


  • 中文名:彭喜春
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:華南理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:食品營養組分與腸道健康等










1.Yu J,Guo H,Xie J,Luo J,Li Y,Liu L,Ou S,Zhang G,Peng X. Thealternateconsumptionofquercetinandalliinin thetraditionalAsiandietreshaped microbiotaandalteredgeneexpressionofcolonicepithelialcellsinrats. J Food Sci.2019, 84(3):678-686.
2.Zhang C, Xie J, Li X, Luo J, Huang X, Liu L, Peng X. Alliin alters gut microbiota and gene expression of colonic epithelial tissues. J Food Biochem. 2019,e12795.
3.Xie J,Liu Y,Chen B,Zhang G,Ou S,Luo J,Peng X. GanodermalucidumpolysaccharideimprovesratDSS-inducedcolitisbyalteringcecalmicrobiotaandgeneexpressionofcolonicepithelialcells. Food Nutr Res.2019, 63. doi: 10.29219/fnr.v63.1559. eCollection 2019.
4.Luo J, Zhang C, Liu R, Gao L, Ou S, Liu L, Peng X. Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide alleviating colorectal cancer by alteration of special gut bacteria and regulation of gene expression of colonic epithelial cells. J Funct Food. 2018, 47:127-135.
5.Luo J, Li Y, Mai Y, Gao L, Ou S, Wang Y, Liu L, Peng X. Flaxseed gum reduces body weight by regulating gut microbiota. J Funct Foods, 47: 136-142.
6.Luo J, Han L, Liu L, Gao L, Xue B, Wang Y, Ou S, Miller M*,Peng X*. Catechin supplemented in a FOS-diet induces weight loss by altering cecal microbiota and gene expression of colonic epithelial cells. Funct Food. 2018, 9: 2962 - 2969
7.Zhang C, Li X, Liu L, Gao L, Ou S, Luo J*, Peng X*. Roxithromycin regulates intestinal microbiota and alters colonic epithelial gene expression. Appl Microbiol Biot, 2018, 102(21): 9306 ~ 9316.
8.Luo J, Li Y, Xie J, Gao L, Liu L, Ou S, Chen L,Peng X.The Primary Biological Network of Bifidobacterium in the Gut.FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2018 Mar 13. doi: 10.1093/femsle/fny057.
9.Luo J, Zhang C, Liu Q, Ou S, Zhang L, Peng X.Combinative effect of sardine peptides and quercetin alleviates hypertension through inhibition of angiotensin I converting enzyme activity and inflammation.Food Res Int. 2017,100(Pt 1):579-585.
10.Zheng CJ,Liu R,Xue B,Luo J,Gao L, Wang Y,Ou S,Li S,Peng X.Impactandconsequencesofpolyphenolsandfructooligosaccharideinterplayongutmicrobiotainrats. Food Funct.2017,8(5):1925-1932.
11.Huang J,Liu Q,Xue B,Chen L,Wang Y,Ou S,Peng X.Angiotensin-I-ConvertingEnzymeInhibitoryActivitiesandInVivoAntihypertensiveEffectsofSardineProteinHydrolysate.J Food Sci.2016. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13508.
12.HuangJ, LinX,XueB, LuoJ, GaoL, WangY, Ou S, PengX.Impact of polyphenols combined with high-fat diet on rats' gut microbiota.Journal of Functional Foods,2016,26:763-771.
13.Huang J,Chen L,Xue B,Liu Q,Ou S,Wang Y,Peng X.DifferentFlavonoidsCanShapeUniqueGutMicrobiotaProfileInVitro. J Food Sci.2016,81(9):H2273-2279.
14.Xue B, Xie J, Huang J, Chen L, Gao L, Ou S, Wang Y, Peng X.Plant polyphenols alter a pathway of energy metabolism by inhibiting fecal Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes in vitro.Food Funct. 2016,7(3):1501-1507.
15.Li S, Gao L, Chen L, Ou S, Y W, Peng X. Continuously Ingesting Fructooligosaccharide Can't Maintain Rats' Gut Bifidobacterium at a High Level. J Food Sci. 2015.doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13086.
16.Li S, Zhang C, Gu Y, Chen L, Ou S, Wang Y, Peng X. Lean rats gained more body weight than obese ones from a high-fibre diet.Br J Nutr. 2015, 114(8):1188-1194.
17.Shaoting Li, Gu Yingyi, Long Chen, Gao Lijuan, Shiyi Ou and Xichun Peng. Lean rats gained more body weight from a high-fructooligosaccharide diet. Food Funct, 2015, 6, 2315-2321.
