- 中文名:張海彬
- 畢業院校:南京農業大學
- 職務:博士生導師
- 職稱:教授
- 動物真菌毒素中毒及其毒性機理與檢測方法
- 小動物內科及診療學
- 張海彬,張愛華,王希春,何成華,王瑩,雜交瘤細胞株 D6D,2012.3,中國,ZL 2010 10204412.9
- 張海彬,鄭浩,王瑩,何成華,王希春, 雜交瘤細胞株 F3,2010.12,中國,201010204427.53
- 余祖功,李晶,張海彬,張軍忍,江善祥,家畜用利福昔明陰道栓劑及其製備方法,2012.6,中國,201110425645.6
- 何成華,樊彥紅,皇超英,孟玲玲,楊彥瓊,張海彬, 一種 DON 降解酶的編碼基因和套用,2012.12,中國,201210359882.1
- Zhi-Yu Shi, Ya-Ting Zheng, Hao-Bo Zhang, Cheng-Hua He, Wen-Da Wu,Hai-Bin Zhang. DNA electrochemical aptasensor for detecting fumonisins B1based on graphene and thionine nanocomposite, Electroanalysis, 2014.
- Wenda Wu, Haibin Zhang. Role of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β inanorexia induction following oral exposure to the trichothecene deoxynivalenol(vomitoxin) in the mouse. J. Toxicol. Sci. 2014. (In press)
- Zhe Ren, Chenghua He, Yanhong Fan, Huimin Si, Yuwei Wang, ZhiyuShi,Xiumei Zhao, Yating Zheng, Qingxin Liu, Haibin Zhang. Immune-enhancing activity of polysaccharides from Cyrtomium macrophyllum,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 70, 590-595, 2014.
- Zhe Ren, Chenghua He, Yanhong Fan, Liwei Guo, Huimin Si, Yuwei Wang, ZhiyuShi, Haibin Zhang. Immuno-enhancement effects of ethanolextractfromCyrtomium macrophyllum (Makino) Tagawa on cyclophosphamide-inducedimmunosuppression inBALB/cmice, Journal of Ethnopharmacology,155,769-775, 2014.
- Yuwei Wang, Wenda Wu, Xichun Wang, Chenghua He, Hua Yue, Zhe Ren,Haibin Zhang. Inhibitory Effects of Deoxynivalenol on Gastric Secretion in Rats.J. Food Protect. 77(8), 1367-1371, 2014.
- Ouyang, W., Y.-s. Wang, X.-n. Du, H.-j. Liu, and Haibin Zhang, 2015,gga-miR-9*inhibits IFN production in antiviral innate immunity by targetinginterferon regulatory factor 2 to promote IBDV replication: VeterinaryMicrobiology, v. 178, p. 41-49.
- Zhao, X. M., R. J. Li, C. Zhou, J. Zhang, C. H. He, Y. T. Zheng, W. D. Wu, andHaibin Zhang, 2016, Separation and purification of deoxynivalenol (DON)mycotoxin from wheat culture using a simple two-step silica gel columnchromatography: Journal of Integrative Agriculture, v. 15, p. 694-701.
- Wenda Wu, Hui-Ren Zhou, Kaiyu He, Xiao Pan, Yoshiko Sugita-Konishi, MaikoWatanabe, Haibin Zhang, James J. Pestka. Role of Cholecystokinin in AnorexiaInduction Following Oral Exposure to the 8-Ketotrichothecenes Deoxynivalenol,15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol, 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol, Fusarenon X, and Nivalenol.Toxicol. Sci. 138(2):278-289, 2014.
- Wenda Wu, Kaiyu He, Hui-Ren Zhou, Franz Berthiller, Gerhard Adam, YoshikoSugita-Konishi, Maiko Watanabe, Anthony Krantis, Tony Durst, Haibin Zhang, James J. Pestka. Effects of oral exposure to naturally-occurring and syntheticdeoxynivalenol congeners on proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine mRNAexpression in the mouse. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 278(2):107-115, 2014.
- Wenda Wu, Melissa A. Bates, Steven J. Bursian, Brenna Flannery, Hui-Ren Zhou,Jane E. Link, Haibin Zhang, James J. Pestka. Peptide YY3-36 and5-Hydroxytryptamine Mediate Emesis Induction by TrichotheceneDeoxynivalenol (Vomitoxin). Toxicol. Sci. 133(1):186-195, 2013.
- Wenda Wu, Melissa A. Bates, Steven J. Bursian, Jane E. Link, BrennaM. Flannery, Yoshiko Sugita-Konishi, Maiko Watanabe, Haibin Zhang, JamesJ. Pestka. Comparison of Emetic Potencies of the 8-KetotrichothecenesDeoxynivalenol, 15-Acetyldeoxynivalenol, 3-Acetyldeoxynivalenol, Fusarenon X,and Nivalenol. Toxicol. Sci. 131(1):279-291, 2013.
- Yanna Ma, Aihua Zhang, Zhiyu Shi, Chenghua He, Jujing Ding, Xichun Wang,Jifei Ma, Haibin Zhang. A mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway inducedby deoxynivalenol in human colon cancer cells, Toxicol In Vitro, 26(3), 414-420,2012.
- Ying Wang, Cheng-Hua He, Hao Zheng, Haibin Zhang. Characterization andComparison of Fumonisin B1-Protein Conjugates by Six Methods. Int. J. Mol.Sci. 12(13), 84-96, 2011.
