2013 – 2016,湖南大學,機械與運載工程學院,機械工程,博士;
2011 – 2013,湖南大學,機械與運載工程學院,流體力學,碩士;
2007 – 2011,湖南大學,機械與運載工程學院,工程力學,學士;
?陣列波能農場非線性回響及波能捕獲特性研究 (2019JJ50074),湖南省自然科學基金面上項目,2019/01-2021/12,5萬元。(主持)
?基於複雜網路理論的超大型浮動平台系統災變動力學研究 (11702088),國家自然科學青年基金項目,2017/01-2020/12,32萬元。(主持)
?基於複雜網路重構技術的深海採礦系統災變預測方法研究 (2017M620344),中國博士後基金面上項目,2017/06-2018/12,8萬元。(主持)
?多模組海上浮動機場柔性連線網路動力學研究 (CX2015B085),湖南省研究生科研創新項目,2015/06-2017/06,1萬元。(主持)
?Haicheng Zhang, Ru Xi, Daolin Xu, Kai Wang, Qijia Shi, Huai Zhao, Bo Wu. Efficiency enhancement of a point wave energy converter with a magnetic bistable mechanism. Energy, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.energy.2019.06.008
?Huai Zhao, Daolin Xu, Haicheng Zhang*, Shuyan Xia, Qijia Shi, Rui Ding, Yousheng Wu. Anoptimization method for stiffness configuration of flexible connectors formulti-modular floating systems. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 181: 134-144.
?Haicheng Zhang, Daolin Xu*,Rui Ding, Huai Zhao, Lu Ye, Yousheng Wu. Embedded Power Take-Off in hinged modularized floating platform for wave energy harvesting and pitch motion suppression. Renewable Energy, 2019, 138:1176-1188.
?HaichengZhang, Daolin Xu*, Shuyan Xia, Yousheng Wu. Nonlineardynamics of a non-autonomous network with coupled discrete-continuumoscillators. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 94(2): 889-904.
?HaichengZhang, Daolin Xu*, Huai Zhao, Shuyan Xia, Yousheng Wu. Energyextraction of wave energy converters embedded in a very large modularizedfloating platform. Energy, 2018, 158: 317-329.
?HaichengZhang, Daolin Xu*, Yousheng Wu. Predicting catastrophesof non-autonomous networks with visibility graphs and horizontal visibility. MechanicalSystems and Signal Processing, 2018, 104:494-502.
?Haicheng Zhang, Daolin Xu*, ChunrongLiu, Yousheng Wu. Floating platform with embedded wave energy harvesting arraysin regular and irregular seas. Energies, 2017,10: 1249.
?Haicheng Zhang, Daolin Xu*, Chao Lu,Enrong Qi, Chao Tian, Yousheng Wu. Connection effect on amplitude deathstability of multi-module floating airport. Ocean Engineering,2017,129: 45-55.
?Haicheng Zhang, Daolin Xu*, ChunrongLiu, Yousheng Wu. Wave energy absorption of a wave farm with an array of buoysand flexible runway,Energy, 2016, 109: 211-223.
?Haicheng Zhang, Daolin Xu*, Shuyan Xia, Chao Lu, Enrong Qi, Chao Tian, Yousheng Wu. Nonlinearnetwork modeling of multi-module floating structures with arbitrary flexibleconnections. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2015, 59: 270–284.
?Haicheng Zhang, Daolin Xu*, Chao Lu, Shuyan Xia, Enrong Qi,Jiajun Hu, Yousheng Wu. Network dynamic stability of floating airport based onamplitude death, Ocean Engineering, 2015, 104: 129–139.
?Haicheng Zhang, Daolin Xu*, Chao Lu, Enrong Qi, Jiajun Hu, YoushengWu. Amplitude death of a multi-module floating airport, Nonlinear Dynamics,2015, 79: 2385–2394.
?Daolin Xu*, Haicheng Zhang, Chao Lu, Enrong Qi, Chao Tian, Yousheng Wu.Analytical criterion for amplitude death in nonautonomous systems withpiecewise nonlinear coupling, Physical Review E, 2014, 89: 42906.
?Daolin Xu*, Haicheng Zhang, Shuyan Xia, Chao Lu, Enrong Qi, Chao Tian, Yousheng Wu. Nonlinear dynamiccharacteristics of a multi-module floating airport with rigid-flexible connections,Journalof Hydrodynamics, 2017.
?Haicheng Zhang, DaolinXu*, Shuyan Xia, Yousheng Wu. A new concept for the stability design of floatingairport with multi-modules, Procedia IUTAM, 2017, 22: 221-228.
?QijiaShi, Haicheng Zhang, DaolinXu*, Enrong Qi, Chao Tian, Jun Ding, Yousheng Wu, Ye Lu, Zhiwei Li. Experimentalvalidation of network modeling method on a three-modular floating prototype. CoastalEngineering, 2018, 137: 92-102.
?QijiaShi, Daolin Xu*, Haicheng Zhang,Huai Zhao, Yousheng Wu. Optimized stiffness combination of a flexible-basehinged connector for very large floating structures. Marine Structures, 2018,60: 151-164.
?ShuyanXia, Daolin Xu*,Haicheng Zhang,Enrong Qi, Jiajun Hu, Yousheng Wu. On retaining a multi-module floating structurein an amplitude death state, Ocean Engineering, 2016, 121:134-142.
?Daolin Xu*,Shuyan Xia, Haicheng Zhang. Adaptive optimal control of multi-modular floatingplatforms in random seas, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018,91:863-876.
?ShuyanXia, Daolin Xu*, Haicheng Zhang,Yousheng Wu.Response Control ofFloating Airport in Heading Waves with Output Saturation.Journal of Vibration and Control,2018, 25(3):571-580.