18.Zhichao Zhang, Xichun Peng, et al. Isolation and Identification of quercetin degrading bacteria from human fecal microbes. PLoS one, 9(3): 1-5, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090531, 2014. (A1,2區。IF=3.53)
19.Zhigang Luo, …, Xichun Peng, et al. Preparation and properties of enzyme-modified cassava starch-zinc complexes. J Agr Food Chem, 2013, 61: 4631-4638. (A1, 1區。IF= 3.11).
20.Zhichao Zhang, Xichun Peng,et al. Cytotoxicity comparison of quercetin and its metabolites from in vitro fermentation of several gut bacteria. Food Funct, 2014, 5(9): 2152-2156.(A2, IF=2.91)
21.Peng X, Zhang Z, Zhang N, et al. In vitro catabolism of quercetin by human fecal bacteria and the antioxidant capacity of its catabolites. Food & nutrition research, 2014, 58. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v58.23406. (A3)
22.Sheng-wen Yao, …, and Xi-chun Peng. Protection of Feruloylated Oligosaccharides from Corn Bran against Oxidative Stress in PC 12 Cells. J Agr Food Chem, 2014, 62, 668−674. (A1, 1區。IF= 3.11).
23.Peng Xichun,Huang Jiachen.The role of gutClostridiumspp. in body overenergy intake.Modern Food Science and Technology, 2014, 30(3): 262-266. (EI,A3)
24.Xichun Peng, Shaoting Li, et al. Effects of dietary fibers and their mixture on short chain fatty acids and microbiota in mice’s gut. Food Funct, 2013, 4: 932-938. (A2, IF=2.91)
25.XueBin,LiShao-Ting, Peng Xi-Chun. Effect of aqueous extracts of six flavoring materials on the construction of two rats' colonic bacteria.Modern Food Science and Technology, 2013, 117(29):14958-14964. (EI收錄,A3)
26.Shaoting Li, Cong Wang, Xichun Peng, et al. Effects of Aqueous Extracts and Essential Oil from Cinnamomum cassia on Rat Colonic Mucosal Morphology and Bacteroidales. J Food Nutr Res, 2013, 1(2): 7-12.
27.Cong Wang, Shaoting Li, Long Chen, Xichun Peng, Xiyang Wu. The Response of Colonic Clostridium Cluster IV to Essential Oil and Aqueous Extract ofCinnamon Cassiain Rats. J Food Nutr Res,2013, 1(3), 24-29.
28.Xi Y,Luo Z,Lu X,Peng X. Modulation of Cyclodextrin Particle Amphiphilic Properties to Stabilize Pickering Emulsion.J Agric Food Chem.2018 , 66(1):228-237.
29.Chen Y, Yang Q, Xu X, Qi L, Dong Z,Luo Z, LuX, Peng X.Structural changes of waxy and normal maize starches modified by heat moisture treatment and their relationship with starch digestibility.Carbohydr Polym. 2017, 177:232-240.
30.Wang PP, Qin XS, Yang QY, Luo ZG, Xiao ZG, Peng XC.Comparative Structural Characterization of Spiral Dextrin Inclusion Complexes with Vitamin E or Soy Isoflavone.J Agric Food Chem. 2017, 65(39):8744-8753.
31.Cheng JH, Hu YN, Luo ZG, Chen W, Chen HM, Peng XC.Preparation and properties of octenyl succinate β-cyclodextrin and its application as an emulsion stabilizer.Food Chem. 2017, 218:116-121.
32.Chen, Long & Peng, Xichun & Lv, Jiaying & Liao, Siyin & Ou, Shiyi & Shen, Yingbin. (2017). Purification and Structural Characterization of a Novel Water-Soluble Neutral Polysaccharide from Cantharellus cibarius and Its Immunostimulating Activity in RAW264.7 Cells. International Journal of Polymer Science. 2017. 1-9. 10.1155/2017/3074915.
33.Luo J, Wei Z, Zhang S,Peng X, Huang Y, Zhang Y, Lu J.Phenolic Fractions from Muscadine Grape Noble Pomace can Inhibit Breast Cancer Cell MDA-MB-231 Better than those from European Grape Cabernet Sauvignon and Induce S-Phase Arrest and Apoptosis.J Food Sci. 2017, 82(5):1254-1263.






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