Yonghua Zhang, Joongku Lee, Xuelian Liu*,Zhongshuai Sun*, The first complete chloroplast genome of
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Yonghua Zhang#,Shengqin Wang#, Weiguo Qian, Yijian Shi, Nan Li, XiufengYan, Huixi Zou*, MingjiangWu*, Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of
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Yonghua Zhang, Ian J. Wang, Hans Peter Comes, Hua Peng, YingxiongQiu*, Contributions of historical and contemporary geographic and environmentalfactors to phylogeographic structure in a Tertiary relict species,
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(6) Na Yuan, Hans PeterComes, Yanan Cao, Rui Guo,
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(5) Yunrui Mao, Yonghua Zhang, Koh Nakamura, Bicai Guan,Yingxiong Qiu*, Developing DNA barcodes for species identification in Podophylloideae (Berberidaceae) , Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2014, 52(4):478~499
(4) Weiwei Ma, ShengnanZhai, Yonghua Zhang, Yingxiong Qiu*,Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for Emmenopterys henryi (Rubiaceae) , a raretree from China, American Journal of Botany, 2012, 99(4): e179~e181
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2. 國際科技合作項目,3151101152,中國-日本暖溫帶森林關鍵類群譜系與遺傳多樣性形成機制與遺傳資源保護,2015/01-2018/12,200萬,參加;
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