



  • 中文名:張治針
  • 畢業院校:北京醫科大學(現北京大學)
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:海洋微生物的培養分離
  • 任職院校:浙江大學海洋學院




1995.09-1998.04:北京醫科大學(現北京大學),生藥學專業, 博士研究生,
1987.09-1990.08:江西中醫藥大學, 中藥學專業, 碩士研究生;
1980.09-1984.07:江西中醫藥大學, 中藥學專業, 本科生。
2018.01-現在: 浙江大學海洋學院,教授
2011.11-2017.12: 浙江大學海洋學院,特聘研究員;
2008.11-2011.11: 美國NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals公司,資深研究員;
2002.01-2008.10: 美國 SFA 州立大學國家藥用作物中心,Research Scientist;
1999.08-2001.12: 美國密西西比大學國家天然產物研究中心, 博士後;
1998.05-1999.06: 日本東邦大學藥學部, 訪問學者;
1990.09-1995.08: 江西中醫藥大學, 講師;
1984.08-1987.08: 江西中醫藥大學, 助教。


  1. 海洋藥物學,本科生課程
  2. 海洋藥用資源學, 研究生課程
  3. Foundation of Marine Pharmacology: 留學生課程


  • 腫瘤代謝多靶標策略的海洋微生物新型抗膠質瘤先導化合物的發現及生物活性的研究,No. 81773587,國家自然科學基金,主持。
  • 模擬自然環境的海洋細菌培養及新抗菌素的發現,No. 81273428,國家自然科學基金,主持。
  • 深淵生物學資源勘探、獲取和開發的前沿技術體系研究(No. 2018YFC0310600,首席:方家松教授)子課題:深淵生物天然產物的系統發現及套用潛力評價,No. 2018YFC0310606,國家重點研發計畫,項目骨幹。
  • 新型抗膠質瘤候選藥鹼宛酯A的研究,No. 2016C33058,浙江省科技廳,主持。
  • 基於腫瘤代謝的米氏海參皂苷抗膠質瘤作用及作用機制的研究,No. LY15H30002, 浙江省自然科學基金,主持。
  • 基於新方法的海洋微生物培養及新抗生素活性物質的發現, No. 2012HY018B,浙江大學985海洋學科交叉研究引導基金,主持。
Wenwen Yi, Zhi-Wei Ge, Bin Wu*, Zhizhen Zhang*. New metabolites from the marine-derived bacteriumPseudomonassp. ZZ820R.Fitoterapia,2020,143: 104555
Mengxuan Chen, Yizhen Yan, Hengju Ge, Wei-Hua Jiao*, Zhizhen Zhang*, Hou-Wen Lin*.Pseudoceroximes A–E and pseudocerolides A–E, bromotyrosine derivatives from aPseudoceratinasp. marine sponge collected in the South China Sea.European Journal of Organic Chemistry.2020,
Mingzhu Ma, Hengju Ge, Wenwen Yi, Bin Wu*, Zhizhen Zhang*.Bioactive drimane sesquiterpenoids and isocoumarins from the marine-derived fungus Penicillium minioluteum ZZ1657.Tetrahedron Letters,2020,61(7): 151504.
Sangluo Chen, Di Zhang, Mengxuan Chen, Zhizhen Zhang*, Xiao-Yuan Lian*. A rare diketopiperazine glycoside from marine-sourced Streptomyces sp. ZZ446.Natural Product Research,2020, 34(7): 1046-1050.
Di Zhang, Wenwen Yi, Hengju Ge, Zhizhen Zhang,* Bin Wu*.Bioactive streptoglutarimides A–J from the marine-derivedStreptomycessp. ZZ741.Journal of Natural Products,2019, 82(10): 2800-2808.
Tengfei Song, Mingmin Tang, Hengju Ge, Mengxuan Chen, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. Novel bioactive penicipyrroether A and pyrrospirone J from the marine-derivedPenicilliumsp. ZZ380.Marine Drugs,2019, 17(5): 292.
