



  • 中文名:張漢馬
  • 外文名:Zhang Hanma
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校:華中師範大學
  • 主要成就:參與了中國政府的第十個五年計畫


曾被國務院, 中國科學院, 科技部等六部委邀請作為海外華人陵凝試戀科學迎蘭擔家和海外華人農業顧問鞏拳員參與了中國政府的第十個五年計畫和2000年至2015年期間的農業政策諮詢, 任植物營養與植物病害小組組長; 是海外傑出華人青年科學家基金(B類)獲得者(2003), 歐漏少協洲氮代謝協會主席(2003-2007), 第八屆國際氮代謝會議主辦人之一(2007), 全國第二屆植物基因組學大會組委(2001), 武漢中英植物生物技術研討會組委(2007), <後基因組時代的植物氮代謝> 一書的聯合主編 (2010). 已經和多個國家的著名實驗室/科學家建立了國際合作關係, 為多個基金評審過項目 (包括BBSRC,美國國立衛生研究院, 加拿大NSER, 歐洲分子生物學協會, 歐盟基金會和中國自然科學基金會), 並為十多家國際期刊評審過文章, 包括美國國家科學院院刊,Plant Cell, Plant J, Plant Physiology等。


張漢馬,男, 重慶市百人計畫人選,重慶師範大學特聘教授. 畢業於華中師範大學,於中國戀膠匙應科學院北京植物研究所和英國諾丁漢大學分別獲得碩士和博士學位。 曾任職英國著名植物研究機構約翰英納斯(John Innes) 研究所和IACR -洛桑(Rothamsted)研究所。 1999-2012年在英國利茲大學擔任大學特聘研究員/博導/實驗室主任領導獨立的研究小組。2012加盟重慶師範大學生命科學學院。研究興趣主要集中在植物道洪生長發育,植物營養和激素信號傳導的分子機制。已在國際高水平期刊如 <Science>, <PNAS>,<Plant J>, <Plant Physiology>, <New Phytologist> 和 <Trends in Plant Sciences> 等發表論文,累積影響因子超過100和總再囑故引用次數超過2100。主持過BBSRC, EU, 英國皇家學會和中國自然科學基金等資助的大型科研項目, 在英國已經培養了多名博士和碩士研究生。


