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張興林,男,漢族,山東臨沂人,中共黨員,荷蘭烏特勒支大學(Utrecht University)醫學中心(UMC)微生物專業博士,現為臨沂大學農林科學學院教授。國家重點人才項目入選者(青年)、山東省“泰山學者”特聘教授、浙江省特聘專家、歐盟(荷蘭)Rubicon學者、山東省高等學校優秀青年創新團隊帶頭人,曾獲國務院特殊津貼、山東省優秀科技工作者、淮海科學技術獎科技英才獎,以及臨沂市五一勞動獎章等榮譽獎勵及稱號。


  • 中文名:張興林 
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:山東臨沂
  • 畢業院校烏特勒支大學
  • 職業:教師


1. 2000/09 - 2005/06,中國農業大學動物醫學院,動物醫學專業,學士
2. 2005/09 - 2008/07,中國農業大學動物醫學院,預防獸醫學專業,碩士
3. 2005/09 - 2008/07,荷蘭烏特勒支大學(Utrecht University)醫學中心(UMC),微生物專業,博士


1. 2018/6-,臨沂大學,農林科學學院,教授
2. 2016/06 - 2018/06,浙江大學,生物系統工程與食品科學學院,研究員(正高級),博士生導師
3. 2014/09 - 2016/06,英國牛津大學(University of Oxford),博士後,Rubicon Fellow
4. 2013/04 - 2014/08,荷蘭烏特勒支大學(Utrecht University),博士後






1. 山東省自然基金重大基礎研究項目,ZR2019ZD21,奶牛乳腺炎病原學研究及新型疫苗研製,2019.12-2024.12,200萬,在研,主持;
2. 山東省“泰山學者”特聘專家項目,腸球菌細菌素的高通量篩選2019.08-2024.08,200萬,在研,主持;
3. 山東省高等學校青年創新團隊項目,2019KJF011,細菌性奶牛乳腺炎新型疫苗研究,2019.10-2022.10,20萬,在研,主持;
4. 國家“十三五”重點研發計畫子課題,2018YFC1200100,突發急性和烈性傳染病臨床救治關鍵技術研究,2018.08-2021.06,110萬元,在研,主持;
5. 國家重點人才項目(青年),2017.10-2020.10,200萬元,已結題,主持;
6. 歐盟荷蘭科研組織NWO Rubicon項目,825.14.010,Comprehensive analyses of the essential genome and the virulence determinants of Yersinia enterocolitica(小腸結腸炎耶爾森菌的必須基因和致病因子研究),2014.09-2016.09,157600歐元,已結題,主持;
7. 歐盟第六框架計畫“預防和控制多重耐藥腸球菌”項目 European Union Sixth Framework Programme “Approaches to Control multi-resistant Enterococci (ACE): Studies on molecular ecology, horizontal gene transfer, fitness, and prevention” under contract LSHE-CT-2007-037410,參與;
8. 歐盟第七框架計畫“細菌耐藥性的進化和傳播”項目 European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-HEALTH-2011-single-stage) “Evolution and Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance” (EvoTAR) under grant agreement number 282004,參與;
9. 荷蘭科研組織(NWO)VINI 項目Functional genomics of Enterococcus faecium.參與;
10. 荷蘭科研組織(NWO)VIDI 項目From harmless gut commensal to antibiotic-resistant hospital bug,參與;
11. 英國 Wellcome Trust項目Bacterial immune evasion,參與;