Mengxuan Chen, Yuhan Gui, Hongrui Zhu, Zhizhen Zhang*, Hou-Wen Lin*.Proangiogenic penibishexahydroxanthone A from the marine-derived fungusPenicilliumsp. ZZ486A.Tetrahedron Letters,2019,60(20): 1393-1396
Komal Anjum, Sidra Kaleem,Wenwen Yi, Guowan Zheng, Xiao-Yuan Lian*,Zhizhen Zhang*.Novel antimicrobial indolepyrazines A and B from the marine-associatedAcinetobactersp. ZZ1275.Marine Drugs,2019, 17(2): 89.
Wenwen Yi, Qiao Li, Tengfei Song, Lei Chen, Xing-Cong Li, Zhizhen Zhang*, Xiao-Yuan Lian*.Isolation, structure elucidation, and antibacterial evaluation of the metabolites produced by the marine-sourcedStreptomycessp. ZZ820.Tetrahedron,2019, 75: 1186-1193.
Xiufang Zhang, Chenyan Shu, Qiao Li, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. Novel cyclohexene and benzamide derivatives from marine-associatedStreptomycessp. ZZ502.Natural Product Research,2019, 35:2151-2159.
Sidra Kaleem, Hengju Ge, Wenwen Yi, Zhizhen Zhang*, Bin Wu*.Isolation, structural elucidation, and antimicrobial evaluation of the metabolites from a marine-derivedfungusPenicilliumsp. ZZ1283.Natural Product Research,2019,Oct 23:1-9.
Di Zhang, Wenwen Yi, Hengju Ge, Zhizhen Zhang* and Bin Wu*.A newantimicrobial indoloditerpene from a marine-sourced fungusAspergillusversicolorZZ761.Natural Product Research,2019,Nov 5:1-6.
Tengfei Song,Mengxuan Chen,Zhi-Wei Ge,Weiyun Chai,Xing-Cong Li,Zhizhen Zhang*,Xiao-Yuan Lian*.Bioactive penicipyrrodiether A, an adduct of GKK1032 analogue and phenol A derivative,from a marine-sourced fungusPenicilliumsp.ZZ380.The Journal of Organic Chemistry,2018, 83: 13395-13401.
Mengxuan Chen, Weiyun Chai, Tengfei Song, Mingzhu Ma, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. Anti-glioma natural products downregulating tumor glycolytic enzymes from marine actinomycetesStreptomycessp. ZZ406.Scientific Reports,2018, 8: 72.
Di Zhang, Chenyan Shu, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. New antibacterial bagremycins F and G from marine-derivedStreptomycessp. ZZ745.Marine Drugs,2018,16(9): 330.
Qiao Li,Rongyao Zhu, Wenwen Yi, Weiyun Chai, Zhizhen Zhang*, Xiao-Yuan Lian*.Peniciphenalenins A-F from the culture of a marine-associated fungusPenicilliumsp. ZZ901.Phytochemistry,2018, 152: 53-60.
Tengfei Song, Mengxuan Chen, Weiyun Chai, Zhizhen Zhang*, Xiao-Yuan Lian*.New bioactive pyrrospirones C-I from a marine-derived fungus Penicillium sp. ZZ380.Tetrahedron,2018, 74: 884-891.
Mengxuan Chen, Weiyun Chai, Rongyao Zhu, Tengfei Song,Zhizhen Zhang*,Xiao-Yuan Lian*.Streptopyrazinones A-D, rare metabolites from marine-derivedStreptomycessp. ZZ446.Tetrahedron,2018, 74: 2100-2106.
Koma Anjum, Izhar Sadiq, Lei Chen, Sidra Kaleem, Xing-Cong Li, Zhizhen Zhang*, Xiao-Yuan Lian*.Novel antifungal janthinopolyenemycins A and B from a co-culture of marine-associatedJanthinobacteriumspp. ZZ145 and ZZ148.Tetrahedron Letters,2018, 59: 3490-3494.
Weiyun Chai, Lu Chen, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*.Anti-glioma efficacy and mechanism of action of Tripolinolate A fromTripolium pannonicum. Planta Medica,2018, 84: 786-794.
Komal Anjum, Hongyun Bi, Weiyun Chai, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. Antiglioma pseurotin A from marineBacillussp. FS8D regulating tumor metabolic enzymes.NaturalProduct Research,2018, 32(11): 1353-1356.
