


  • 中文名:彭業萍
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:機械與生物摩擦學系統磨損狀態監測
  • 任職院校:深圳大學


2014 – 2017,西安交通大學機械工程學院博士學位
2014 – 2015,澳大利亞新南威爾斯大學機械與製造工程學院聯合培養博士
2011 – 2014,西安交通大學機械工程學院碩士學位
2007 – 2011,哈爾濱工程大學機電工程學院學士學位
[1] 深圳物聯網產業服務平台副主任
[2] 美國電子與電氣工程師協會會員(IEEE Member)
[4] 廣東省機械工程學會摩擦學分會候補理事






[8] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:人工關節微納磨粒的多視圖空間形態表征與磨損機理研究(51905351),2020.01-2022.12,在研,主持
[7] 廣東省自然科學基金博士啟動-縱向協同項目:融合多元磨粒特徵信息的風電變速器磨損狀態線上辨識方法(2018A030310522),2018.01-2020.12,在研,主持
[6] 深圳市海外高層次人才科研啟動項目:人工關節磨損表面形貌的結構光與立體視覺三維重建技術研究,2020.01-2022.12,在研,主持
[5] 深圳市科技計畫基礎研究面上項目:微納尺度下人工關節高分子材料的磨屑形態與磨損機理映射關係研究,2020.01-2022.12,在研,主持
[4] 深圳市科技計畫基礎研究(自由探索)項目:面向航空發動機健康評估的軸承磨損狀態演變規律研究(JCYJ20170818100522101),2018.01-2020.03,在研,主持
[3] 深圳大學青年教師科研啟動項目: 基於無人機視覺的風機葉片表面缺陷技術研究(860-000002110279),2019.10-2021.09,在研,主持
[2] 深圳大學新引進教師科研啟動項目:運動磨粒的三維圖像重構及智慧型識別方法(2017032),2017.06-2019.05,結題,主持
[1] 橫向課題:基於全景視覺的移動機器人SLAM系統研發,2018.09-2019.05,在研,主持
代表期刊論文 :
[25] Ying Du, Shengxi Zhou, Xingjian Jing, Yeping Peng, Hongkun Wu, Ngaiming Kwok. Damage detection techniques for wind turbine blades: A review. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
[24] Yeping Peng, Majid Zarringhalam, Azeez A. Barzinjy, Davood Toghraie, Masoud Afrand. Effects of surface roughness with the spherical shape on the fluid flow of Argon atoms flowing into the microchannel, under boiling condition using molecular dynamic simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 297: 111650.
[23] Yeping Peng, Majid Zarringhalam, Mehdi Hajian, Davood Toghraie, Shahrzad Jafari Tadi, Masoud Afrand*. Empowering the boiling condition of Argon flow inside a rectangular microchannel with suspending Silver nanoparticles by using of molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 295: 111721.
[22] Ruowei Li, Yeping Peng*, Haiyan Shi, Hongkun Wu, Shilong Liu, Ngaiming Kwok. First-order difference bare bones particle swarm optimizer. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 132472-132491.
[21] Yeping Peng, Ali Sulaiman Alsagri, Masoud Afrand, R. Moradi*. A numerical simulation for magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid flow and heat transfer in rotating horizontal annulus with thermal radiation. RSC Advances, 2019, 9(39): 22185-22197.
[20] Yeping Peng, Junhao Cai, Tonghai Wu, Guangzhong Cao*, Ngaiming Kwok, Shengxi Zhou, Zhongxiao Peng. A hybrid convolutional neural network for intelligent wear particle classification. Tribology International, 2019, 138: 166-173.
[19] Yeping Peng, Junhao Cai, Tonghai Wu, Guangzhong Cao*, Ngaiming Kwok, Shengxi Zhou, Zhongxiao Peng. Online wear characterisation of rolling element bearing using wear particle morphological features. Wear, 2019, 430-431: 369–375.
[18] Jundi Sun, Guangzhong Cao*, Sudan Huang*, Yeping Peng, Jiangbiao He, Qingquan Qian. Sliding-mode-observer-based position estimation for sensorless control. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 61034-61045.
[17] Yeping Peng, Songbo Ruan, Guangzhong Cao*, Sudan Huang, Ngaiming Kwok, Shengxi Zhou. Automated product boundary defect detection based on image moment feature anomaly. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 52731-52742.