De-SmetI.Zhang H (2011) ABA and root development. InPlant Root, The Hidden Half, Fourth edition. (Eshel, A, Beeckman T. Waisel Y. and Kafkafi U. eds)
Talboys PJ, Zhang H, Knox JP. (2011) ABA signalling modulates the detection of the LM6 arabinan cell wall epitope at the surface of Arabidopsis thaliana seedling root apices. New Phytologist 190, 618-626.
Zhang H, Pilbeam DJ (2010) Morphological adaptations of Arabidopsis roots to nitrogen availability. Annual Plant Reviews Volume 42, Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants in the Post-genomic Era, Foyer CH & Zhang H (eds), Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Pp269-286.
Zhang H, Han W, Ive De Smet I, Peter Talboys P, Loya R, Amaar Hassan A, Rong HL, Jurgens G, Knox JP, Myeong-Hyeon Wang MH. (2010) ABA promotes QC quiescence and suppresses stem cell differentiation in the Arabidopsis primary root meristem. The Plant J. 64, 764–774.
Han, W, Zhang H, Wang MH (2010) Fluridone affects quiescent centre division in the Arabidopsis thaliana root stem cell niche. BMB Report 43, 813-817.
Han W, Rong H, Zhang H, Wang MH (2009) Abscisic acid is a negative regulator of root gravitropism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 378, 695-700.
Zhang H, Rong H, Pilbeam D (2007) Signalling mechanisms underlying the morphological responses of the root system to nitrogen in Arabidopsis thaliana.J Exp Bot.58, 2329-38.
Mo X-R, Zhu Q-Y, Li X, Li J, Zeng Q-L, Rong H-L, Zhang H, Wu P (2006) The hpa1 mutant of Arabidopsis reveals a crucial role of histidine homeostasis in root meristem maintenance. Plant Physiol. 141, 1425-1435.
De Smet I, Zhang H, Inzé D, Beeckman T (2006) Abscisic acid makes lateral roots dormant. Trends Plant Sci. 11, 434-439.
Casimiro I, Beeckman T, Graham N, Bhalerao R, Zhang H, Casero P, Sandberg G, Bennett MJ (2003) Dissecting Arabidopsis lateral root development. Trends Plant Sci. 8, 165-171.
De Smet I, Signora L, Beeckman T, Inze&acute; D,Foyer CH, Zhang H (2003) An abscisic acid-sensitive checkpoint in lateral root development of Arabidopsis. The Plant J. 33, 543–555.
Signora L, De Smet I, Foyer CH , Zhang H (2001) ABA plays a central role in mediating the regulatory effects of nitrate on root branching in Arabidopsis. The Plant J. 28, 655-662.
Zhang H, JenningsAJ, Forde BG (2000) Regulation of Arabidopsis root development by nitrate availability. J. Exp. Bot. 51, 51-59.
Zhang H, JenningsAJ, Barlow PW, Forde BG (1999) Dual pathways for the regulation of root branching by nitrate. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 6529-6534.
Zhang H, Forde BG (1998a) An Arabidopsis MADS box gene that controls nutrient-induced changes in root architecture. Science 279, 407-409.
Zhang H, Han W, Ive De Smet I, Peter Talboys P, Loya R, Amaar Hassan A, Rong HL, Jurgens G, Knox JP, Myeong-Hyeon Wang MH. (2010) ABA promotes QC quiescence and suppresses stem cell differentiation in the Arabidopsis primary root meristem. The Plant J. 64, 764–774.
Han, W, Zhang H, Wang MH (2010) Fluridone affects quiescent centre division in the Arabidopsis thaliana root stem cell niche. BMB Report 43, 813-817.
Han W, Rong H, Zhang H, Wang MH (2009) Abscisic acid is a negative regulator of root gravitropism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 378, 695-700.
Zhang H, Rong H, Pilbeam D (2007) Signalling mechanisms underlying the morphological responses of the root system to nitrogen in Arabidopsis thaliana.J Exp Bot.58, 2329-38.
Mo X-R, Zhu Q-Y, Li X, Li J, Zeng Q-L, Rong H-L, Zhang H, Wu P (2006) The hpa1 mutant of Arabidopsis reveals a crucial role of histidine homeostasis in root meristem maintenance. Plant Physiol. 141, 1425-1435.
De Smet I, Zhang H, Inzé D, Beeckman T (2006) Abscisic acid makes lateral roots dormant. Trends Plant Sci. 11, 434-439.
Casimiro I, Beeckman T, Graham N, Bhalerao R, Zhang H, Casero P, Sandberg G, Bennett MJ (2003) Dissecting Arabidopsis lateral root development. Trends Plant Sci. 8, 165-171.
De Smet I, Signora L, Beeckman T, Inze&acute; D,Foyer CH, Zhang H (2003) An abscisic acid-sensitive checkpoint in lateral root development of Arabidopsis. The Plant J. 33, 543–555.
Signora L, De Smet I, Foyer CH , Zhang H (2001) ABA plays a central role in mediating the regulatory effects of nitrate on root branching in Arabidopsis. The Plant J. 28, 655-662.
Zhang H, JenningsAJ, Forde BG (2000) Regulation of Arabidopsis root development by nitrate availability. J. Exp. Bot. 51, 51-59.
Zhang H, JenningsAJ, Barlow PW, Forde BG (1999) Dual pathways for the regulation of root branching by nitrate. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96, 6529-6534.
Zhang H, Forde BG (1998a) An Arabidopsis MADS box gene that controls nutrient-induced changes in root architecture. Science 279, 407-409.


