005年獲香港大學博士學位後,分別在香港大學和香港理工大學從事博士後研究工作。2010年入選中國科學院“海外傑出人才引進計畫”(“百人計畫”)進入南海海洋研究所工作。先後主持或參加10多項國家或省部級科研項目。目前主持國家自然科學基金面上項目、973項目子課題、廣州市科技項目等,參加廣東省自然科學基金重點項目。已在國際國內重要學術期刊上發表論文100多篇,其中在Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Research, Chemosphere, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Marine Pollution Bulletin等國際SCI期刊上發表學術論文60多篇,被SCI總引1600多次,H指數22。獲得2014年中國科學院廣州教育基地優秀研究生導師稱號。
2. 污染修復
1. Zhang Z.W., Sun Y.X.*, Sun K.F., Xu X.R.*, Yu S., Zheng T.L., Luo X.J., Tian Y., Hu Y.X., Diao Z.H., Mai B.X. Brominated flame retardants in mangrove sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China: Spatial distribution, temporal trend and mass inventory. Chemosphere 2015, 123: 26-32.
2. Liu S., Chen H., Xu X.R.*, Liu S.S., Sun K.F., Zhao J.L., Ying G.G. Steroids in marine aquaculture farms from Hailing Island, South China: Occurrence, bioaccumulation, and human dietary exposure. Science of the Total Environment 2015, 502: 400-407.
3. Chen, H., Liu, S., Xu, X.R.*, Zhou, G.J., Liu, S.S., Yue W.Z., Sun, K.F., Ying, G.G., Antibiotics in the coastal environment of the Hailing Bay region, South China Sea: Spatial distribution, source analysis and ecological risks. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 95: 365-373.
4. Chen H., Liu S., Xu X.R.*, Liu S.S., Zhou G.J., Sun K.F., Zhao J.L., Ying G.G. Antibiotics in typical mariculture farms in Hailing Island, South China: Occurrence, bioaccumulation and dietary exposure. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2015, 90: 181-187.
5. Sun Y.X., Hao Q., Xu X.R.*, Luo X.J., Wang S.L., Zhang Z.W., Mai B.X. Persistent organic pollutants in marine fish from Yongxing Island, South China Sea: Levels, composition profiles and human dietary exposure assessment. Chemosphere 2014, 98: 84-90.
6. Liu J.L., Xu X.R.*, Yu S., Cheng H.F., Peng J.X., Hong Y.G., Feng X.B. Mercury contamination in fish and human hair from Hainan Island, South China Sea: Implication for human exposure. Environmental Research 2014, 135: 42-47.
7. Sun Y.X., Xu X.R.*, Hao Q., Luo X.J.*, Ruan W., Zhang Z.W., Zhang Q., Zou F.S., Mai B.X. Species-specific accumulation of halogenated flame retardants in eggs of terrestrial birds from an ecological station in the Pearl River Delta, South China. Chemosphere 2014, 95: 442-447.
8. Liu J.L., Xu X.R.*, Yu S., Cheng H.F., Hong Y.G., Feng X.B. Mercury pollution in fish from South China Sea: Levels, species-specific accumulation, and possible sources. Environmental Research 2014, 131: 160-164.
9. Zhou G.J., Wang Z., Lau E.T.C., Xu X.R., Leung K.M.Y. Can we predict temperature-dependent chemical toxicity to marine organisms and set appropriate water quality guidelines for protecting marine ecosystems under different thermal scenarios? Marine Pollution Bulletin 2014, 87: 11-21.
10. Zhang ZW, Xu X.R.*, Sun YX, Yu S, Chen YS, Peng JX. Heavy metal and organic contaminants in mangrove ecosystems of China: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2014, 20: 11938-11950.
11. Hao Q., Sun Y.X., Xu X.R.,*, Yao Z.W., Wang Y.S., Zhang Z.W., Luo X.J., Mai B.X. Occurrence of persistent organic pollutants in marine fish from the Natuna Island, South China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2014, 85: 274-279.