[16] Yeping Peng*, Haiyan Shi, Hongkun Wu, Ruowei Li, Ngaiming Kwok, San Chi Liu, Shilong Liu, Md Arifur Rahnam. An optimum shift-and-weighted brightness mapping for low-illumination image restoration. Imaging Science Journal, 2019, 67(4): 187-201.
[15] Hongkun Wu*, Ruowei Li, Ngaiming Kwok, Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu, Zhongxiao Peng. Restoration of low-informative image for robust debris shape measurement in on-line wear debris monitoring. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019, 114: 539-555.
[14] Sudan Huang, Guangzhong Cao*, Yeping Peng, Chao Wu, Deliang Liang, Jiangbiao He. Design and analysis of a long-stroke planar switched reluctance motor for positioning applications. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 22976-22987.
[13] Guangzhong Cao, Songbo Ruan, Yeping Peng*, Sudan Huang, Ngaiming Kwok. Large-complex-surface defect detection by hybrid gradient threshold segmentation and image registration. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 36235-36246.
[12] Haiyan Shi, Shilong Liu, Hongkun Wu, Ruowei Li, Sanchi Liu, Ngaiming Kwok, Yeping Peng*. Oscillatory particle swarm optimizer. Applied Soft Computing, 2018, 73: 316-327.
[11] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu, Guangzhong Cao*, et al. A hybrid search-tree discriminant technique for multivariate wear debris classification. Wear, 2017, 392-393: 152-158.
[10] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu*, Shuo Wang, et al. Wear state identification using dynamic features of wear debris for online purpose. Wear, 2017, 376-377: 1885-1891.
[9] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu*, Shuo Wang, et al. A microfluidic device for three-dimensional wear debris imaging in on-line condition monitoring. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J- Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2017, 231(8): 965-974.
[8] Tonghai Wu*, Yeping Peng, Shuo Wang, et al. Morphological feature extraction based on multi-view images for wear debris analysis in on-line fluid monitoring. Tribology Transactions, 2017, 60(3): 408-418.
[7] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu*, Wang Shuo, et al. Oxidation wear monitoring based on the color extraction of on-line wear debris. Wear, 2015, 332-333: 1151~1157.
[6] Yeping Peng, Tonghai Wu*, Wang Shuo, et al. Motion-blurred particle image restoration for on-line wear monitoring. Sensors, 2015, 15(4): 8173~8191.
[5] Tonghai Wu*, Yeping Peng, Hongkun Wu, et al. Full-life dynamic identification of wear state based on on-line wear debris image features. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2014, 42(1-2): 404-414.
[4] Tonghai Wu*, Yeping Peng, Chenxing Sheng, et al. Intelligent identification of wear mechanism via on-line ferrograph Images. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 27(2): 411-417.
[3] Tonghai Wu*, Yeping Peng, Ying Du, et al. Dimensional description of on-line wear debris images for wear characterization. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 27(6): 1280-1286.
[2] Hongkun Wu, Tonghai Wu*, Yeping Peng, et al. Watershed-based morphological separation of wear debris chains for on-line ferrograph analysis. Tribology Letters, 2013, 53(2): 411-420.
[1] Tonghai Wu*, Junqun Wang, Yeping Peng, et al. Description of wear debris from on-line ferrograph images by their statistical color. Tribology Transactions, 2012, 55(5): 606-14.
[5] 王偉江, 彭業萍*, 曹廣忠, 郭小勤. 面向機櫃表面缺陷檢測的不均勻光照和低亮度圖像增強方法[J]. 儀器儀表學報, 2019, 40(8): 131-139.
[4] 錢秋陽, 曹廣忠, 彭業萍*, 鐘祥永. EtherCAT無線網關設計與實現[J]. 自動化儀表, 2018, 39(12): 48-51+59.
[3] 李世雄, 曹廣忠, 李慶, 彭業萍*, 呂潔印. 基於錨點的邊緣檢測最佳化算法研究[J]. 電子測量與儀器學報, 2018, 32(11): 9-16.
[2] 蔡俊豪, 曹廣忠, 彭業萍, 周受欽. 基於CC2530與CC3200的室內環境監測系統設計[J]. 現代電子技術, 2019, 42(10): 71-78.
[1] 武通海, 彭業萍, 盛晨興, 吳教義. 基於線上鐵譜圖像的磨損機理智慧型辨識[J]. 機械工程學報, 2014, (05): 212-212.
