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  • 中文名:彭雅麗
  • 出生日期:1978年
  • 畢業院校蘭州大學生物化學專業
  • 性別:女


1. 多肽生物化學與藥理化學
2. 神經肽


1. 主持甘肅省科技支撐項目(0708NKCA111),一種治療阿爾茨海默病的新多肽藥物的設計和活性研究,2008年1月-2010年12月,經費金額3萬;
2. 主持蘭州市科技計畫項目一項,新的胸腺肽α1生產工藝的研究,2008.1-2010.12,經費金額10萬元。


Peng YL, Han RW,Chang M, Zhang L, Zhang RS, Li W, Han YF, Wang R. Central Neuropeptide S inhibits food intake in mice through activation of Neuropeptide S receptor. Peptides. 2010;31(12):2259-63. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.654)
Peng YL, Zhang JN, Chang M, Li W, Han RW, Wang R. Effects of central neuropeptide S in the mouse formalin test. Peptides. 2010;31(10):1878-83. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.654)
Chang M, Li W, Peng YL, Gao YH, Yao J, Han RW, Wang R. Involvement of NMDA receptor in nociceptive effects elicited by intrathecal [Tyr]γ2-MSH(6-12), and the interaction with nociceptin/orphanin FQ in pain modulation in mice. Brain Res. 2009;1271:36-48. (SCI, IF2010 = 3.393)
Li W, Chang M, Peng YL, Gao YH, Zhang JN, Han RW, Wang R. Neuropeptide S produces antinociceptive effect at the supraspinal level in mice. Regul. Pept. 2009;156:90-5. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.473)
Han RW, Chang M, Peng YL, Qiao LY, Yin XQ, Li W, Wang R. Central Neuropeptide S inhibits distal colonic transit through activation of central Neuropeptide S receptor in mice. Peptides. 2009;30(7): 1313-17. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.654)
Han RW, Yin XQ, Chang M, Peng YL,Li W, Wang R. Neuropeptide S facilitates spatial memory and mitigates spatial memory impairment in mice morris water maze. Neuro. Lett. 2009;455:74-7. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.055)
Li W, Gao YH, Chang M, Peng YL, Yao J, Han RW, Wang R. Neuropeptide S inhibits the acquisition and the expression of conditioned place preference to morphine in mice. Peptides. 2009;30(2):234-40. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.654)
Chen ZX, Chang M, Peng YL, Zhao L, Zhan YR, Wang LJ, Wang R. Regulation of Endochondral Ossification by Osteogenic Growth Peptide C-terminal Pentapeptide [OGP(10-14)]. Protein Pept. Lett. 2009;16:1074-80. (SCI, IF2010 = 1.849)
Li Z, Zhou LX, Zhang BH, Yan X, Li J, Peng YL, Chang M, Dong SL,Wang R.Effect and mechanism of nociceptin/orphanin FQ reversing multi-drug resistance in K562/ADM cell.Pharmazie. 2008;63(9):676-85.(SCI, IF2010 = 0.893)
Chen ZX, Chang M, Peng YL, Zhao L, Zhan YR, Wang LJ, Wang R. Osteogenic growth peptide C-terminal pentapeptide [OGP(10-14)] acts on rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to promote differentiation to osteoblasts and to inhibit differentiation to adipocytes. Regul Pept. 2007;142(1-2):16-23. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.473)
Peng YL, Chang M, Dong SL, Li W, Han RW, Fu GX, Chen Q, Wang R. Novel potent agonist [(pF)Phe,Aib,Aib,Arg,Lys]N/OFQ-NH2 and antagonist [Nphe,(pF)Phe, Aib,Aib,Arg,Lys]N/OFQ-NH2 of nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor. Regul. Pept. 2006;134:75-81. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.473)
Fang Q, Guo J, Peng YL, Chang M, He F, Chen Q, Wang R. In vitro and in vivo studies of dansylated compounds, the putative agonists and antagonists on neuropeptide FF receptors. Peptides. 2006;27:1297-304. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.654)
Wang T, Li SR, Dai X, Peng YL, Chen Q, Wang R. Effects of melatonin on orphanin FQ/nociceptin-induced hyperalgesia in mice.Brain Res.2006;1085(1):43-8.(SCI, IF2010 = 3.393)
Yang Q, Chen Y, Fu C, Chang M, Peng YL, Wang R.Effects of [Nphe1]nociceptin(1-13)NH2, [Phe1(CH2-NH)Gly2]nociceptin(1- 13)NH2, and nocistatin on nociceptin inhibited constrictions of guinea pig isolated bronchus.Protein Pept Lett. 2006;13(2):185-8.(SCI, IF2010 = 1.849)
Fang Q, Guo J, He F, Peng YL, Chang M, Wang R. In vivo inhibition of neuropeptide FF agonism by BIBP3226, an NPY Y1 receptor antagonist. Peptides. 2006;27:2207-13. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.654)
Chang M, Peng YL, Dong SL, Han RW, Li W, Yang DJ, Chen Q, Wang R. Structure-activity studies on different modifications of nociceptin/orphanin FQ: identification of highly potent agonists and antagonists of its receptor. Regul. Pept. 2005;130:116-22. (SCI, IF2010 = 2.473)




