- 中文名:張拿慧
- 畢業院校:大連海事大學、浙江工業大學、大連大學
- 職業:教師
- 任職單位:上海海洋大學
2009.09 ~ 2013.12,大連海事大學,輪機工程專業,博士
2006.09 ~ 2009.07,浙江工業大學,化學工程專業,碩士
2002.09 ~ 2006.07,大連大學,化學工程與工藝專業,學士
2014.07 ~ 至今,上海海洋大學工作
[1] 國家工信部高技術船舶科研項目,船舶防污染重點標準研究,2017.01 ~ 2018.12
[2] 國家工信部高技術船舶科研項目,船舶尾氣(SOX、NOX、PM)一體化後處理複合系統及樣機研製,2016.01 ~ 2020.12
[3]上海市青少年海洋科學研究院課題,船舶壓載水中三態氮及其形態分布,2016.6 ~ 2016.12
[4]上海高校青年教師培養資助計畫,O3/H2O2處理船舶壓載水生成溴酸鹽的機理研究,2015.1 ~ 2016.12
[5]上海海洋大學博士啟動基金,船舶壓載水中化學副產物的人體暴露途徑與健康效應評價,2014.10 ~ 2016.9
[1] 2018年5月,獲2017年上海海洋大學校級課程思政微課比賽二等獎
[2] 2016年12月,獲上海海洋大學青年教師講課比賽三等獎
[3] 2014年5月,獲海洋科學技術一等獎“海洋入侵赤潮生物規模化快速經濟處理新技術”
[4] 2013年12月,獲遼寧省技術發明一等獎“基於大氣壓強電離放電的規模快速致死海洋入侵生物技術及套用”
[1] Ying Zhu, Yun Ling, Ziran Peng, Nahui Zhang. Formation of emerging iodinated disinfection by-products during ballast water treatment based on ozonation processes.Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 743: 14805.
[2] Nahui Zhang, Yidan Wang, Junzeng Xue, Lin Yuan, Qiong Wang, Liang Liu, Huixian Wu, Kefeng Hu. Risk assessment of human health from exposure to the discharged ballast water after full-scale electrolysis treatment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2016, 77:192-199.
[3] Nahui Zhang, Kefeng Hu, Baohua Shan. Ballast water treatment using UV/TiO2 advanced oxidation processes: an approach to invasive species prevention. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2014, 243: 7-13.
[4] Nahui Zhang, Yubo Zhang, Mindong Bai, Zhitao Zhang, Cao Chen, Xiangying Meng. Risk assessment of marine environments from ballast water discharges with laboratory-scale hydroxyl radicals’ treatment in Tianjin Harbor, China. Journal of Environmental Management. 2014, 145: 122-128.
[5] Nahui Zhang, Bin Ma, Jiaxin Li, Zhitao Zhang. Factors affecting formation of chemical by-products during ballast water treatment based on an advanced oxidation process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013, 231: 427-433.
[6] Nahui Zhang, Zhitao Zhang, Mindong Bai, Cao Chen, Xiangying Meng, Yiping Tian. Evaluation of the ecotoxicity and biological efficacy of ship’s ballast water treatment based on hydroxyl radicals technique. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2012, 64: 2742-2748.
[7] Yubo Zhang, Mindong Bai, Cao Chen, Xiangying Meng, Yiping Tian, Nahui Zhang, Zhe Yu. •OH treatment for killing of harmful organisms in ship’s ballast water with medium salinity based on strong ionization discharge. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. 2013, 33(4): 751-763.
[8] Mindong Bai, Zhitao Zhang, Nahui Zhang, Yiping tian, Cao Chen, Xiangying Meng. Treatment of 250 t/h ballast water in oceanic ships using ·OH radicals based on strong electric-field discharge. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. 2012, 32(4): 693-702.
[9] Zhitao Zhang, Mindong Bai, Xianli Yang, Nahui Zhang. Study on the fast killing of harmful microorganisms in air space using •OH fogdrops based on strong electric-field discharge plasma. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2011, 39(8): 1701-1705.
[10] 張拿慧, 朱熒, 王煒, 凌雲. 船舶壓載水處理產生化學副產物安全閾值研究. 環境科學與技術, 2020, 43(2): 220-226.
[11] 張拿慧, 朱熒, 白韜光, 凌雲, 彭自然. 基於O3/H2O2處理船舶壓載水過程中形成溴酸鹽的研究. 船舶工程,2019,41(2):69-72.
[12] 張拿慧, 胡巍, 朱熒, 凌雲, 彭自然. 低溫電漿技術去除船舶尾氣脫硫洗滌水處理中萘的動力學研究. 船舶工程,2019,41(1):95-98.
[13] 張拿慧, 朱熒, 盛偉群, 凌雲, 彭自然. 低溫電漿技術去除船舶尾氣脫硫洗滌水中多環芳烴的研究. 船舶工程,2018,40(12):1-4.
[14] 張拿慧, 李佳, 陳穎鑫, 凌雲. 微藻計數及壓載水藻類生長抑制毒性試驗方法. 船舶工程,2018,40(12):5-9.