張芬琴,女,漢族,生於1964年12月,甘肅人。博士,教授。 1987年7月本科畢業於西北師大生物系,獲理學學士學位;1998年碩士畢業於南京農業大學,獲理學碩士學位。2009年畢業於南京農業大學生物化學與分子生物學專業,獲理學博士學位。現為河西學院教授、學科帶頭人、學術帶頭人、農業與生物技術學院院長,兼任甘肅省植物生理學會理事、甘肅張掖生態科學研究院副院長。主要從事植物生理生化與分子生物學方面的教學與科研工作。先後在被SCI收錄的《Journal of Plant Nutrition》等國外學術期刊和國內權威、核心等期刊上發表中英文論文50餘篇,曾獲“甘肅省園丁獎、優秀教師”、“甘肅青年‘五·四’獎章獲得者”、甘肅省“高校青年成才獎”、張掖市“十佳青年科技工作者”和“河西學院“優秀教學獎”等獎項與稱號;先後有8項教學與科研成果獲省、廳級及校級獎勵;先後主持和參與學科建設與課程教學改革的研究項目近10項、承擔或參與國家自然基金和省教育廳資助的科研項目5項。
Cd-induced oxidative stress and lignification in the roots of two Viciasativa L. varieties with different Cd tolerances. Journal of Hazardous Materials (SCI, TOP一區, IF2015=4.529), 2016, 301:304-313 (共同通訊作者)
Exogenous application of salicylic acid alleviates the cadmium toxicity and reduces hydrogen peroxide accumulation in root apoplast of Phaseolus aureus and Vicia sativa. Plant Cell Rep (SCI, IF2015=3.071) 2011, 30:1475-1483 (第一作者)
Excess copper induces accumulation of reactive oxygen species in the leaf of Elsholtzia haichowensis through apoplastic and symplastic CuZn-superoxide dismutase. Journal of Hazardous Materials (SCI, IF2015=4.529, TOP一區), 2010, 178:834-843 (第二作者)
Cadmium-induced accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the leaf apoplast of Phaseolus aureus and Vicia sativa and the roles of different antioxidant enzymes. Journal of Hazardous Materials (SCI,IF2015=4.529,TOP一區),2009,168:76-84(第一作者)
Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide Donor on Antioxidant Metabolism in Wheat Leaves under Aluminum Stress. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (SCI,IF2015=0.946), 2008,55(4):469-474(第五作者)
Protective roles of nitric oxide on germination and antioxidant metabolism in wheat seeds under copper stress. Plant Growth Regulation(SCI, IF2015=1.672),2007,53 (3):173-183 (第四作者)
Response of Antioxidative Enzymes in Cucumber Chloroplasts to Cadmium
toxicity. Journal of Plant Nutrition (SCI, IF2015=0.494), 2003, 26(9):1779-1788(第一作者)
Effect of Cadmium on Autoxidation Rate of Tissue and inducing Accumulation of free Proline in Seedlings of Mung Bean.Journal of Plant Nutrition(SCI, IF2015=0.494), 2000, 23(3):357-368 (第一作者)
Toxicity of Copper and Zinc in Seedlings of Mung Bean and Inducing Accumulation of Polyamine。Journal of Plant Nutrition (SCI, IF2015=0.494),1998,21(6): 1153-1162 (第二作者)
Changs of H pumps of Tonoplast Vesicle From Wheat Roots in Vivo and in Vitro undeer Aluminium Treatment and Effect of Calcium. Journal of Plant Nutrition(SCI, IF2015=0.494),1998,21(12):2515-2526 (第二作者)