Wenling Wang, Tengfei Song,Weiyun Chai, Lu Chen, Lei Chen,Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*.Rare Polyene-polyol Macrolides from Mangrove-derivedStreptomycessp. ZQ4BG.Scientific Reports,2017, 7: 1703.
Lei Chen, Weiyun Chai, Wenling Wang, Tengfei Song, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. Cytotoxic bagremycins from Mangrove-derivedStreptomycessp. Q22.Journal of Natural Products,2017, 80(5): 1450-1456.
Xiufang Zhang,Lu Chen,Weiyun Chai, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*.A unique indolizinium alkaloid streptopertusacin Aand bioactive bafilomycins from marine-derivedStreptomycessp. HZP-2216E.Phytochemistry,2017, 144: 119-126.
Xuewei Ye, Komal Anjum, Tengfei Song, Wenling Wang, Ying Liang, Mengxuan Chen, Haocai Huang,Xiao-Yuan Lian,Zhizhen Zhang.Antiproliferative cyclodepsipeptides from the marine actinomyceteStreptomycessp. P11-23B downregulating the tumor metabolic enzymes of glycolysis, glutaminolysis, and lipogenesis.Phytochemistry,2017, 135: 151-159.
Zhizhen Zhang*, Lu Chen, Xiufang Zhang, Ying Liang, Komal Anjum, Lei Chen, Xiao-Yuan Lian*. Bioactive bafilomycins and a new N-arylpyrazinone derivative from marine-derivedStreptomycessp. HZP-2216E. Planta Medica,2017, 83: 1405-1411.
Lu Chen, Wenling Wang, Tengfei Song, Xin Xie, Xuewei Ye, Ying Liang, Haocai Huang, Shilun Yan, Xiao-Yuan Lian, Zhizhen Zhang*. Anti-colorectal tumor effects of tripolinolate A fromTripolium vulgare.Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines,2017, 15: 576-583.
Xuewei Ye, Weiyun Chai, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. Novel propanamide analogue and antiproliferative diketopiperazines from mangroveStreptomycessp. Q24.Natural Products Research,2017, 31(12): 1390-1396.
Ying Liang, Lu Chen, Xuewei Ye, Komal Anjum, Xiao-Yuan Lian,Zhizhen Zhang. New streptophenazines from marineStreptomyces sp. 182SMLY.Natural Product Research,2017,31(4): 411-417.
Xiufang Zhang, Xuewei Ye, Weiyun Chai, Xiao-Yuan Lian*,Zhizhen Zhang*. New metabolites and bioactive actinomycins from marine-derivedStreptomycessp. ZZ338.Marine Drugs, 2016, 14(10):181.
Ying Liang, Xin Xie, Lu Chen, Shilun Yan, Xuewei Ye, Komal Anjum, Haocai Huang, Xiao-Yuan Lian*,Zhizhen Zhang*. Bioactive polycyclic quinones from marineStreptomycessp. 182SMLY.Marine Drugs, 2016, 14(1): 10.
Xuewei Ye, Komal Anjum, Tengfei Song, Wenling Wang, Siran Yu, Haocai Huang, Xiao-YuanLian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. A new curvularin glycoside and its cytotoxic and antibacterial analogues from marine actinomycetePseudonocardiasp.HS7.Natural Products Research, 2016,30(10): 1156-1161.
Siran Yu, Xuewei Ye, Lu Chen, Xin Xie, Qian Zhou, Xiao-Yuan Lian,* Zhizhen Zhang*. Cytotoxic and anti-colorectal tumor effects of sulfated saponins from sea cucumberHolothuria moebii.Phytomedicine, 2015, 22(12): 1112-1119.
Lu Chen, Ying Liang, Tengfei Song, Komal Anjum, Wenling Wang, Siran Yu, Haocai Huang, Xiao-Yuan Lian,* Zhizhen Zhang.Synthesis and bioactivity of tripolinolate A fromTripolium vulgareand its analogues.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2015, 25(13): 2629-2633.
Siran Yu, Xuewei Ye, Haocai Huang, Rui Peng, Zhenghua Su, Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*. Bioactive sulfated saponins from sea cucumberHolothuria moebii.Planta Medica, 2015, 81(2): 152-159.