[5] Ruowei Li, Yeping Peng, Hongkun Wu, Xuesong Li, Ngaiming Kwok. Texture invariant image segmentation via particle swarm pptimization. 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), 2019, Suzhou, China. (IEEE)
[4] Shilong Liu, Ngaiming Kwok, Yeping Peng, Ruowei Li, Hongkun Wu. Fusion based single image de-hazing. 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), 2019, Suzhou, China. (IEEE)
[3] Ngaiming Kwok, Haiyan Shi, YingHao Yu, Yeping Peng, Shilong Liu, Ruowei Li, Hongkun Wu. Image contrast enhancement using weighted uniform histogram for maximum information. 11th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), 2018, Beijing, China. (IEEE)
[2] Ngaiming Kwok, Haiyan Shi, Yeping Peng, Hongkun Wu, Ruowei Li, Shilong Liu, Md Arifur Rahman. Single-scale center-surround Retinex based restoration of low-illumination images with edge enhancement. 9th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP), 2017, Qingdao, China. (SPIE)
[1] Songbo Ruan, Yeping Peng, Guangzhong Cao*, Sudan Huang, Xiangyong Zhong. Man-machine interaction for an unmanned tower crane using wireless multi-controller. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA), 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10462: 381-392. (Springer, Cham)
[11] 彭業萍, 蔡俊豪, 曹廣忠. 機械磨損顆粒識別方法、裝置、電子設備及存儲介質[P]. 申請號: 201910507896.5.
[10] 彭業萍, 吳敏, 曹廣忠, 阮松波. 棱邊缺陷檢測方法、裝置、電子設備及存儲介質[P]. 申請號: 201811478391.2.
[9] 彭業萍, 蔡俊豪, 曹廣忠, 曹樹鵬. 潤滑油磨粒線上監測方法、終端及存儲介質[P]. 申請號: 201810771554.X.
[8] 武通海, 彭業萍, 吳虹堃, 程俊. 一種基於數字視頻的快速鐵譜分析方法[P]. 專利號: ZL201310343023.8.
[7] 武通海, 彭業萍, 吳虹堃, 謝友柏. 一種基於視頻獲取的潤滑油磨粒線上監測與分析方法[P]. 專利號: ZL201310141313.4.
[6] 武通海, 彭業萍, 張小剛, 張樂. 基於數字圖像處理的磨損原位測量裝置及方法[P]. 專利號: ZL201210076357.9.
[5] 武通海, 吳虹堃, 彭業萍, 謝友柏. 一種基於視頻獲取的潤滑油磨粒線上監測探頭[P]. 專利號: ZL201310141314.9.
[4] 武通海, 吳虹堃, 彭業萍. 面向線上鐵譜圖像自動識別的磨粒鏈自適應分割方法[P]. 專利號: ZL201310675708.2.
[3] 武通海, 王龍鑫, 彭業萍, 王碩. 一種基於磨粒圖像顏色提取的線上氧化磨損狀態監測方法[P]. 申請號: 201610052551.1.
[2] 武通海, 張小剛, 張樂, 彭業萍, 張亞麗. 基於電導率測量的線上潤滑油微量水分感測器[P]. 專利號: ZL201210084173.7.
[1] 武通海, 張小剛, 張樂, 彭業萍, 張亞麗. 基於電導率測量的直插式潤滑油微量水分感測器[P]. 專利號: ZL201210085008.3.
[1] 彭業萍, 蔡俊豪, 曹廣忠. 運動磨粒線上檢測與跟蹤系統[P]. 登記號: 2018SR678168. 2018.08.24


[3] 王偉江,彭業萍,曹廣忠,郭小勤. 面向機櫃表面缺陷檢測的不均勻光照和低亮度圖像增強方法,全國第30屆計算機技術與套用學術會議優秀學生論文一等獎,中國儀器儀表學會微型計算機套用學會,2019.
[2] 武通海,陳渭,彭業萍,段志和,王碩. 重大機械設備磨損狀態線上監測系統,第十七屆中國國際工業博覽會高校展區優秀展品一等獎,教育部科技發展中心,2015.
[1] 彭業萍. 2015年全國青年摩擦學學術會議優秀論文獎,中國機械工程學會摩擦學分會,2015.


