

男,1976 年生,江西萬年人, 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所研究員。


  • 中文名:張揚建
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1976年
  • 畢業院校:喬治亞大學
  • 出生地:江西萬年


2004年在喬治亞大學(the university of Georgia, Athens, GA)獲得博士學位。 2009年入選中國科學院“百人計畫”。回國前在美國羅格斯大學(即新澤西州立大學), 密蘇禮大學從事博士後研究,和羅格斯大學(紐瓦克分校)任研究助理教授 (Research assistant professor)。


主要從事全球生態學, 景觀生態學和生態學模型方面的研究。目前他的研究方向主要是套用遙感, GIS, 生態模型 和空間統計分析技術來探討在全球變化和人類活動干擾急劇增加的背景下生態系統格局和功能的變化。 已發表SCI論文10 余篇。


?1. Zhang, Y., Xu, M., Chen, H., Adams, M. J. 2009. Global pattern of NPP/GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecosystem types, locations and climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 18: 280-290。 Featured article.
2. Adams, M. J., Zhang Y. 2009. Is there more insect herbivory in warmer temperate climates? A latitudinal comparison of temperate forest herbivory in eastern North America, estimated from early summer leaves. Journal of Ecology. 97, 933-940.(通訊作者).
3. Adams, M.J. Green, W., Zhang Y. 2008. Leaf margins and temperature in the North American flora: Recalibrating the paleoclimatic thermometer. Global and Planetary Change. 60, 523-534. (共同第一作者).
4. Zhang, Y., He H. S., Yang J. 2008. The Wildland-Urban Interface dynamics in the southeastern U.S. from 1990 to 2000. Landscape and Urban Planning. 85, 155-162.
5. Zhang, Y., Tarrant, M.A., Green, G.T. 2008. The Importance of Differentiating Urban and Rural Phenomena in Examining the Unequal Distribution of Locally Desirable Land. Journal of Environmental Management. 88, 1314-1319.
6. Zhang, Y., Xu, M., Adams, M.J., Wang, X. 2009.Can Landsat imagery detect tree line dynamics? International Journal of Remote Sensing. 30,1327-1340.
7. Zhang, Y., He, H.S. Dijak, W.D., Yang, J., Shifley, S.R., Palik, B.J. 2009. Integration of satellite imagery and forest inventory in mapping dominant and associated species at a regional scale. Environmental Management. 44,312-323.
8. Zhang, Y., Wimberly, M. 2007. The importance of scale in using hierarchical census data to identify the wildland-urban interface. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 31(3), 138-147.
9. Adams, M.J., Zhang, Y., Nor, H.M. Do tropical forest leaves suffer more insect herbivory? A comparison of tropical versus temperate herbivory, estimated from leaf litter. Ecological Research. 通訊作者.
10. Adams, M.J., Rehill, B., Zhang, Y., Gower, J. 2009. A test of the latitudinal defense hypothesis: herbivory, tannins and total phenolics in four North American tree species. Ecological Research. 24, 697-704.
11. Wimberly, M. C., Zhang, Y. Stanturf, J.A. GIS application in the wildland-urban interface. Book chapter in Computer Applications in Sustainable Forest Management" (edited by Shao G. and Reynolds K). Springer-Verlag 2006.
12. 張揚建, 代力民, 潘潔, 2001. The impact of elevated temperature on the tree line of Changbai Mountain. Journal of Forestry Research. 40: 19-23.