Xuewei Ye, Siran Yu, Ying Liang, Haocai Huang, Xiao-Yuan Lian*,ZhizhenZhang*. Bioactive triterpenoid saponins and phenolic compounds against glioma cells.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2014, 24:5157-5163.
Siran Yu, Xuewei Ye, Lu Chen, Xiao-Yuan Lian*,Zhizhen Zhang*. Polyoxygenated 24,28-epoxyergosterols inhibiting the proliferation of glioma cells from sea anemoneAnthopleura midori.Steroids, 2014, 88:19-25.
Kangning Xu, Yufen Zhang, Yan Wang, Peng Ling, Xin Xie, Chenyao Jiang,Zhizhen Zhang*, Xiao-Yuan Lian*. Ginseng Rb fraction protects glia, neurons and cognitive function in a rat model of neurodegeneration.PloS One, 2014, 9(6): e101077.
Siran Yu, Xuewei Ye, Wenxiu Xin, Kangning Xu, Xiao-Yuan Lian*,Zhizhen Zhang*. Fatsioside A, a rare baccharane-type glycoside inhibiting the growth of glioma cells from the fruits ofFatsia japonica.Planta Medica, 2014, 80:315-320.
XueweiYe, Siran Yu,Xiao-Yuan Lian, Zhizhen Zhang*.Quantitative determination of triterpenoid glycosides inFatsia japonicaDecne. & Planch. using high performance liquid chromatography.Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2014,88, 472-476.
Wenxiu Xin, Yanhua Zhang, Xin Xie, Yinghui Tong,Zhizhen Zhang*, Xiao-Yuan Lian*. Caffeic acid 3,4-dihydroxyphenethyl ester arrests colorectal cancer cells growth by upregulating phosphorylation of p38 MAPK.Acta Pharmacol Sinica, 2013, S34:16.
Xiao-Yuan Lian,Zhizhen Zhang*.Indanomycin-related antibiotics from MarineStreptomyces antibioticusPTZ0016.Natural Product Research, 2013,27(23): 2161-2167.
Xin Guo, Lu Shen, Yuhua Tong, Jian Zhang, Gang Wu, Qiong He, Siran Yu, Xuewei Ye,Libo Zou,Zhizhen Zhang*, Xiao-Yuan Lian. Antitumor activity of caffeic acid 3, 4-dihydroxyphenethyl ester and its pharmacokinetic and metabolic properties.Phytomedicine, 2013,20, 904-912.
Xiao-Yuan Lian, Zhizhen Zhang*.Quantitive analysis of gleditsia saponins inGleditsiasinensisLam by high performance liquid chromatography.Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2013,75, 41-46.
Wenxiu Xin, Xuewei Ye, Siran Yu,Xiao-Yuan Lian*, Zhizhen Zhang*.New apoamycin-type antibiotics and polyene acids from marineStreptomyces fradiaePTZ0025.Marine Drugs, 2012, 10, 2388-2402.
Zhizhen Zhang, Wei Yuan, Ping Wang, Greg Grant, Shiyou Li. Flavonoids fromLupinus texensisand their free radical scavenging activity.Natural Product Research,2011, 25: 1641-1649.
Zhizhen Zhang, Stacy Ownby, Ping Wang, Wei Yuan, Wanli Zhang, Shiyou Li. New phenolic compounds fromLiatris elegans.Natural Product Research,2010, 24(11): 1079-1085.
Zhizhen Zhang, Binghua Xiao, Qi Chen, Xiao-Yuan Lian. Synthesis and biological evaluation of caffeic acid 3,4-dihydroxyphenethyl ester.Journal of Natural Products, 2010, 73: 252-254.
Zhizhen Zhang,Shiyou Li, Xiao-Yuan Lian. An overview of the genusAesculusL.:Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacological Activities.Pharmaceutical Crops, 2010, 1: 24-51.
Ping Wang, Stacy Ownby, Zhizhen Zhang, Wei Yuan, Shiyou Li. Cytotoxicity and inhibition of DNA topoisomerase I of polyhydroxylated triterpenoids and triterpenoid glycosides.Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2010, 20(9): 2790-27966.
