《征服時代:南美爭霸 Age of Conquest: S. America》是一款中世紀戰略遊戲。這是一個征服的時代,遊戲地圖為南美,你需要和列強一起瓜分南美的天下。如果你是戰略遊戲的愛好者,你一定不要錯過這個遊戲。

《征服時代:南美爭霸 Age of Conquest: S. America》是一款中世紀戰略遊戲。這是一個征服的時代,遊戲地圖為南美,你需要和列強一起瓜分南美的天下。如果你是戰略遊戲的愛好者,你一定不要錯過這個遊戲。
"Conquer the times: South American hegemony Age of Conquest: S. America" is a medieval strategy game. This is an era of conquest, the world map of the game for South America, you need with powers to carve up South America. If you are a strategic game enthusiasts, you must not miss this game.
"Conquer the times: South American hegemony Age of Conquest: S. America" is a medieval strategy game. This is an era of conquest, the world map of the game for South America, you need with powers to carve up South America. If you are a strategic game enthusiasts, you must not miss this game.