



  • 中文名:彭璐珞
  • 畢業院校:北京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:市場行銷
  • 任職院校:湖南大學



2006.08-2012.01 北京大學光華管理學院 市場行銷 博士
2002.09-2006.07 北京大學元培計畫 市場行銷方向 學士


2013.11~2015.5香港城市大學市場行銷系 博士後研究助理
2013.4~2015.4北京大學光華管理學院市場行銷系 博士後




MBA: 消費者行為學,湖湘文化與社會責任



[1] 孫魯平、彭璐珞 (2016), 家庭嬰幼兒用品消費行為研究,符國群主編,中國城鎮家庭消費報告[M],北京:北京大學出版社,31-50。
[2] 彭璐珞 (2014), 中國城鎮居民家庭食品消費,符國群主編,中國城鎮家庭消費報告[M],北京:北京大學出版社,36-85。


[1] 吳月燕,彭璐珞(通訊作者),嚴露娜,&周南. (2019). “陽春白雪”還是“ 下里巴人” ——消費者對文雅和通俗廣告語體的態度. 南開管理評論[J],22(1),213-224.
摘要:當下,以古雅詩意的語言為特色的“陽春白雪”型廣告語在商業廣告中受到青睞。這類廣告語較之通俗白話為特色的“下里巴人”型廣告語有何優劣勢?這種優劣勢是否會因品牌類型的不同而不同?其背後的心理機制又是什麼?本文基於解釋水平理論和匹配性理論,通過三個研究探討了廣告語體(文雅廣告 vs.通俗廣告)對消費者態度的影響。研究一發現,廣告語體和品牌類型之間存在互動效應,當高端品牌使用文雅廣告、低端品牌使用通俗廣告時,能引發更積極的廣告態度和品牌態度。其中消費者的匹配性感知起中介作用。研究二、三發現,消費者的文化素養對上述互動關係存在調節作用,消費者文化素養越高,其對廣告語體與品牌類型的匹配性感知越強。
[2] 王新剛, 彭璐珞(通訊作者), & 周南. (2018). 企業品牌危機管理中的捨得行為研究. 經濟管理, 40(11), 127-141. 人大複印資料全文轉載(2019年3月)
[3] 彭璐珞,鄭曉瑩、彭泗清.(2017). 文化混搭:研究現狀與發展方向[J]. 心理科學進展, 25(7), 1240-1250。
摘要:文化混搭指“不同文化在同一時空中呈現”的現象, 是全球化背景下心理學中文化研究的新熱點。文化混搭研究代表了繼跨文化心理學、文化心理學和多元文化心理學之後, 心理學文化研究的第四個階段——文化會聚主義心理學, 並從不同方面延伸與拓展了傳統的多元文化研究。已有文獻從文化混搭對個體心理和行為的影響、個體對文化混搭的反應及心理機制等角度展開了實證研究。未來研究應進一步明晰文化混搭的概念定義和研究範疇、提煉和比較其不同表現形式、探究既有研究結論中的不一致性、比較文化元素的混搭與非文化元素的混搭的異同、採用多學科多層次的研究方法和手段。
[4] Peng, Luluo, and Xie, Tian (2016), “Making Similarity Versus Difference Comparison Affects Perceptions After Bicultural Exposure and Consumer Reactions to Culturally Mixed Products,” Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 47(10), 1380-1394.
Abstract :This research examines the effect of making similarity or difference comparisons on perceptions after bicultural exposure and consumer reactions to culture mixing. Results indicate that after bicultural exposure, focusing on differences bolstered ingroup cultural stereotyping (Study 1) and enhanced perceived differences between cultures (Study 2), whereas focusing on similarity comparison reduced perceived differences between cultures (Study 2). Moreover, a similarity focus reduced positive reactions to a culturally mixed product, and this effect was mediated by reduced creativity perception of the product (Studies 1 and 3). These findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the boundary conditions of the bicultural exposure effect and suggest a new mechanism of integrative consumer reactions to culturally mixed products.
[5] Hao, Jia, Li, Dongmei, Peng, Luluo (corresponding author), Peng, Siqing and Torelli, Carlos (2016), “Advancing Our Understanding of Culture Mixing”, Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 47(10), 1257-1267.
Abstract : Globalization has rendered culture mixing a pervading and overwhelming phenomenon. Culture mixing refers to the coexistence of representative symbols of different cultures in the same space at the same time. It reflects the new paradigm of polyculturalism in the culture and psychology research. The articles in this issue offer nuanced understandings to features of the culture mixing stimuli, personal and situational factors that affect responses to culture mixing, and the sociocultural and psychological consequences of culture mixing. We discuss how these articles provide a new context that extends existing psychological theories and set the stage for the burgeoning psychological inquiry of culture mixing. Future research is needed to uncover how different cultural elements are mixed and how ecological factors affect responses to culture mixing, to investigate the underlying psychological mechanisms of culture mixing, and use multiple methods at various levels of analysis to uncover the dynamic, interactive culturally mixed processes.
