- 中文名:張蔚
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:河海大學港口海岸與近海工程學院副教授
- 畢業院校:河海大學港口及航道工程專業
- 性別:男
國際期刊:Global and Planetary change, Continental Shelf Research, Journal of Coastal Research 等期刊審稿人
(3) “近岸方向波譜在颱風浪預報中的資料同化研究”,教育部博士點新教師基金, (20100094120008),2011.01~2013.12,項目負責人。
(4) “河網分汊河道地貌演變對中國珠江三角洲及荷蘭Rotterdam Rijnmond 河網洪水災害影響研究”,(51061130545),2010.01~2014.12,項目第二負責人。
(5) “珠江三角洲泥沙通量變化特徵及再分配規律研究”,水文水資源與水利工程科學國家重點實驗室自主研究課題 (2009586712),2010.01~2012.12,項目負責人。
(6) “鹹潮入侵對深水航道疏浚的回響“, 水利部公益性項目(200901034),2009.09~2012.12
(7) “珠江三角洲航道網水沙動力要素長期演變趨勢研究” ,廣東省航道局科技攻關項目(2008546022),2008.10~2010.04,項目負責人。
(8) “珠江三角洲河網區一維鹽度擴散模型開發研究”,廣東省水文局,(2010524213), 2010.01-2010.10,項目負責人。
(9) “珠江三角洲河網及河口區鹽水入侵規律研究”, 中國博士後科學基金特別資助 (200801360),2008.01-2009.12,項目負責人。
(10) “珠江三角洲水沙環境變異對人類活動的回響研究”,中國博士後科學基金面上資助(20070420965),2007.6-2009.03,項目負責人。
(11) “南水北調東線工程對長江下游水環境的影響研究”,江蘇省博士後基金(0702007C), 2008.01~2009.12,項目負責人。
[2] Zhang, W., Wei, X.Y., Zhu, Y.L., Zheng, J.H., Zhang Y.J., Estimating suspended sediment loads in the Pearl River Delta region using sediment rating curves, Continental Shelf Research, 38, 35-46, 2012.( SCI 檢索)
[3] Zhang, W., Mu, S.S., Zhang, Y.J., Chen, K.M., Seasonal and interannual variations of flow discharge from Pearl River into sea, Water Science and Engineering, 5, 4, 399-409, 2012. (EI檢索)
[4] 危小艷,諸裕良,張蔚,孫世偉,珠江口枯季鹽通量數值模擬研究,熱帶地理,32,2,216-222,2012.
[5] Zhang, W., Mu, S.S., Zhang, Y.J., Chen, K.M., Temporal variation of suspended sediment load in the Pearl River due to human activities. International Journal of Sediment Research 26, 88-498, 2011. (SCI 檢索)
[6] Feng, X.B., Yan, Y.X., Zhang, W., Application of two-dimensional wavelet transform in near-shore x-band radar images, Journal of hydrodynamics, 23, 2, 179-186, 2011. ( SCI 檢索)
[7] 陳小文,張蔚,趙慧,徐輝榮,易雯,近30 年來珠江河口岸線演變時空特徵及效應, 熱帶地理,30,6,591-596,2011.
[8] Zhang, W., Ruan, X.H., Zhu Y.L., Zheng, J.H., Wu, H.X., Long-term change in tidal dynamics and its cause in the Pearl River Delta, China. Geomorphology, 120, 209-223, 2010. (SCI 檢索)
[9] 張蔚,徐鄭,董雪,林娜,伶仃洋洪季懸沙分布特徵及變化過程分析,泥沙研究,4,22-28,2010.
[10] 張蔚,嚴以新,鄭金海,吳宏旭. 珠江三角洲年際潮差長期變化趨勢. 水科學進展,21(1), 77-83,2010.(EI 檢索)
[11] Zhang, W., Yan, Y.X., Zheng, J.H., Li, L., Dong, X., Cai, H.J. Temporal and spatial variability of annual extreme water level in the Pearl River Delta, China. Global and Planetary Change 69, 35-47, 2009. (SCI 檢索)
[12] 張蔚, 嚴以新, 諸裕良, 楊明遠. 人工采沙及航道整治對珠江三角洲水流動力條件的影響. 水利學報, 39(9), 1098-1103, 2008. (EI 檢索)
[13] 馮向波,張蔚. 伶仃洋西槽洪季水沙縱向輸移機制研究. 河海大學學報 (自然科學版),36(6),838-841,2008.
[14] Zhang Wei, Yang Mingyuan,Zhou Xiaoyan. One-D and three-D combined hydrodynamic numerical model for river networks and estuary. Proceedings of the 4th Chinese-German joint symposium on hydraulic and ocean engineering, Germanny, 2008 (ISTP 檢索)
[15] Zhang Wei, Hao Jialing. Human impacts on the hydrology in Pearl River delta, China. Proceedings of the ASME 27th international conference on offshore mechanics and arctic engineering, America, Estoril, Portugal, 2008.(CD-ROM) (EI 檢索)
[16] Zhang Wei, Li Ling, Dong Xue. Analysis of hydrodynamic characteristics and estuarine dynamic process of the Dongjiang River Delta based on 1-d numerical model. Proceedings of 16th IAHR-ADP Congress , China , 2008. (ISTP 檢索)
[17] 張蔚, 嚴以新, 鄭金海, 諸裕良, 2006. 珠江河網與河口一、二維水沙嵌套數學模型研究. 泥沙研究 , 2006, (6):11-17.
[18] 張蔚, 霍光, 諸裕良. 珠江三角洲一維河網非恆定流懸沙預測模擬 . 河海大學學報, (5):542-546,2005.
[19] Zhang Wei, Yan Yixin, Zhu Yuliang. 1-D numerical model of flow motion and suspended transportation in river networks of the Pearl River Delta. Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on river sedimentation, Beijing:Tsinghua University Press, 8, 1538-1543, 2004. (ISTP 檢索)
[20] 張蔚. 平原河網的水動力及泥沙模型研究. 水利水運工程學報, (4), 70-74,2004.
[21] Gao Jiayun, Zhang Wei. Analysis to time series of water discharge. Second Sino-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, China Ocean Press, China, 10, 358-365, 2004. (ISTP 檢索)