美國麻省理工學院(MIT)博士。洛杉磯加州大學(UCLA)計算機系教授。美國計算機協會、美國電器和電子工程師學會(ACM、IEEE) 院士(Fellow), NDN項目領導者。主管洛杉磯大學(UCLA)的網際網路研究實驗室(Internet Research Lab)。主要研究方向有大型開放式系統、網際網路路由基礎設施、網路結構設計、網路協定設計等。現在/曾經擔任亞洲未來Internet論壇(AsiaFI,Asia Future Internet Forum)論壇委員、國際網際網路路由研究小組(IRTF)的共同主席、Internet 架構董事會IAB(Internet Architecture Board) 委員、美國計算機協會數據通信專業組(ACM SIGCOMM) 副主席、美國電器和電子工程師學會通信社團和Internet技術委員會(IEEE CSITC,Communication Society and Internet Technical Committee)共同主席、Internet工程任務組資源保留協定工作組(IETF RSVP ,Resource Reservation Protocol Working Group)共同主席、IETF IPv6 領域和傳輸領域主任委員、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 編委、ACM Computer Communication 副主編等。2009年獲得IEEE Internet Award, 她對網際網路協定和網際網路體系的研究工作被IEEE Communication 雜誌50周年刊慶評為最有具有里程碑意義的十大貢獻之一。
- 中文名:張麗霞
- 外文名:Lixia Zhang
- 別名:無
- 國籍:美國
- 民族:漢(估計)
- 出生地:未知
- 出生日期:未知
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:美國麻省理工學院(MIT)
- 信仰:未知
- 主要成就:參與過RSVP協定的設計
提出icn未來概念網路 - 代表作品:見正文
- Biologically Inspired Network Designs (網路設計中的生物學靈感)
(read our paper on "A Taxonomy of Biologically Inspired Research in Computer Networking") - WIT: A Watchdog System for Internet Routing(WIT:一個網際網路的監視系統)
- eFIT: enabling Future Internet innovations through Transit wire(eFIT:未來網際網路的創新通過傳輸線也能成為可能)
- Building the Next-Generation Global Routing Monitoring System(建立下一代全球路由的監控系統)
- Optimization and Games in Inter-domain Routing (2006 -- 2007)(域間路由的最佳化和策略)
- DNS Security Revisited: Enabling Cryptographic Defenses in Large-Scale Distributed Systems(DNS安全的重新審視:在大規模分散式系統中能使用加密防禦)
- Monitoring Tools for DNS Security Deployment (MOTDS)(DNS安全調用的監控工具)
- Monitoring and Analysis of Routing Dynamics and Path Redundancy in the Global Internet (NETPATH)(監控和分析全球網際網路路由的動態變化和路徑冗餘)
- Explorative Study: Design for Resiliency(試探性研究:一個彈性設計方案)
- Beyond BGP: Flexible & Scalable Interdomain Routing(突破邊界網關協定:靈活可括展的域間路由)
- iMASH: Adaptive Middleware and Networking Support for the Nomadic Healer(iMASH:支持游離恢復的自適應中間件和網路)
- FNIISC: Fault-Tolerant Networking through Intrusion Identification & Secure Compartments(FNIISC:通過入侵認證和安全隔離方法建立容錯網路)
- Practical Address Validation for the Internet(可行的Internet地址確認)
- Reliable and Robust Sensor Data Collection by Gradient Broadcast (GRAB)(穩定可靠的遞度廣播感測器數據收集系統)
- An Architecture for A Global Internet Host Distance Estimation Service(一個全球主機距離估算服務系統)
- Semantic Multicast(語義多播)
- Adaptive Web Caching(自適應的Web緩衝方案)
- Scalable Reliable Multicast(可靠聽可擴展多播)
- 以上參見
- "Verifying Keys through Publicity and Communities of Trust: Quantifying Off-Axis Corroboration"(利用公眾和團體的信任校驗密鑰:進一步確定偏軸量)
Eric Osterweil, Dan Massey, Danny McPherson, and Lixia Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2013. - "Security Evaluation of a Control System Using Named Data Networking"(對一個命名數據網路的控制系統時行安全評估)
Victor Perez, Mevlut Turker Garip, Silas Lam, and Lixia Zhang
Eighth Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec), October 2013. - "NLSR: Named-data Link State Routing Protocol"(NLSR:命名數據鏈路狀態路由協定)
A K M Mahmudul Hoque, Syed Obaid Amin, Adam Alyyan, Lan Wang, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang
The 3rd ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Information-Centric Networking, August 2013. - "Video Streaming Over Named Data Networking"(在命名數據網路上的視頻系統)
Derek Kulinski, Jeff Burke, and Lixia Zhang
IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, July 2013. - "DoS & DDoS in Named Data Networking"(在命名數據網路中的拒絕和分散式拒絕服務)
