1999年 四川大學高分子材料科學與工程學院獲學士學位
2002年 四川大學高分子材料國家重點實驗室獲碩士學位
2005年–2006年 被中國科學院化學研究所高分子物理與化學國家重點實驗室聘為助理研究員
2006年–2010年 美國國家標準技術局的聚合物部門從事博士後工作
主要從事高分子化學,物理,軟物質納米科學和技術的相關交叉領域研究。2005年以來已在國際知名的SCI期刊如ACS Nano、Advanced Materials, Macromolecules、Soft Matter、The Journal of Chemical Physics、Macromolecular Rapid Communications等上發表論文14篇。2007年獲得國家級獎項一項[中國分析測試協會科學技術獎(CAIA獎)]。在ACS Nano上發表的一系列論文被主編予以高度評價,並被要求撰寫進一步工作進展文章。被Soft Matter雜誌邀請撰寫Highlight文章。在美國國家技術標準技術局(National Institute of Standards & Technology)的工作發表後就引起了注意,隨即被美國化學會(ACS)的C&E News作為Highlight進行了報導。參加過多次國外重要化學,物理及高分子科學學術會議。
1. Xiaohua Zhang,Jack F. Douglas, Ronald L.Jones, Influence of Film Casting Method on Block Copolymer Ordering in Thin Films. Soft Matter, 2012,8,4980-4987.
2. Xiaohua Zhang,Kevin G. Yager, Nathaniel J. Fredin, Hyun Wook Ro, Jack F. Douglas, Ronald L. Jones, Alamgir Karim Thermally-Reversible Surface Morphology Transition in Thin Diblock Copolymer Films.ACS Nano 2010, 4, 3653–3660.
3. Xiaohua Zhang, Kevin G. Yager, Shuhui Kang, Nathaniel J. Fredin, Bulent Akgun, Sushil Satija, Jack F. Douglas, Alamgir Karim and Ronald L. Jones, Solvent Retention in Thin Spin-Coated Polystyrene and Poly(methyl methacrylate) Homopolymer Films Studied By Neutron Reflectometry.Macromolecules2010, 43, 1117–1123.
4. Xiaohua Zhang, Silvia H. Lacerda, Kevin G. Yager, Brian C. Berry, Jack F.Douglas, Ronald L. Jones and Alamgir Karim,Target Patterns Induced by Fixed Nanoparticles in Block Copolymer films. ACS Nano 2009, 3, 2115–2120.
This paper was highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News, 2009, 87(31), 27.
5. Xiaohua Zhang,Brian C. Berry, Kevin G. Yager, Sangcheol Kim, Ronald L. Jones, Sushil Satija, Deanna L. Pickel, Jack F. Douglas and Alamgir Karim, Surface Morphology Diagram for Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymer Thin Films. ACS Nano 2008, 2, 2331-2341.
6. Xiaohua Zhang, Zhigang Wang, Ruoyu Zhang and Charles C. Han, Effect of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation on the Lamellar Crystal Morphology in PEH/PEB Blend.Macromolecules2006, 39, 9285-9290.
7. Xiaohua Zhang,Zhigang Wang and Charles C. Han, Fine Structures in Phase-Separated Domains of a Polyolefin Blend via Spinodal Decomposition.Macromolecules 2006, 39, 7441-7445.
8. Xiaohua Zhang, Zhigang Wang,Xia Dong,Dujin Wang andCharles C. Han, Interplay between two phase transitions: Crystallization and liquid-liquid phase separation in a polyolefin blend. J. Chem. Phys. 2006, 125, 024907.
9. Xiaohua Zhang, Zhigang Wang, M. Muthukumar and Charles C. Han, Fluctuation-assisted crystallization: In a simultaneous phase separation and crystallization polyolefin blend system. Macromol. Rapid. Commun. 2005, 26, 1285-1288.