張椿雨,男,漢族,1973年2 月出生。華中農業大學植物科學技術學院副教授、碩士生導師。
- 中文名:張椿雨
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
開設課程: 遺傳學
職稱: 副教授
研究方向: 1.油菜遺傳育種
學位: 理學博士 。
2.教育部優秀創新團隊, 參與, 教育部;
3.油菜功能基因組學研究, 參與, 湖北省。
1. M. Li, Z. Li, C. Zhang, W. Qian, J. Meng. Reproduction and cytogenetic characterization of interspecific hybrids derived from crosses between Brasscia carinata and B. rapa. Theor Appl Genet, 2005 110: 1284–1289.
2. 栗茂騰,張椿雨,李宗芸,孟金陵。衣索比亞芥與白菜型油菜間六倍體雜種的獲得及其生物學特性研究.作物學報,2005,31(12): 1579-1585.
3. C. Zhang and J. Meng. The Promoter of the Gene Encoding the C3 Form of P-Protein of Glycine Decarboxylase Directs Mesophyll-Specific and Bundle Sheath-Specific Expression in the Transgenic C3-C4 Moricandia Arvensis. Joint Meeting of the 14th Crucifer Genetics Workshop and the 4th ISHS Symposium on brassica, 2004.
4. C. Zhang, G. Xu, R. Huang, C. Chen and J. Meng. A dominant gdcP-specific marker derived from Moricandia nitens used for introducing the C3-C4 character from M. nitens into Brassica crops. Plant Breeding, 2004,123, 438—443.