[6]彭璐珞、趙娜,文化混搭的動理研究——混搭的反應方式、影響因素、心理後果及動態過程[J],中國社會心理學評論,9, 2015,19-62。
[7]鄭曉瑩、彭泗清、彭璐珞, “達”則兼濟天下?社會比較對親社會行為的影響及心理機制[J], 心理學報,2015,47(2),243-250。
摘要:本文通過兩個研究探討社會比較對親社會行為的影響及其內在機制。研究一中, 被試被隨機要求 與學習成績排名第一或者最後的人相比, 然後測量其助人傾向。結果發現, 與向上比較組和控制組相比, 向 下社會比較會提高個體的助人傾向。研究二通過虛構的智力測驗排名反饋操縱社會比較, 然後測量被試的捐 款意願。結果發現, 得知測驗成績比大多數人好的時候, 人們更願意捐款。兩個實驗共同表明, 社會比較對 親社會行為的影響由個體對弱勢群體的同理心所中介。
摘要:隨著消費的升級,消費者對於產品的“人性化”特性越來越關注。在新 產品開發中如何提高人性化程度,已經成為企業必須面對的挑戰。但是,行銷學界 對產品的“人性化”還沒有形成系統的理論和測量工具,不少企業在如何落實產 品的“人性化”方面也感到迷茫。 本文通過對開放式問卷調查的資料進行內容 分析,提出了“人性化”產品的四個維度——“人 體”、“人腦”、“人心”、“人類”, 並進一步編制了“人性化”量表,分析了“人性化”取向的變化趨勢和發展方向。
[9] Chiu,Chi-yue, Kwan, Letty, Li,Dongmei, Peng,Luluo and Peng, Siqing, “Culture and Consumer Behavior”, Foundation and Trends in Marketing, 2014,Vol. 7, No. 2, 109-179.
Abstract:Understanding how culture influences consumer behaviors is crucial to success in international marketing. In this monograph, the authors present a conceptual and empirical framework for understanding how culture impacts consumer behaviors, and recommend seven analytical steps for understanding similarities and differences between cultures as well as within-culture variations in consumer behaviors. These analyti- cal steps are: (1) identify the key components of culture; (2) find out and describe the major clusters of countries or regions based on their simi- larities and differences in consumption behaviors; (3) relate similarities and differences in consumption behaviors to key components of culture; (4) develop and test specific hypotheses regarding the joint effects of different components of culture on consumption behaviors; (5) track the changes in consumption behavior within a country in response to social and economic development; (6) formulate and test specific hypotheses regarding the joint effects of different components of culture on changes in consumer behaviors within a country; and (7) conduct experimen- tal studies to understand when consumers will follow cultural norms and when they will not. In the present monograph, we illustrate the utility of the proposed conceptual and analytical approach by com- bining business analytic and experimental methods to model tourist consumption, although this approach can be applied to explain behav- iors in other domains of consumption. The authors close by suggesting several directions for future research on culture and behavior.
[10]Wang, Ping, Sun, Luping and Peng, Luluo, “Modeling Product Attitude Formation Process in Online Word-of-Mouth”, Nankai Business Review International, 2013,Vol. 4, Iss: 3, 212 – 229.
Abstract:Purpose – Word-of-mouth (WOM) has been found to significantly influence consumers’ decision making. Much attention has been paid to the effect of WOM characteristics such as the number of postings, the dispersion of online conversations, the reputation of the reviewers, and the review quality on product sales. Little research, however, has examined the interaction process of online reviews. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consumers’ product attitude formation process in online WOM. Three research questions will be addressed in this paper, i.e. the effect of prior responses on the following repliers’ product attitude, the negativity effect and the role of main messages in shaping consumers’ product attitude formation process.