12. Sun Y.X., Hao Q., Zhang X.B., Luo X.J.,*, Zhang Z.W., Zhang Q., Xu XR.*, Zou F.S., Mai B.X. PCBs and DDTs in light-vented bulbuls from Guangdong Province, South China: Levels, geographical pattern and risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 490: 815–821.
13. Wang S.L., Xu X.R.*, Sun Y.X., Liu J.L., Li H.B. Heavy metal pollution in coastal areas of South China: A review. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2013, 76: 7-15.
14. Chen Y.H., Xia E.Q., Xu X.R.*, Ling W.H., Li S., Wu S., Deng G.F., Zou Z.F., Zhou J. and Li H.B.. Evaluation of acrylamide in food from China by a LC/MS/MS method. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2012, 9: 4150-4158.
15. Xu X.R.*, Li X.Z., 2010. Degradation of azo dye orange G in aqueous solution by persulfate with ferrous ion. Separation and Purification Technology 72(1): 105-111.
16. Xu X.R., Li X.Y. 2010. Sorption and desorption of antibiotic tetracycline on marine sediments. Chemosphere 78(4): 430-436.
17. Xu X.R.*, Li X.Y., 2009. Sorption behavior of benzyl butyl phthalate on marine sediments: equilibrium assessments, effects of organic carbon content, temperature and salinity. Marine Chemistry 115(1-2): 66-71.
18. Xu X.R., Li S.X., Li X.Y., Gu J.D., Chen F., Li X.Z., Li H.B., 2009. Degradation of n-butyl benzyl phthalate using TiO2/UV. Journal of Hazardous Materials 164(2-3): 527-532.
19. Xu X.R.*, Li H.B., Gu J.D., Li X.Y., 2007. Kinetics of n-butyl benzyl phthalate degradation by a pure bacterial culture from the mangrove sediment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 140(1-2): 194-199.
20. Xu X.R.*, Li H.B., Gu J.D., 2006. Simultaneous decontamination of hexavalent chromium and methyl tert-butyl ether by UV/TiO2 process. Chemosphere 63(2): 254-260.
1.國家重點基礎研究發展計畫和重大科學研究計畫項目“人類活動引起的營養物質輸入對海灣生態環境影響機理與調控原理”課題二“海灣營養物質遷移轉化規律及其環境效應”子課題(2015CB452902), 2015.01-2019.12, 徐向榮主持
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“廢水典型抗生素的藻類去除效能及機制研究(51378488)”, 2014.01-2017.12, 徐向榮主持
3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“手性污染物六溴環十二烷在紅樹林濕地中的選擇性環境行為研究(41573084)”, 2016.01-2019.12, 孫毓鑫主持
4. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目“典型持久性有機污染物在海洋食物鏈中的富集與放大特徵及人體飲食暴露風險(41401576)”, 2015.01-2017.12, 孫毓鑫主持
5. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目“負載型納米零價鐵/過硫酸鹽耦合去除水體重金屬.有機複合污染物的過程及機制研究(21407155)”, 2015.01-2017.12, 刁增輝主持
6. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目“典型類固醇激素在水產養殖環境的污染特徵與生物富集研究(41501534)”, 2016.01-2018.12, 劉珊主持
7. 中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項子課題“吹填島礁珊瑚礁生態系統現狀及動態變(XDA13020101)”, 2016.01-2020.12, 徐向榮主持
8. 廣東省自然科學基金面上項目“類固醇激素在廣東省典型水產養殖區水產品不同組織的分布特徵”, 2016.01-2018.12, 劉珊主持
9. 廣東省自然科學基金博士科研啟動項目“廣東省典型水產養殖區類固醇激素的污染特徵、富集規律及人體暴露風險(2014A030310223)”, 2015.01-2017.12, 劉珊主持
10. 廣州市科學研究專項“廣州市水產養殖環境中抗生素的生物富集特徵及人體暴露風險(201510010031)”, 2015.01-2017.12, 徐向榮主持
3. 招收博士後、創新崗位助理研究員。歡迎環境科學和環境工程等相關專業領域的博士學位獲得者或博士後出站人員發E-mail聯繫。