Paolo Gasti, Gene Tsudik, Ersin Uzun, and Lixia Zhang
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), July 2013. - "Interest Flooding Attack and Countermeasures in Named Data Networking"(在命名網路中的)
Alexander Afanasyev, Priya Mahadevan, Ilya Moiseenko, Ersin Uzun, and Lixia Zhang
IFIP Networking 2013, May 2013. - "A Case for Stateful Forwarding Plane"(一個狀態轉發策略的例子)
C. Yi, A. Afanasyev, I. Moiseenko, L. Wang, B. Zhang, and L. Zhang
Computer Communications: Information-Centric Networking Special Issue, 2013. - "Check-Repeat: A New Method of Measuring DNSSEC Validating Resolvers"(檢查重複:一個度量DNS安全正確解析的新方法)
Yingdi Yu, Duane Wessels, Matt Larson, Lixia Zhang
The 5th IEEE International Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop (TMA 2013) - "NDN.JS: A JavaScript Client Library for Named Data Networking"(NDN.JS:一個命名數據網路的JavaScript客戶端庫)
Wentao Shang, Jeff Thompson, Meki Cherkaoui, Jeff Burke, Lixia Zhang
The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Emerging Design Choices in Name-Oriented Networking (NOMEN 2013) - "Vehicular Inter-Networking via Named Data"(通過命名數實現車聯網)
Giulio Grassi, Davide Pesavento, Lucas Wang, Giovanni Pau, Rama Vuyyuru, Ryuji Wakikawa, Lixia Zhang
ACM HotMobile 2013 Poster.
- "Simple Virtual Aggregation (S-VA)"(簡單的虛擬聚合(S-VA))
Robert Raszuk, J. Heitz, A. Lo, Lixia Zhang, Xiaohu Xu
RFC 6769, October 2011. - "Mobile Data Charging: New Attacks and Countermeasures",(移動數據裝載:新的攻擊和應對方法)
Chunyi Peng, Chi-yu Li, Guan-hua Tu, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang.
ACM CCS 2012. - "Supporting Military Communications with Named Data Networking: An Emulation Analysis"(在命名數據網路下支持軍事通信:一個模擬分析)
Basil Etefia, Lixia Zhang, Mario Gerla.
IEEE MILCOM 2012. - "Adaptive Forwarding in Named Data Networking"(命名數據網路中的自適應轉發)
Cheng Yi, Alex Afanasyev, Lan Wang, Beichuan Zhang, Lixia Zhang.
ACM Computer Communication Reviews, July 2012. - "BGP Route Reflection Revisited"(邊界網關協定路由的重新審視和思考)
Jong Han Park, Ricardo Oliveira, Shane Amante, Danny McPherson, Lixia Zhang.
IEEE Communications Magazine, July 2012. - "Rapid Traffic Information Dissemination Using Named Data"(用命名數據快速進行流量信息分發)
Lucas Wang, Alexander Afanasyev, Romain Kuntz, Rama Vuyyuru, Ryuji Wakikawa, Lixia Zhang
MobiHoc Workshop on Emerging Name-Oriented Mobile Networking Design, June 2012 - "Explaining BGP Slow Table Transfers"(解釋邊界網關協定慢表傳送)
Pei-chun Cheng, Jong Han Park, Keyur Patel, Shane Amante, Lixia Zhang
32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), June 2012 - "Authority Server Selection of DNS Caching Resovler"(DNS快取解析的授權伺服器選擇)
Yingdi Yu, Duane Wessels, Matt Larson, Lixia Zhang
ACM Computer Communication Reviews, April 2012. - "Data Naming in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications"(在車輛通訊中的數據命名)
Lucas Wang, Ryuji Wakikawa, Romain Kuntz, Rama Vuyyuru, Lixia Zhang
INFOCOM 2012 Workshop on Emerging Design Choices in Name-Oriented Networking - "A Comparative Study of Architectural Impact on BGP Next-hop Diversity"(一個架構對BGP下一跳影響的比較研究)
Jong Han Park, Pei-chun Cheng, Shane Amante, Dorian Kim, Danny McPherson, Lixia Zhang
15th IEEE Global Internet Symposium, March 2012. - "Named Data Networking for Military Communication Systems"(一個軍事通信系統的命名數據網路)
Basil Etefia, Lixia Zhang
2012 IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 2012 - 未完
- 以上參見