



  • 中文名:張秀雲 
  • 出生日期:1974年9月  
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:理學
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學
  • 籍貫:安徽池州
人物經歷,研究領域,開設課程,科研課題,學術論文,發明專利 :,




1. 活性次級代謝產物的發現、結構最佳化及生物學功能的研究
2. 植物源農藥的研究與開發




1. 國家自然科學基金(No: 31101486):巴東醉魚草殺蟲活性及作用機理研究
2. 國家茶葉產業技術體系漢探笑府中綜合試驗站建設子課題:茶樹有承擔捆鑽害生物高效無害化治理
3. 陝西省重點研發項目(No: 2018SF-289):秦巴山區特有海桐屬植物新穎結構棄迎凳化學成分的發現及神經營養功能研究
4. 陝西省農業科技攻關項目(No: S2010NY869):巴東醉套多魚草殺蟲劑的研製及產品開發
5. 中央高校基本科研業務專項基金(No: 2014YB090):秦嶺野生中華獼猴桃( Actinidia chinensis Planch.)根皮抗植物病毒活性成分研究
6. 農業部行業(農業)專項:生物源農藥創製與技術集成及產業化開發(No: 2014BAD23B01)子課題
7. 陝西省“13115”科技創新工程重大科技專項 (No: S2009ZDKG214)子課題
8. 西北農林科技大學博士科研啟樂漏端提動費:雙四氫呋喃類木脂素殺蟲、抑菌活性研究
9. 西北農林科技大學科研專項:刺茶美登木殺蟲活性成分研究


1. Xiu-Yun Zhang, Yu Zhou, Zhi-Ping Wei, Jing Shen, Longkun Wang, Zhiqing Ma*, Xing Zhang. Antiphytoviral toxins of Actinidia chinensis root bark (ACRB) extract: laboratory and semi-field trials. Pest Management Science . 2018, 74 (7): 1630-1636. DOI:10.1002/ps.4854(中科院一區TOP期刊)
2. Xiu-Yun Zhang, Long-Kun Wang, Hai-Bo Mu, Dong-Dong Wang, You-Ben Yu*. Aynergistic antibacterial effects of Buddleja albiflora metabolites with antitiotics against Listeria monocytogenes . Letters in Applied Microbiology . (online: 09 October 2018, DOI: 10.1111/lam.13084)
3. Xiu-Yun Zhang, Jing Shen, Yu Zhou, Zhi-Ping Wei, Jin-Ming Gao*. Insecticidal Constituents from Buddleja albiflora Hemsl. Natural Product Research. 2017, 31 (12): 1446-1449. DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2016.1247080
4. Jing Wei, Xiu-Yun Zhang, Shan Deng, Lin Cao, Quan-Hong Xue, Jin-Ming Gao*. Α-Glucosidase inhibitors and phytotoxins from Streptomyces xanthophaeus . Natural Product Research. 2016, 31 (17): 2062-2066. DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2016.1269100
5. Xiu-Yun Zhang,Bo-Gang Li, Min Zhou, Xiao-Hong Yuan and Guo-Lin Zhang*. Chemical constituents of Phacellaria compressa Benth. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2006, 48 (2): 236-240
6. Xiang-Rong Tian, Hai-Feng Tang, Yu-Sshan Li, Hou-Wen Lin, Xiu-Yun Zhang, Jun-Tao Feng, Xing Zhang*. Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Marine Bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana . Records of Natural Products , 2014, 9 (4): 628-632
7. Xiao-Hong Yuan, Bo-Gang Li, Xiu-Yun Zhang, Hua-Yi Qi, Min Zhou and Guo-Lin Zhang*. Two Diterpenes and Three Diterpene Glucosides from Phlogacanthus curviflorus . J ournal of Natural Products . 2005, 68 (1): 86-89

發明專利 :

1. 張秀雲,等. 具有殺菌活性的雙四氫呋喃類木脂素化合物的套用, ZL200810150131.2
2. 張秀雲,等. 中華獼猴桃根皮提取物用於製備抗植物病毒劑的套用,ZL 201510137285.8
3. Xiu-Yun Zhang, Jing Shen, Yu Zhou, Zhi-Ping Wei, Jin-Ming Gao*. Insecticidal Constituents from Buddleja albiflora Hemsl. Natural Product Research. 2017, 31 (12): 1446-1449. DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2016.1247080
4. Jing Wei, Xiu-Yun Zhang, Shan Deng, Lin Cao, Quan-Hong Xue, Jin-Ming Gao*. Α-Glucosidase inhibitors and phytotoxins from Streptomyces xanthophaeus . Natural Product Research. 2016, 31 (17): 2062-2066. DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2016.1269100
5. Xiu-Yun Zhang,Bo-Gang Li, Min Zhou, Xiao-Hong Yuan and Guo-Lin Zhang*. Chemical constituents of Phacellaria compressa Benth. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2006, 48 (2): 236-240
6. Xiang-Rong Tian, Hai-Feng Tang, Yu-Sshan Li, Hou-Wen Lin, Xiu-Yun Zhang, Jun-Tao Feng, Xing Zhang*. Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Marine Bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana . Records of Natural Products , 2014, 9 (4): 628-632
7. Xiao-Hong Yuan, Bo-Gang Li, Xiu-Yun Zhang, Hua-Yi Qi, Min Zhou and Guo-Lin Zhang*. Two Diterpenes and Three Diterpene Glucosides from Phlogacanthus curviflorus . J ournal of Natural Products . 2005, 68 (1): 86-89

發明專利 :

1. 張秀雲,等. 具有殺菌活性的雙四氫呋喃類木脂素化合物的套用, ZL200810150131.2
2. 張秀雲,等. 中華獼猴桃根皮提取物用於製備抗植物病毒劑的套用,ZL 201510137285.8


