中國微米納米技術協會成員、機械學會摩擦學分會成員。國際期刊《Electrophoresis》、《Nanotechnology》、《Tribology Letter》、《wear》、《Journal of Nanotechnology and nanoengineering》等國際學術刊物審稿。
1、Yitian Peng,Zhuoqiong Wang and Cong Li,Study of nanotribological properties of multilayer graphene by calibrated atomic force microscopy 2014 Nanotechnology25 305701-305709.(SCI, IF3.8)
2、Yitian Peng*,Lizhang HAN, Yiran Hu Ultrasound-assisted fabrication of dispersed two-dimensional copper/reduced graphene oxide nanosheetsnanocomposites Composites: Part B 58 (2014) 473–477.(SCI, IF2.8)
3、Yitian Peng*,Zhuoqiong Wang,Tribological properties of sodium dodecyl sulfateaqueous dispersion of graphite-derived carbonmaterials, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 9980–9985(SCI, IF3.7)
4、Yitian Peng*, Fabrication and electrical characterization of electrochemical deposition of copper nanowire inside alumiunumoxid template,Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, (58) :3409-3414 (SCI).( SCI, IF1.5)
5、Yitian Peng*,Di Huang,Fabrication of Patterned reduced Graphene oxide nanosheet field-emission cathodic film at Room-temperature, Applied Surface Science 2013(283):81-86.(SCI, IF2.4)
6、Yitian Peng, QuanfangChen,Fabrication of Copper/Multi-walled carbon nanotube hybrid nanowire using electroless copper deposition activated with silver nitrate, Journal of the Electrochemical society, 159(2) D72-D76 (2012) .(SCI, IF2.7)
7、Yitian Peng, Simplified fabrication and electrical analysis of crystalline silver nanowire,Applied Physics A105, 4(2011): 841-846.( SCI, IF1.7)
8.Yitian Peng,Fabrication of one dimensional silver/Multi-walled composite, Nanoscale research letter, 133(2) ,2012:129-134.( SCI, IF2.6)
9、Yitian Peng, Quanfang Chen, Ultrasonic-assisted fabrication of highly dispersed Copper/Multi-walled carbon nanotube nanocomposites, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 342 (2009) 132-135. ( SCI, IF2.6)
10、Yitian Peng, Quanfang Chen, Synthesis of Copper/Multi-walled Carbon nanotube hybrid nanowire in microfluidic reactor, Nanotechnology, 20(2009):235606-235613.( SCI, IF3.8)