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  • 中文名:張永亮
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:微生物學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學
  • 職稱:教授


2005.9 - 2010.6 中國農業大學 生物學院 微生物學 博士
2001.9 - 2005.6 山東師範大學 生命科學學院 生物技術 本科
2014.01 - 2019.12 中國農業大學生物學院 副教授
2019.01 - 2019.03 UC Davis, 訪問學者
2017.08 - 2018.10 UC Davis, 訪問學者
2013.03 - 2013.08 UC Berkeley, 訪問學者
2010.07 - 2013.12 中國農業大學生物學院 講師


植物先天免疫機理(Plant innate immunity),重點關注抗性基因 (R基因-Bsr1和N) 識別效應因子的分子機制。
植物-病毒互作(Plant-virus interaction),重點利用系統生物學手段研究病毒複製、移動以及包裝的分子機理。


病毒的開發和利用 (本科生)



在國內外重要學術刊物上發表SCI研究論文34篇,其中(共同)第一或通訊作者13篇,分別發表在Nature Communications,PLoS Pathogens,Plant Physiology,Plant Biotechnology Journal,Journal of Virology等雜誌上,單篇引用率超過100的通訊作者文章1篇。
1. Yongliang Zhang*, Gaoyuan Song, Neeraj K. Lal, Ugrappa Nagalakshmi, Yuanyuan Li, Wenjie Zheng, Pin-jui Huang, Tess C. Branon, Alice Y. Ting, Justin W. Walley* and Savithramma P. Dinesh-Kumar*. TurboID-based proximity labeling reveals that UBR7 is a regulator of N NLR immune receptor-mediated immunity. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 3252. (This article has been recommended in F1000Prime as being of special significance in its field by F1000 Faculty Member Dr. Darrell Desveaux)
2. Kun Zhang†, Yongliang Zhang†, Meng Yang, Songyu Liu, Zhenggang Li, Xianbing Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li*. The Barley stripe mosaic virus γb protein promotes chloroplast-targeted replication by enhancing unwinding of RNA duplexes. PLoS Pathogens, 2017, 13(4): e1006319. († 共同第一作者)
3. Xuejiao Jin, Zhihao Jiang, Kun Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Xiuling Cao, Ning Yue, Xueting Wang, Xuan Zhang, Yunqin Li, Dawei Li, Byung-Ho Kang, and Yongliang Zhang*. Three-dimensional analysis of chloroplast structures associated with virus infection. Plant Physiology, 2018, 176: 282-294. (*通訊作者)
4. Xiuling Cao, Xuejiao Jin, Xiaofeng Zhang, Ying Li, Chunyan Wang, Xianbing Wang, Jian Hong, Xiaofeng Wang, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. Morphogenesis of the ER membrane-invaginated vesicles during Beet black scorch virus infection: The role of auxiliary replication protein and new implications of three-dimensional architecture. Journal of Virology, 2015, 89(12): 6184-6195. (Articles of significant interest selected from this issue by the editors). (*通訊作者)
5. Yongliang Zhang, Jiang Li, Heng Pu, Jin Jin, Xiaofeng Zhang, Mingkuan Chen, Bin Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li. Development of Tobacco necrosis virus A as a vector for efficient and stable expression of FMDV VP1 peptides. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2010, 8(4): 506-523. (第一作者)
6. Zhaolei Li†, Zhihao Jiang†, Xinxin Yang, Ning Yue, Xueting Wang, Kun Zhang, Andrew O. Jackson, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. Construction of an infectious Poa semilatent virus cDNA clone and comparisons of hordeivirus cytopathology and pathogenicity. Phytopathology, 2019
7. Jiacheng Hu, Shaoya Li, Zhaolei Li, Huiyuan Li, Weibin Song, Haiming Zhao, Jinsheng Lai, Lanqin Xia, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. A Barley stripe mosaic virus-based guide RNA delivery system for targeted mutagenesis in wheat and maize. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2019, DOI: 10.1111mpp.128 49. (*通訊作者)
8. Kun Zhang†, Shaofang Niu†, Dianping Di, Lindan Shi, Deshui Liu, Xiuling Cao, Hongqin Miao Xianbing Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. Selection of reference genes for gene expression studies in virus-infected monocots using quantitative real-time PCR. Journal of Biotechnology, 2013, 168(1): 7-14. (*通訊作者)
9. Xuejiao Jin, Xiuling Cao, Xueting Wang, Jun Jiang, Juan Wan, Jean-Francois Laliberte*, Yongliang Zhang*. Three-dimensional architecture and biogenesis of membrane structures associated with plant virus replication. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 57. (*共同通訊作者)
10. Deshui Liu†, Lindan Shi†, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. Validation of reference genes for gene expression studies in virus-infected Nicotiana benthamiana using quantitative real-time PCR. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(9): e46451. (SCI高被引用論文,他引>100次). (*通訊作者)
11. Zhihao Jiang†, Zhaolei Li†, Ning Yue, Kun Zhang, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. Construction of infectious clones of lychnis ringspot virus and evaluation of its relationship with barley stripe mosaic virus by reassortment of genomic RNA segments. Virus Research, 2018, 243: 106–109. (*通訊作者)
12. Xiaoling Wang†, Xiuling Cao†, Min Liu, Ruiqi Zhang, Xin Zhang, Zongyu Gao, Xiaofei Zhao, Kai Xu, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. Hsc70-2 is required for Beet black scorch virus infection through interaction with replication and capsid proteins. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 4526. (*通訊作者)
13. Junying Liu, Huiyan Fan, Ying Wang, Yongliang Zhang*, Dawei Li, Jialin Yu, Chenggui Han*. Characterization of microRNAs of Beta macrocarpa and their responses to Beet necrotic yellow vein virus infection. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(10): e0186500. (*共同通訊作者)
14. Thi-Sau Dinh, Cuiji Zhou, Xiuling Cao, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. The complete genome sequence of southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus isolated from Vietnam. The Plant Pathology Journal, 2012, 28(4): 428-432. (*通訊作者)






Member of the American Society for Virology (ASV)
Member of the American Phytopathological Society (APS)
Member of the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)


2018年 中國植物病理學會青年科學家獎
2014年 河北省科技進步二等獎(排名第7)
2014年 中國農業大學優秀班主任
2012年 中國農業大學教學成果一等獎(排名第7)
2005年 山東濟南高聯培訓學校高分學員獎