Zhizhen Zhang, Xiao-Yuan Lian, Shiyou Li, Janet L. Stringer. Characterization of chemical ingredients and anticonvulsant activity of American skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora).Phytomedicine, 2009, 16: 485-493.
Ping Wang, Shiyou Li, Stacy Ownby, Zhizhen Zhang, Wei Yuan, Wanli Zhang, Scott R. Beasley. Ecdysteroids and a sucrose phenylpropanoid ester fromFroelichia floridana.Phytochemistry, 2009, 70:430-436.
Zhizhen Zhang, Ping Wang, Wei Yuan, Shiyou Li. Steroids, alkaloids, and coumarins fromGelsemium sempervirens.Planta Medica, 2008, 74:1818-1822.
Zhizhen Zhang,Shiyou Li, Stacy Ownby, Ping Wang, Wei Yuan, Wanli Zhang, Scott R. Beasley. Phenolic compounds and rare polyhydroxylated triterpenoid saponins fromEryngium yuccifolium.Phytochemistry, 2008, 69: 2070-2080.
Zhizhen Zhang, Shiyou Li. Cytotoxic triterpenoid saponins from the fruits ofAesculus paviaL.Phytochemistry, 2007, 68:2075-2086.
Zhizhen Zhang, Shiyou Li, Shangming Zhang, David Gorenstein. Triterpenoid saponins from the fruits ofAesculus pavia.Phytochemistry, 2006, 67:784-794.
Xiao-Yuan Lian, Zhizhen Zhang, Janet L. Stringer. Anticonvulsant activity of ginseng.Epilepsia, 2006, 47(Supp l4): 164-165.
Xiao-Yuan Lian, Zhizhen Zhang, Janet L. Stringer. Anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects of ginsenosides in rats.Epilepsy Research, 2006, 70: 244-256.
Xiao-Yuan Lian, Zhizhen Zhang, Janet L. Stringer. Protective effects of ginseng components in a rodent model of neurodegeneration.Annals of Neurology, 2005, 57: 642-648.
Xiao-Yuan Lian, Zhizhen Zhang, Janet L. Stringer. Anticonvulsant activity of ginseng on seizures induced by chemical convulsants.Epilepsia, 2005, 46: 15-22.
Shiyou Li, Zhizhen Zhang, Abigail Cain, Bo Wang, Melissa Long, Josephine Taylor. Antifungal activity of camptothecin, trifolin, and hyperoside isolated fromCamptotheca acuminata.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005, 53: 32-37.
Zhizhen Zhang, Shiyou Li, Shanmin Zhang,Chun Liang, David Gorenstein, Scott R. Beasley. New camptothecin and ellagic acid analogues from the root bark ofCamptothecaacuminata.PlantaMedica, 2004, 70: 1216-1221.
Zhizhen Zhang, Hala N. ElSohly, Xing-Cong Li, Shabana I. Khan, Sheldon E. Broedel Jr., Robert E. Raulli, Ronald L. Cihlar, Larry A. Walker. Phenolic compounds fromNymphaea odorata.Journal of Natural Products, 2003, 66: 548-550.
Zhizhen Zhang, Hala N. ElSohly, Xing-Cong Li, Shabana I. Khan, Sheldon E. Broedel Jr., Robert E. Raulli, Ronald L. Cihlar, Larry A. Walker. Flavanone glycosides fromMiconiatrailii.Journal of Natural Products, 2003, 66: 39-41.
Zhizhen Zhang, Hala N. ElSohly, Melissa R. Jacob, David S. Pasco, Larry A. Walker, Alice M. Clark. Natural products inhibitingCandida albicanssecreted aspartic proteases fromLycopodium cernuum.Journal of Natural Products, 2002, 65: 979-985.
Zhizhen Zhang, Hala N. ElSohly, Melissa R. Jacob, David S. Pasco, Larry A. Walker, Alice M. Clark. New sesquiterpenoids from the root ofGuatteriamultivenia. Journal of Natural Products, 2002, 65: 856-859.
Zhizhen Zhang, Hala N. ElSohly, Melissa R. Jacob, David S. Pasco, Larry A. Walker, Alice M. Clark. Natural products inhibitingCandida albicanssecreted aspartic proteases fromTovomita krukovii.Planta Medica, 2002, 68: 49-54.
