



  • 中文名:張松涵
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1988年5月
  • 畢業院校西南交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:工學博士
  • 專業方向:結構振動與波傳播
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 學科:結構工程


2021.12 - 至今:大連理工大學,建設工程學部,土木工程學院,副教授
2018.11 - 2021.11:四川大學,建築與環境學院,助理研究員
2016.09 - 2018.02 比利時魯汶大學(KU Leuven),土木工程系,CSC聯合培養博士
2013.09 - 2018.06 西南交通大學,土木工程學院,橋樑與隧道工程,工學博士
2011.09 - 2013.09 西南交通大學,力學與工程學院,工程力學,工學碩士
2009.07 - 2011.06 四川公路橋樑建設集團有限公司,華東分公司,助理工程師
2005.09 - 2009.06 西南科技大學,土木工程與建築學院,本科


  1. 複雜介質內部缺陷的精細化探測(聚焦超聲導波計算與反演)
  2. 柔性纜索橋樑的動力學性能推演(聚焦動態分析與參數識別)


1.基於Lamb波局域模態的混凝土板損傷評估, 教育部重點實驗室開放課題項目,2022.04 - 2024.04,主持,在研
2.非均質薄板的 Lamb 波局域模態形成機理及其損傷評估套用,省重點實驗室開放課題項目,2022.03 - 2023.03,主持,在研
3.超聲導波局域模態用於結構損傷超解析度探測的原理及方法,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2021.01 - 2023.12,主持,在研
4. 漂浮式海洋風電平台錨索系統健康監測研究,中央高校基本科研業務費項目(參與,2018.08–2019.12)
5. 纜索截面非線性靜動力彎曲試驗研究及工程套用,國家自然基金面上項目(參與,2015.01–2015.06)
6. 銀川濱河黃河大橋工程主橋、西岸水中引橋、主線跨線橋施工監控(參與,2014.06–2015.05)
7. 鐵路懸索橋合理施工工序及施工、運營階段非線性分析研究(參與,2014.04–2014.09)
8. 鐵路懸索橋關鍵設計參數研究(參與,2014.04–2014.06)
9. 大跨徑多塔懸索橋核心技術研究(參與,2014.03–2014.05)
10. 海上大跨度橋樑建造相關技術研究(參與,2013.12–2014.03)
11. 重慶地區變電站、配電房結構傳聲治理研究(參與,2011.04–2013.04)


  1. Wanqiu Huang, Kaoshan Dai, Songhan Zhang*. Exploiting evanescent bending waves for the identification of near-boundary cracks in slender beams. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023, 547: 117530.
2. Kaoshan Dai, Zhe Jiang, Chao Fang, Peidong Li, Songhan Zhang*. A tuned cable-inerter system for vibration reduction of towers. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 248: 108199.
3. Lanying Luo, Yanliang Du, Tinghua Yi*, Chunxu Qu, Songhan Zhang, Tiesuo Geng. Piecewise-fitted formula for cable force identification considering bending stiffness, sag and inclination. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2023, 28(7): 04023038.
4. Shiwei Lin, Yanliang Du, Tinghua Yi*, Songhan Zhang, Donghui Yang. A multiscale modeling and updating framework for suspension bridges based on modal frequencies and influence lines. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2023, 28(7): 04023042.
5. Jincheng Yu, Tinghua Yi*, Songhan Zhang, Hongnan Li, Yafei Wang, Xiudao Mei. Automatic quantiative identification of bridge surface cracks based on deep learning. Journal of Performace of Constructed Facilities, 2023, 37(1): 04022072.
6. Songhan Zhang, Wei Fan*, Caijin Yang. Semi-analytical solution to the steady-state periodic dynamic response of an infinite beam carrying a moving vehicle. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2022, 226: 107409.
7. Wei Fan, Songhan Zhang*, W. D. Zhu, H. Zhu. An efficient dynamic formulation for the vibration analysis of a multi-span power transmission line excited by a moving deicing robot. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 103, 619-635.
8. Kaoshan Dai, Jiawei Tang, Songhan Zhang*. An integrated equivalent tuned-mass-inerter vibration absorber and its optimal design. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2022: e3089.
9. Songhan Zhang, Wei Fan*. An efficient semi-analytical formulation for the Lamb-like waves in layered waveguides based on global discretization. Computers & Structures, 2021, 249, 106514.
10. Kaoshan Dai, Chao Fang, Songhan Zhang*, Yuanfeng Shi. Conceptual design and numerical study on a cable based energy dissipating system for the vibration reduction of tower-like structures. Engineering Structures, 2021, 237, 112034.
11. Songhan Zhang*, Ruili Shen, Yuan Wang, Guido De Roeck, Geert Lombaert, Kaoshan Dai. A two-step methodology for cable force identification. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 472, 115201.
12. Kaoshan Dai, Dan Lu, Songhan Zhang*, Yuanfeng Shi, Jiayao Meng, Zhenhua Huang. Study on the damping ratios of reinforced concrete structures from seismic response records. Engineering Structures, 2020, 223: 111143.
13. Songhan Zhang*, Ruili Shen, Kaoshan Dai, Lu Wang, Guido De Roeck, Geert Lombaert. A methodology for cable damage identification based on wave decomposition. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 442: 527-551.
14. Songhan Zhang*, Ruili Shen, Tao Wang, Guido De Roeck, Geert Lombaert. A two-step FEM-SEM approach for wave propagation analysis in cable structures. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 415: 41-58.


1. 國家自然科學基金函評專家
2. Topic Editor:Special Advances in Intelligent Construction, Operation and Maintainance
3. SCI 期刊審稿人:
- Engineering
- Structural Health Monitoring - An International Journal
- Journal of Sound and Vibration
- Computers & Structures
- Journal of Bridge Engineering
- Advances in Structural Engineering
- Measurement
- Applied Sciences




1. 王路, 沈銳利, 王淵, 張松涵, 王昌將. 一種用於懸索橋主鞍座的主纜分層抗滑構造: ZL 2017 2 0625504.1, 2018-01-16.
2. 徐祿文, 何國軍, 高芳清, 范晨光, 孫春平, 張松涵, 鄒岸新. 基於複合式隔振裝置的結構傳聲控制方法: ZL 2012 1 0569290.2, 2014-08-27.


