獲得中科院SCI 頂級期刊《Applied Energy》2016~2017年度高被引論文獎
2017中國自動化學會車輛控制與智慧型化學術年會 “優秀論文獎”
國際埃尼獎Eni Award 2020提名。獲首屆北京理工大學“優秀博士後”稱號
- Peng J, He H, Xiong R. Rule based energy management strategy for a series–parallel plug-in hybrid electric bus optimized by dynamic programming[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 185: 1633-1643. (SCI, IF=8.426, ESI and HOT paper)
- Wu J, He H, Peng J, et al. Continuous reinforcement learning of energy management with deep Q network for a power split hybrid electric bus[J]. Applied energy, 2018, 222: 799-811. (SCI, IF=8.426, ESI paper)
- Peng J, Luo J, He H, et al. An improved state of charge estimation method based on cubature Kalman filter for lithium-ion batteries[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 253: 113520. (SCI, IF=8.426)
- Peng J, Jiang J, Ding F, et al. Development of Driving Cycle Construction for Hybrid Electric Bus: A Case Study in Zhengzhou, China[J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(17): 7188. (SCI, IF=2.576)
- Zhang H, Peng J, Tan H, et al. Tackling SOC long-term dynamic for energy management of hybrid electric buses via adaptive policy optimization[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 269: 115031. (SCI, IF=8.426)
- Zhang H, Peng J*, Tan H, et al. A Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Energy Management Framework with Lagrangian Relaxation for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle[J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2020. (SCI, IF=5.444)
- Lian R, Peng J, Wu Y, et al. Rule-interposing deep reinforcement learning based energy management strategy for power-split hybrid electric vehicle[J]. Energy, 2020: 117297. (SCI, IF=5.537)
- Wang Y, Tan H, Wu Y, Peng J*. Hybrid electric vehicle energy management with computer vision and deep reinforcement learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020. (SCI, IF=9.112)
- Li Y, He H, Peng J, et al. Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Energy Management for a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle Enabled by History Cumulative Trip Information[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019, 68.8: 7416-7430. (SCI, IF=5.339)
- Tan H, Zhang H, Peng J, et al. Energy management of hybrid electric bus based on deep reinforcement learning in continuous state and action space[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 195: 548-560. (SCI, IF=7.181)
- Wu Y, Tan H, Peng J, et al. Deep reinforcement learning of energy management with continuous control strategy and traffic information for a series-parallel plug-in hybrid electric bus[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 247: 454-466. (SCI, IF=8.426)
- Han X, He H, Peng J. Energy management based on Reinforcement Learning with Double Deep Q-learning for a Hybrid Electric Tracked Vehicle[J]. Applied energy, 2019, 254: 113708. (SCI, IF=8.426)
- Guo J, He H, Peng J, et al. A novel MPC-based adaptive energy management strategy in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles[J]. Energy, 2019, 175: 378-392. (SCI, IF=5.537)
- Xie S, He H, Peng J. An energy management strategy based on stochastic model predictive control for plug-in hybrid electric buses[J]. Applied energy, 2017, 196: 279-288. (SCI, IF=8.426)