Xing-Cong Li, Alpana S. Joshi, Hala N. ElSohly, Shabana I. Khan, Melissa R. Jacob, Zhizhen Zhang, Ikhlas A. Khan, Daneel Ferreira, Larry A. Walker, Sheldon E. Broedel, Jr., Robert E. Raulli, Ronald L. Cihlar. Fatty acid synthase inhibitors from plants: Isolation, structure elucidation, and SAR studies.Journal of Natural Products, 2002, 65: 1909-1914.
Zhizhen Zhang, Hala N. ElSohly, Melissa R. Jacob, David S. Pasco, Larry A. Walker, Alice M. Clark. New indole alkaloids from the bark ofNauclea orientalis.Journal of Natural Products, 2001, 64: 1001-1005.
Zhizhen Zhang, Dean Guo, Junhua Zheng, Kazuo Koike, Zhonghua Jia, Tamotsu Nikaido. Gaulthrins C and D, two new lignans from the roots ofGaultheria yunnanensis.Heterocycles, 2000, 53: 675-679.
Zhizhen Zhang, Kazuo Koike, Zhonghua Jia, Tamotsu Nikaido, Dean Guo, Junhua Zheng. New saponins from the seeds ofAesculus chinensis.Chemical &Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1999, 47: 1515-1520.
Zhizhen Zhang, Dean Guo, Changling Li, Junhua Zheng, Kazuo Koike, Zhonghua Jia, Tamotsu Nikaido. Gaultherins A and B, two lignans fromGaultheria yunnanensis.Phytochemistry, 1999, 51: 469-472.
Zhizhen Zhang, Kazuo Koike, Zhonghua Jia, Tamotsu Nikaido, Dean Guo, Junhua Zheng. Triterpenoidal saponins fromGleditsia sinensis.Phytochemistry, 1999, 52: 715-722.
Zhizhen Zhang, Kazuo Koike, Zhonghua Jia, Tamotsu Nikaido, Dean Guo, Junhua Zheng. Gleditsiosides N-Q, New triterpenoid saponins fromGleditsia sinensis.Journal of Natural Products, 1999, 62: 877-881.
Zhizhen Zhang, Kazuo Koike, Zhonghua Jia, Tamotsu Nikaido, Dean Guo, Junhua Zheng. Four new triterpenoidal saponins acylated with one monoterpenic acid fromGleditsia sinensis.Journal of Natural Products, 1999, 62: 740-745.
Zhizhen Zhang, Kazuo Koike, Zhonghua Jia, Tamotsu Nikaido, Dean Guo, Junhua Zheng. Triterpenoidal saponins acylated with two monoterpenic acids fromGleditsia sinensis. Chemical &Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1999, 47: 388-393.
Zhizhen Zhang, Dean Guo, Changling Li, Junhua Zheng, Kazuo Koike, Zhonghua Jia, Tamotsu Nikaido. Two diterpenoids from the roots ofGaultheria yunnanensis.Journal of Natural Products, 1999, 62: 297-298.
張治針、陳璐、梁英、連曉媛,鹼菀酯A及其衍生物的製備和醫藥用途,專利號: ZL201510154546.7,專利授權日:2017年8月4日。
張治針、葉雪威、梁英、連曉媛,一種含有米氏海參皂苷A的組合物及製備和用途,專利號ZL201410388698.9,專利授權日: 2017年02月15日。
張治針、虞斯然、陳璐、連曉媛,米氏海參皂苷A及製備和用途,專利號: ZL201410210807.8,專利授權日: 2016年01月20日。
張治針、虞斯然、葉雪威、連曉媛,一種環氧甾醇組合物及製備和用途,專利號: ZL201310635127.6,專利授權日:2015年05月27日。
張治針、馬明珠、葛恆菊、連曉媛,海洋青黴倍半萜內酯抗腫瘤活性物質及製備和用途,申請號: 201911144028.1,申請日2019年11月20日。
張治針、陳夢宣、宋騰飛、連曉媛,抗膠質瘤活性物質青黴鹼醚A的製備和用途,申請號: 201910391924.1,申請日2019年05月13日。