Liu. X,Shu. Q,Chen. Q,Pang. X,Wu.Y,Zhou. W,Wu. Y,Niu. J†,Zhang. X†,Antibacterial Efficacy and Mechanism of Mannosylerythritol Lipids-A on Listeria monocytogenes, Molecules.2020 Oct 21(†共同通訊)
Peikun Wang, jianrui Niu, Cong Xue, Zhaoqing Han, Amro Abdelazez, Xinglin Zhang*, Two novel recombinant avian leukosis virus isolates from Luxi gamecock chickens, Archives of Virology, 2020.12, 165:(12):2877-2881(*通訊作者)
Wanyi Zhou, Jingjin Hu, Xinglin Zhang†, Qihe Chen†, Application of bamboo leaves extract to Chinese yellow rice wine brewing for ethyl carbamate regulation and its mitigation mechanism, Food Chemistry, 2020, 319:126554.(†共同通訊)
Ruppe E, Ghozlane A, Tap J, Pons N, Alvarez AS, Maziers N, Cuesta T, Hernando-Amado S, Clares I, Martinez JL, Coque TM, Baquero F, Lanza VF, Maiz L, Goulenok T, De Lastours V, Amor N, Fantin B, Wieder I, Andremont A, Van Schaik W, Rogers M, Zhang X, Willems RJL, De Brevern AG, Batto JM, Blottiere HM, Leonard P, Lejard V, Letur A, Levenez F, Weiszer K, Haimet F, Dore J, Kennedy SP, Ehrlich SD. Prediction of the intestinal resistome by a three-dimensional structure-based method [J]. Nat Microbiol, 2019, 4(1): 112-23.
B. Peng†, X. Zhang†, D.G.A.L. Aarts and R. Dullens. 2018. Superparamagnetic colloidal nickel nanocrystal clusters with antibacterial activity and bacteria binding ability. Nat Nanotechnol 13, pages478–482 (2018)(IF:38.9)(†:共同第一作者)
X. Zhang, V. de Maat, A.M. Guzmán, T.K. Prajsnar, J.R. Bayjanov, M. de Been, M. R.C. Rogers, M. J.M. Bonten, S. Mesnage, R. J.L. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2017. RNA-seq and Tn-seq reveal fitness determinants of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium during growth in human serum. BMC Genomics 18 (1), 893(第一作者)
A.M. Guzmán, J. Wijngaarden, J.C. Braat, MRC Rogers, Majoor E, E.C. Brouwer, X. Zhang, J.R. Bayjanov, M.J.M. Bonten, R.J.L. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2017. The Two-Component System ChtRS Contributes to Chlorhexidine Tolerance in Enterococcus faecium. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 61(5). pii: e02122-16.
F.L. Paganelli, J. Huebner, K.V. Singh, X. Zhang, D. Wobser, J.C. Braat, B.E.M. Murray, J.M. Bonten, R.J.L. Willems, H.L. Leavis. 2016. Identification of Phosphoenolpyruvate-Phosphotransferase system permease BepA involved in Enterococcus faecium endocarditis and biofilm formation by a genome-wide screening approach. J Infect Dis 15;214(2):189-95..
A.M. Guzmán, R.T. Urbanus, X. Zhang, D. Bierschenk, A. Koekman, M. van Luit-Asbroek, J.P. Ouwerkerk, M. Pape, M. Roest, M.J.M. Bonten, R.J.L. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2015. The N-terminal domain of the thermo-regulated surface protein PrpA of Enterococcus faecium binds to fibrinogen, fibronectin and platelets. ‎Sci. Rep 17;5:18255.
R. Ladjouzi, A. Bizzini, W. van Schaik, X. Zhang, A. Rincé, A. Benachour, A. Hartke. 2015. Loss of antibiotic tolerance in Sod-deficient mutants is dependent on the energy source and arginine catabolism in enterococci. J Bacteriol DOI: 10.1128/JB.00389-15
X. Zhang *, M. Rogers, D. Bierschenk, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2013. A LacI-family regulator activates maltodextrin metabolism of Enterococcus faecium. PLoS One 8(8): e72285. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0072285. (*通訊作者)
X. Zhang *, D. Bierschenk, J. Top, I. Anastasiou, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems, and W. van Schaik. 2013. Functional genomic analysis of bile salt resistance in Enterococcus faecium. BMC Genomics 14:299 doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-299. (*通訊作者)
J. Top, F.L.Paganelli, X. Zhang, W. van Schaik, H.L. Leavis, M. van Luit-Asbroek, T. van der Poll, M. Leendertse, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems. 2013. The Enterococcus faecium enterococcal biofilm regulator, EbrB, regulates the esp operon and is implicated in biofilm formation and intestinal colonization. PLoS One 8 (5), e65224.
X. Zhang, J. Top, M. de Been, D. Bierschenk, M. Rogers, M. Leendertse, M. J. Bonten, T. van der Poll, R. J. Willems, W. van Schaik. 2013. Identification of a genetic determinant in clinical Enterococcus faecium strains which contributes to intestinal colonization during antibiotic treatment. J Infect Dis 207 (11): 1780-1786. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jit076.(第一作者)
F.L.Paganelli, R. J. Willems, P. Jansen, A. Hendrickx, X. Zhang, M. J. Bonten, H.L. Leavis. 2013. Enterococcus faecium biofilm formation: identification of major autolysin AtlAEfm, associated Acm surface localization, and AtlAEfm-independent extracellular DNA release. mBio doi: 10.1128/mBio.00154-13.
X. Zhang, F. L. Paganelli, D. Bierschenk, A. Kuipers, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems, and W. van Schaik. 2012. Genome-wide identification of ampicillin resistance determinants in Enterococcus faecium. PLoS Genet 8:e1002804.(第一作者)
F. Lebreton, W. van Schaik, M. Sanguinetti, B. Posteraro, R. Torelli, F. L. Bras, N. Verneuil, X. Zhang, A. Dhalluin, R. J. Willems, R. Leclercq and V. Cattoir. 2012. AsrR is an Oxidative stress sensing regulator modulating Enterococcus faecium opportunistic traits, antimicrobial resistance and pathogenicity. PLoS Pathog 8(8): e1002834.
X. Zhang, J. E. Vrijenhoek, M. J. Bonten, R. J. Willems, and W. van Schaik. 2011. A genetic element present on megaplasmids allows Enterococcus faecium to use raffinose as carbon source. Environ Microbiol 13:518-28.(第一作者)
X. Zhang, J. Ren, N. Li, W. Liu, and Q. Wu. 2009. Disruption of the BMEI0066 gene attenuates the virulence of Brucella melitensis and decreases its stress tolerance. Int J Biol Sci 5:570-7.(第一作者)
Y. L. Cong, J. Pu, Q. F. Liu, S. Wang, G. Z. Zhang, X. L. Zhang, W. X. Fan, E. G. Brown, and J. H. Liu. 2007. Antigenic and genetic characterization of H9N2 swine influenza viruses in China. J Gen Virol 88:2035- 41.
J. Liu, H. Xiao, F. Lei, Q. Zhu, K. Qin, X. W. Zhang, X. L. Zhang, D. Zhao, G. Wang, Y. Feng, J. Ma, W. Liu, J. Wang, and G. F. Gao. 2005. Highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza virus infection in migratory birds. Science 309:1206.