Design/methodology/approach – The product attitude formation process of online WOM is investigated using the data of product reviews (main messages) and their corresponding responses. The paper collected 26 product reviews from various web sites and kept the first 40-50 responses for each review, which resulted in 26 main messages and 1,173 observations (i.e. responses) in total. A hierarchical Bayesian ordinal choice model is then specified and estimated with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to address the research questions and to capture the main message heterogeneity. Findings – The paper finds that the impact of prior responses (e.g. the proportion of positive and negative responses) on the product attitudes of the following responses differs significantly across products. This heterogeneity can be well explained by the characteristics of the main messages at the second-level specification. Thereby, factors that influence consumers’ product attitudes in the interaction process of online WOM include prior responses and main message characteristics. Another interesting finding is that positive responses have larger impacts on product attitudes than negative ones. Originality/value – This research contributes to both academic research and the firms’ online WOM management. Theoretically, this research is the first attempt to examine the formation process of attitudes toward new products in online communications. This research contributes by modeling how the dynamic process of online WOM influences new product attitudes. Furthermore, inconsistent with the “negativity effect” proposed by researchers (e.g. Skowronski and Carlston), the paper finds that positive responses matter more than negative ones in online communications. In addition, the way the paper configures the data for online communications is innovative and provides a perspective to quantitatively model the communication process. Managerially, this research provides implications for firms to intervene in the online communication process and influence consumer attitude of new products.
摘要:文章從消費者-企業關係的視角出發,通過引入反映消費者品牌關係質量的變數(滿意、信任和承諾)來探討 企業社會責任感對顧客忠誠度的影響機制。以電子行業為背景,通過結構方程模型檢驗所提的假設。結果表明,企業 積極承擔社會責任會提升顧客滿意度、增強顧客對公司的信任和情感承諾,進而提高顧客的態度忠誠和行為忠誠。而且,產品介入度能夠加強企業社會責任對關係質量的積極影響,是決定企業社會責任影響效力的關鍵變數。
[12]汪平、孫魯平、彭璐珞,解析網路口碑的動態互動過程:一個基於網路回帖行為的分層貝葉斯選擇模型[J],南開管理評論, 2012,15(5), 141-151。
摘要:本文通過網際網路上的產品評論及其回帖的數 據,研究了產品網路口碑傳播的動態互動過程。我們采 用分層貝葉斯選擇模型建模,並用馬爾可夫鏈蒙特卡洛 (MCMC,Markov Chain Monte Carlo)方法對參數 進行估計。結果發現,已有回帖的特徵(如正面回帖的 比例、負面回帖的比例等)對當前回帖的產品態度有顯 著影響,並且這種影響在不同的產品評論之間存在很大 差異。這種異質性可以通過引入產品評論(即主帖)的 特徵得到很好的解釋。總體而言,已有回帖對產品的態 度,以及主帖的特徵等均對之後回帖的產品態度有顯著 影響。此外,本文還發現,在網路口碑傳播過程中,正 面回帖的影響比負面回帖的影響更大。最後,本文討論 了該研究對行銷理論和實踐的貢獻。
[13]彭璐珞、孫魯平、彭泗清,“減價30%”還是“打7折”?一個基於調節匹配理論的促銷框架效應[J],行銷科學學報, 2012,8(2), 99-114。
摘要:本文研究兩種促銷框架 ——— “減價”和“打折”對消費者感知價值的影響 。 我們採用調 節匹配理論來解釋這兩種促銷框架的不同效果 。 在實驗一和實驗二中 ,我們分別通過操控被試的 “自我”和“目標傾向” ,激發其不同的調節導向 ,結果顯示調節導向和促銷框架之間存在互動效應 : “減價”的促銷框架對“促進導向”的被試具有更高的感知價值 ,而“打折”對於“防禦導向”的被試具 有更高的感知價值 。 在實驗二中 ,我們還發現了促銷力度的調節作用 。 實驗三測量了被試的長期 性調節導向 ,並且對比了金額陳述和比率陳述下兩種促銷框架對感知價值的影響 ,發現調節導向和 促銷框架的匹配效應只在比率陳述下成立 。 最後討論了本研究對行銷實踐和理論的貢獻以及未來 的研究方向 。
[14]彭璐珞,日本品牌在華廣告如何化解敵意和提升好感[J],2012,商業研究,10,161-168,收入《未名日本論叢》(2013), 中國社科文獻出版社,6,34-55。
摘要:從企業廣告的角度,研究在華經營的日本企業如何降低由於歷史和現實因素產生的消費 者的敵意、強化中國消費者對日本品牌的正面感知、進而提高積極態度和購買意願。通過回顧 相關文獻,本文提出兩個影響消費者對日品牌態度的核心變數———原產地效應和消費者敵意, 分別對消費者態度有正面和負面的影響。因此,相關企業可以通過理性訴求、國際性訴求和個 人主義訴求,避免感性訴求、民族性訴求和團隊精神訴求,以強化原產地效應的正面影響,並削弱消費者敵意的負面影響,最大程度地改善消費者的態度。


(4)湖南省自然科學基金青年項目,2018JJ3080,“一帶一路”背景下中國品牌的“文化混搭”產品設計戰略,2018/01-2020/12, 5萬元,在研,主持。


