


  • 中文名:張穎奇
  • 民族:漢
  • 主要成就:發表多篇論文並承擔多項科研項目。
  • 性別:男
  • 學位:理學博士
  • 職稱:副研究員


姓 名: 張穎奇
性 別: 男
職 務:
職 稱: 副研究員
學 歷: 理學博士
通訊地址: 北京西直門外大街142號


1997/09 - 2001/07,吉林大學地球科學學院,地質學專業,學士
2001/09 - 2004/08,中科院古脊椎所,古生物學與地層學,碩士
2004/10 - 2008/03,日本大阪市立大學大學院,生物地球專業,理學博士
2008/07 - 2010/07,中科院古脊椎所,博士後
2010/09 - 至今,中科院古脊椎所,副研究員





Kono, R., Zhang, Y., Jin, C., Takai, M., Suwa, G., in press. A 3-dimensional assessment of molar enamel thickness and distribution pattern in Gigantopithecus blacki. Quaternary International.
Takai, M., Zhang, Y., Kono, R., Jin, C., in press. Changes in the composition of the Pleistocene primate fauna in southern China. Quaternary International.
Harrison, T., Jin, C., Zhang, Y., in press. Fossil Pongo from the Early Pleistocene Gigantopithecus fauna of Chongzuo, Guangxi, southern China. Quaternary International.
Zhang, Y., Kono, R., Jin, C., Wang, W.,Harrison, T., in press. Possible change in dental morphology in Gigantopithecus blacki just prior to its extinction: evidence from the upper premolar enamel-dentine junction. Journal of Human Evolution.
Zhang, Y., Jin, C., Cai, Y., Kono, R., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Zhu, M., Yan, Y., in press. New 400-320 ka Gigantopithecus blacki remains from Hejiang Cave, Chongzuo City, Guangxi, South China. Quaternary International.
Qu, Y., Jin, C., Zhang, Y., Hu, Y., Shang, X., Wang, C., in press. Preservation assessments and carbon and oxygen isotopes analysis of tooth enamel of Gigantopithecus blacki and contemporary animals from Sanhe Cave, Chongzuo, China. Quaternary International.
Zhang, Y.-Q., Yan, Y.-L., Liu, Y.-H., Wei, G.-B., 2012. Applying geometric morphometrics to the classification and identification of small mammals - A case study of large samples of four arvicoline species. Vertebrata Palasiatica
Zhang, Y., Zheng, S., Wei, G., 2011. Fossil arvicolines from the Leijiahe section, Lingtai, Gansu Province and current progress of Chinese arvicoline biochronology. Quaternary Sciences
Zhang, Y.Q., Jin, C.Z., Kawamura, Y., 2010. A distinct large vole lineage from the Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene of China. GEOBIOS
Zhang, Y.-Q., Jin, C.-Z., Takai, M., 2010. A partial skeleton of Macaca from the Early Pleistocene Queque Cave site, Chongzuo, Guangxi, South China. Vertebrata Palasiatica
Nishimura, T.D., Zhang, Y., Takai, M., 2010. Nasal anatomy of Paradolichopithecus gansuensis (Early Pleistocene, Longdan, China) with comments on phyletic relationships among the species of this genus. Folia Primatologica
Liu, W., Jin, C.Z., Zhang, Y.Q., Cai, Y.J., Xing, S., Wu, X.J., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., Pan, W.S., Qin, D.G., An, Z.S., Trinkaus, E., Wu, X.Z., 2010. Human remains from Zhirendong, South China, and modern human emergence in East Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Jin, C., Tomida, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., 2010. First discovery of fossil Nesolagus (Leporidae, Lagomorpha) from Southeast Asia. Science China-Earth Sciences
Norton, C.J., Kondo, Y., Ono, A., Zhang, Y., Diab, M.C., 2009. The nature of megafaunal extinctions during the MIS 3-2 transition in Japan. Quaternary International
Kawamura, Y., Zhang, Y., 2009. A Preliminary Revision of the Extinct Voles of Mimomys and its Allies from China and the Adjacent Area with emphasis on Villanyia and Borsodia. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University
Jin, C.Z., Zhang, Y.Q., Sun, C.K., Zheng, L.T., 2009. First discovery of the large shrew, Beremendia (Insectivora, Soricidae), from the lower Pleistocene of South China and its paleoclimatic implications. Vertebrata Palasiatica
Jin, C.Z., Pan, W.S., Zhang, Y.Q., Cai, Y.J., Xu, Q.Q., Tang, Z.L., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Liu, J.Y., Qin, D.G., Edwards, R.L., Cheng, H., 2009. The Homo sapiens Cave hominin site of Mulan Mountain, Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo, Guangxi with emphasis on its age. Chinese Science Bulletin
Zhang, Y., Kawamura, Y., Jin, C., 2008. A new species of the extinct vole Villanyia from Renzidong Cave, Anhui, East China, with discussion on related species from China and Transbaikalia. Quaternary International
Zhang, Y., Kawamura, Y., Cai, B., 2008. Small mammal fauna of Early Pleistocene age from the Xiaochangliang site in the Nihewan Basin, Hebei, northern China. The Quaternary Research
Zhang, Y., Kawamura, Y., 2008. Early Pleistocene soricomorphs and lagomorphs from the Xiaochangliang site in the Nihewan Basin, Hebei, Northern China. The Quaternary Research
Jin, C., Zhang, Y., 2005. First discovery of Promimomys (Arvicolidae) in East Asia. Chinese Science Bulletin
Zhang, Y.Q., 2004. Morphological variation of Molars of Villanyia from Renzidong, Fanchang, Anhui, in: Dong, W. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. China Ocean Press, Beijing


冨田幸光 著. 張穎奇 譯. 伊藤丙雄 岡本泰子插圖. 金昌柱審校. 滅絕的哺乳動物圖鑑. 科學出版社2013年7月. 486000字.(已出版)