- Wenda Wu, Brenna M. Flannery, Yoshiko Sugita-Konishi, Maiko Watanabe,Haibin Zhang, James J. Pestka. Comparison of murine anorectic responses to the8-ketotrichothecenes 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol, 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol, fusarenonX and nivalenol. Food Chem. Toxicol. 50(6), 2056-2061, 2012.
- Aihua Zhang, Yanna Ma, Lulu Feng, Ying Wang, Chenghua He, Xichun Wang,Haibin Zhang. Development of a sensitive competitive indirect ELISA methodfor determination of ochratoxin a levels in cereals originating from Nanjing,China. Food Control, 22(11), 1723-1728, 2011.
- Xichun Wang, Haibin Zhang, Haiming Liu, Chenghua He, Aihua Zhang, JinrongMa, Yanna Ma, Wenda Wu and Hao Zheng. An immunoarray for thesimultaneous detection of two mycotoxins, ochratoxin A and fumonisin B1. J.Food Safety. 31(3), 408-416, 2011.
- Cheng-Hua He, Yan-Hong Fan, Ying Wang, Chao-Ying Huang, Xi-Chun Wangand Haibin Zhang. The Individual and Combined Effects of Deoxynivalenol andAflatoxin B1 on Primary Hepatocytes of Cyprinus Carpio. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 11(10),3760-3768, 2010.
- Fan Yanhong, He Chenghua, Guofnag Liu, Zhang Haibin. To Optimize theIsolation and Cultivation of cyprinus carpio primary hepatocytes.Cytotechnology, 58, 85-92, 2008.
- Chenghua He, Yanhong Fan, Guofnag Liu, Haibin Zhang. Isolation andIdentification of a strain of Aspergillus Tubingensis with DeoxynivalenolBiotransformation Capability. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 9, 2366-2375, 2008.
- Guofang Liu, Chenghua He And Haibin Zhang. Identification andcharacterization of dermatophyte species and strains with PCR amplification,Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine 8: 545-550, 2014
- 唐龍琴,周闖,孫一涵,張海彬. 硫酸阿米卡星在犬體內的藥代動力學. 畜牧與獸醫, 46(6),79-82, 104-109,2014
- 孫一涵,劉宏,唐龍琴,張海彬. 阿米卡星對大腸桿菌誘導犬泌尿系統感染的療效觀察. 畜牧與獸醫, 46(6) 2014
- 周 闖, 班曉敏, 劉勝利, 張海彬. 無衍生-高效液相色譜法測定玉米中 AFB1 含量. 食品安全質量檢測學報 5(7),2198-2203, 2014
- 李榮佳,李治忠,周闖,司慧民,吳文達,張海彬. 新型複合吸附劑 HG 對黃麴黴毒素 B1 和嘔吐毒素的吸附脫毒研究. 南京農業大學學報
- 王瑩,鄭浩,何成華,張愛華,張海彬*,伏馬菌素 B1 人工抗原的鑑定及抗體的製備,南京農業大學學報, 34( 5) : 93 - 98,2011.
- 王 瑩,鄭 浩,何成華,張愛華,馮璐璐,皇超英,張海彬, 伏馬菌素B1 單克隆抗體的製備及鑑定, 中國農業科學,44(20):4302-4308 , 2011.
- 丁舉靜,何成華,劉俐君,馬彥娜,張海彬* , 脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇對 BHK-21 細胞的線粒體膜電位及 Bax 和 Bcl - 2 蛋白表達的影響, 南京農業大學學報, 34( 2) : 101 - 106, 2011.
- 何成華,樊彥紅,王瑩,黃超英,王希春,張海彬,飼料中黃麴黴毒素 B1和脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇對鯉魚的聯合毒性研究,南京農業大學學報,33(6):85-89,2010.
- 何成華, 樊彥紅, 劉國芳, 張海彬,一株脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇轉化菌的分離、鑑定及其轉化效果研究,南京農業大學學報, 32 (4) : 1432147,2009.
- 張愛華, 張洪英, 何成華, 張海彬*,一株降解 DON 毒素真菌的鑑定及其生理特性研究, 微生物學雜誌, 28(5):16-20, 2008.
- 曹冬梅 , 張洪英 , 何成華 , 景晟, 張海彬, 彎曲乳酸桿菌 HB02抑制黃麴黴生長及產毒, 南京農業大學學報, 31 (3) : 1252129, 2008
- 劉秀芳 , 張愛華, 張洪英 , 何成華 , 樊彥紅 , 張海彬, 脫氧雪腐鐮刀菌烯醇誘導血管內皮細胞凋亡及其凋亡相關因子的初步研究, 畜牧獸醫學報, 39(6) : 7782783,2008.
- 王希春; 何成華; 劉海明; 張海彬; 真菌毒素的污染、危害及其檢測技術畜牧與獸醫, 2009, 8:104-107
- 劉國芳,何成華,張海彬等. 幼貓腹膜心包膈疝病例. 中國獸醫雜誌,2009,5:55-56
- 張海彬; 於水. 校農業技術服務模式及其長效機制探討. 中國高校科技與產業化, 2009,5:38-39
- 劉國芳; 屈德芳; 何成華; 高國峰; 張海彬; 幼貓腹膜心包膈疝病例 中國獸醫雜誌, 2009,5:55-56