1. 吳清民、牛建蕊、劉文娟、任婕、李娜、張興林、楊羽、劉文曉、王真、張春燕 專利名稱:一種帶有免疫標記的羊種布魯氏菌的重組菌及其套用。專利號:ZL 200810224817.1
2. 吳清民、牛建蕊、劉文娟、任婕、張興林、李娜、楊羽、劉文曉、王真、張春燕 專利名稱:一種羊種布魯氏菌重組菌及其套用。專利號:ZL200810224819.0


1.其他英文學術出版物 (書籍):
Xinglin Zhang. Functional Genomics of Enterococcus faecium: Antibiotic Resistance and Niche Adaptation. (2013; book; 國際標準書號ISBN: 978-94-6108-407-1;共52819 字)
2. 國際會議報告(口頭/展板):
(1)X.Zhang, M. Rogers, et al. Combining enrichment culturing and metagenomic sequencing: characterization of populations of enterococci and Enterobacteriaceae during antibiotic therapy. 114th ASM General Conference. 第114屆美國微生物協會大會美國 2014
(2)X.Zhang, D. Bierschenk, et al. Functional genomic analysis of bile salt resistance in Enterococcus faecium. 7th International Conference on Gram-positive Microorganisms. 第七屆國際革蘭氏陽性菌大會義大利 2013
(3)X.Zhang, J. Top, et al. Identification of a genetic determinant in clinical Enterococcus faecium strains which contributes to intestinal colonization during antibiotic treatment. Gut Day. 腸道會議比利時 2013
(4)X.Zhang, F. L. Paganelli, D et al. Genome-wide identification of ampicillin resistance determinants in Enterococcus faecium. 112th ASM General Conference. 第112屆美國微生物協會大會美國 2012
(5)X.Zhang, F. L. Paganelli, D et al. Ampicillin resistance determinants of Enterococcus faecium. Annual EvoTAR meeting. EvoTAR年會法國 2012
(6)X.Zhang, F. L. Paganelli, D et al. Genome-wide identification of ampicillin resistance determinants in Enterococcus faecium. NVMM & NVvM Scientific Spring Meeting. 荷蘭微生物協會春季大會荷蘭 2012
(7)X.Zhang, I. Anastasiou, et al. Comprehensive identification of genes required for antibiotic resistance and bile tolerance in the nosocomial pathogen Enterococcus faecium.100th Anniversary NVvM & Scientific Spring Meeting. 荷蘭微生物協會100周年大會荷蘭 2011
(8)X.Zhang, I. Anastasiou, et al. Development of Microarray-based Transposon Mapping in Enterococcus faecium and its application in the identification of genes required for bile resistance. ALW Platform Molecular Genetics Annual Meeting. ALW分子遺傳學大會荷蘭 2010
(9)X.Zhang, I. Anastasiou, et al. Development of Microarray-based Transposon Mapping (M-TraM) in Enterococcus faecium and its application in the identification of genes required for bile resistance. 3rd International ASM Conference on Enterococci. 美國微生物協會第三屆腸球菌大會美國 2010
(10)X.Zhang, J. E. Vrijenhoek, M et al. A large conjugative plasmid confers the ability to utilize α-galactoside sugars as carbon source in E. faecium.NVMM & NVvM Scientific Spring Meeting. 荷蘭微生物協會春季大會荷蘭 2010
(11)X.Zhang, J. E. Vrijenhoek, M et al. A novel conjugative element from Enterococcus faecium involved in α-galactoside metabolism. ESCMID Conference on Enterococci. 歐洲臨床微生物與傳染病協會腸球菌大會西班牙 2009
(12)X.Zhang, J. E. Vrijenhoek et al. A novel conjugative element from Enterococcus faecium involved in α-galactoside metabolism. FEMS. 歐洲微生物協會大會瑞典 2009
(13)X.Zhang, J. E. Vrijenhoek, et al. Metabolism of α-galactosides in Enterococcus faecium. NVMM & NVvM Scientific Spring Meeting. 荷蘭微生物協會春季大會荷蘭 2009


